The Resurrection Gauntlet
by Onyx
Chapter 4: INTO THE FIRE
For the second time that day, Magnus was surprised.
He had hardly re-entered the complex, Madelyne at his side,
when Bobby Drake and Lorna Dane has had descended on him with
astounding news.
"Illyana's alive?" he asked in disbelief. "Here?"
"I found her in Phoenix, about to get crushed by a Sentinel,"
Lorna supplied. "She had already taken one blast from
it when I found her, but she seems to be recovering nicely
in the med-lab."
"But how?" he asked, trying to assimilate the information,
make it more real in his mind. Illyana had been one of the
New Mutants while he was headmaster at Xavier's Institute,
perhaps the only New Mutant with which he'd had anything in
common. Her constant struggle against the darker side of her
soul had formed something of a bond between them, since he
had often fought the same war with himself. And Illyana, like
he, in the end, had given all that was best and brightest
in her soul to save the world. The only difference was that
it had cost her all of her power and regressed her to the
form of a child again. Not more than a year later, she had
died, another victim of the Legacy Virus. That he knew, for
he cringed deep inside at the memory of defiling her funeral
with battle. That one event had set so many others in motion
... the least of which was not that her older brother, Colossus,
had lost his faith in Xaviers dream and had joined Magneto's
own Acolytes.
"We do not know, Magnus," Lorna's voice interrupted
his musings. "She has only just become conscious. We
thought you might wish to speak with her first, since of all
of us, you know her best."
He nodded, and without a further word moved down the hall
toward the med-lab, leaving Lorna and Bobby to gape at the
red-headed woman who had stood silent, unnoticed, behind him
all this time.
"Hello," Madelyne purred teasingly. "Miss
Magnus entered the med-lab and caught his breath. It was,
indeed, Illyana Rasputin, there was no mistaking her. He paused
a moment, simply staring at her as her eyes lifted to meet
She was a little older than he remembered her, perhaps 18,
but her face still glowed with the freshness of youth despite
the fact that she was still pale from her ordeal. She looked
in almost perfect health, unchanged since last he had seen
save for a physical feature or two. The honey blond hair fell
further down her back now, and she stood fully at about 5'7.
But it was her eyes that he remembered more than anything
else, those eyes that had held far too much wisdom and burden
for one so young. Those, too, remained the same.
They stood in silence, staring at each other for a moment
longer. What could he say to her? Magnus wondered. After all
this time ... .
And then he saw the sadness, the confusion in her eyes, and
he knew.
"Welcome home, Illyana."
Siryn groaned and sat up, holding one hand to the side of
her head. She didn't know what had just happened, except that
the world had seemed to explode in flames all around her.
In fact, the flames were still burning, she realized as she
pulled herself to her feet in the decimated control center.
That could only mean they were under attack.
She stopped, forcing herself to calm against the tide of
panic that threatened to claim her, listening intently for
any sound of battle. Whether the crackling of the flames impaired
her hearing, or there was nothing to be heard, she could not
tell, but only silence met her ears above the burning. But
where were Rahne and the others? she wondered frantically.
She didn't know how long she had been unconscious, but it
seemed they should have been launching some kind of counter-attack
against their unknown foes by now.
She didn't want to think about why they might not be able
Wiping the blood and sweat from her eyes, she ignored the
dull throb in her temple as she moved to the communications
comm, praying that it was still intact enough to make one
last call-and then the world turned upside down. She felt
as though she were being twisted inside out, falling, her
lurching in protest to the sensations that seemed to spin
her body and perceptions out of control. Sagging against the
console, she heard the tinkling sound of female laughter,
as if from very far away as she fought to control her body.
"Got her, Scalphunter," that same, light, female
voice spoke aloud.
And then Siryn knew who she faced, knew why the rest of her
team was conspicuously absent. Gritting her teeth, she used
all of her will to focus on the comm panel. Her fingers felt
thick and clumsy, barely responding to her commands, but she
couldn't let that stop her, not when so many lives depended
on her. The code burned brightly in her brain, a distant voice
yammering at her, urging her to hurry even as her fingers
moved sluggishly over the number pad.
"Good work, Vertigo," came a man's voice, thick
and sinister through the fog in Siryn's brain, and then she
knew she was done for.
