Stories by Melodist
Innocent Heart, Guilty Memories
In a fit of remembered rage, Joseph, reclaiming his memories as Magneto, destroys the mansion and kills many of the X-Men. This series takes place during the years afterwards.
"Innocent Heart, Guilty Memories" -- Five years in the future, Rogue reflects on the deaths and final fates of the X-Men.
"Imaginary Friend" - Rogue's daughter Rhemada tells her about her imaginary friend, the Cat Man.
"The Ever-Changing Winds" - Storm looks back on what happened to the X-Men and reflects on what has happened since.
"Nothing More" - The fate of Professor Charles Xavier.
E-mail: melodist@proaxis.com |
Innocent Heart,
Guilty Memories
by Melodist
In a fit of remembered rage, Joseph, reclaiming
his memories as Magneto, destroys the mansion and kills many
of the X-Men. This series takes place during the years afterwards.
"Innocent Heart, Guilty Memories"
Five years in the future, Rogue reflects on the deaths and
final fates of the X-Men.
"The Damned Have No Right to
by Alara Rogers
A companion piece to Melodist's story, from the point of view
of the man who killed the X-Men.
"Imaginary Friend"
Rogue's daughter Rhemada tells her about her imaginary friend,
the Cat Man.
"The Ever-Changing Winds"
Storm looks back on what happened to the X-Men and reflects
on what has happened since.
"Nothing Matters"
The fate of Professor Charles Xavier.
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