A spray of bullets erupted into the otherwise silent night.
In the back of her feral mind, Rahne knew she was hurt badly.
She could smell the singed fur of her shoulder, the slowly
drying blood that still flowed from the wound. But more overpowering
was the taste and scent of the blood in her mouth from the
man who had hit her with the energy harpoon. There was little
but shreds left of him, now, and still her bloodlust was not
Crouching down on all fours in her hybrid wolf form, she
watched from the shadows as Vertigo laughed merrily at Siryn's
predicament. She wanted to leap at the weak woman, tear her
throat out while she still laughed, watch as the light slowly
left her eyes. But she dared not do that, yet. The man was
the greater threat, and she would have to deal with him first.
She waited until they stood close together, almost too close,
and watched with her golden eyes as the man lifted his weapon
against her friend and leader. She crouched lower, powerful
muscles coiling tightly with strength yearning to be released,
her sharp teeth bared as her muzzle drew back in a snarl,
and leaped with all her might.
It happened so fast, Siryn was barely able to follow it in
her sluggish state. She had begun to turn toward Scalphunter,
at least wanting to face her attacker face to face before
she died-and then suddenly, the room erupted in snarling fury
and fur.
With incredible control, Rahne landed on Scalphunter's back,
teeth firmly embedded in his neck even as she kicked out to
the side with her powerful back feet, sending Vertigo flying
across the room. She wasted not a second on triumph though,
ignoring the cries of pain from the man beneath her as she
sank her teeth deeper, feeling for the bone beneath the muscle.
Finding it, she ripped and twisted with one powerful motion
of her jaws, not so much severing his head as tearing it from
his shoulders. Grunting in satisfaction, she spat out the
head and watched as the body twitched once and went still.
She had accomplished her goal; the round of fire intended
for Siryn had gone wide when Rahne hit him, lodging uselessly
in the ceiling. With one look at her teammate to be sure she
was alright, the wolf-woman turned her vicious attention toward
Vertigo, who lay unmoving against the far wall of the control
center. It was then that Siryn recovered her senses and the
nausea subsided. Even as she
hurriedly turned back to the console and punched in the code,
she heard footsteps thundering down the hall outside. That
could only mean the rest, and biggest, of the Marauders had
Magnus had barely had time to more than greet Illyana when
the distress call came through. Patched into the main speaker
system through a special code, fuzzy and static filled though
they were, the few broken words were enough to freeze everyone
in the complex where they stood, their expressions horrified.
" ... Marauders ... .team ... under attack ... help
... "
The moment the communication cut out, he was in action. Moving
to the speaker panel, he slammed one hand on the talk button,
speaking with as much urgency as he ever showed. "Rogue,
get a fix on that signal, now!" He was already certain,
in the pit of his stomach where his hope began to sink, that
he knew where the signal was coming from. He knew that voice,
but he hoped ... Rogue's next words confirmed his worst fears.
"Already on it Magnus." He could hear the hesitation
in her voice, and felt his stomach twist painfully. "It's
comin' from Alpha Flight's base."
"Damn!" Magnus thundered as he slammed a fist into
the wall in a rare display of temper, his blue-grey eyes sparking
with helpless anger. "We'll never reach them in time,"
he muttered sorrowfully to himself as the anger seemed to
drain from him suddenly, leaving him tired and hopeless. The
rest of the X-men were silent as they poured into the hangar,
ready to depart for Canada. From the back of the group, Illyana
stepped forth, seeming sure of herself for the first time
since he had seen her. With something like a smile, she touched
her stomach and drew forth a sword of shimmering light from
it, holding the weapon up before her eyes as if appraising
it. The Soulsword, Magnus realized, the totality of Illyana's
magical power and might. "Oh, yes, we will," she
contradicted him.
Magnus didn't even have a chance to respond before they were
all gone in a flash of light.
There was a flash of light, and then a sense of suddenly
being ... elsewhere. Magnus barely had time to register the
perceptions that danced just at the edge of his awareness.
Dark shapes with glowing eyes, almost demonic as they twisted
and coalesced into strange amalgams. He remembered briefly
that Illyana's teleporting power relied on stopping off in
Limbo before moving on to the eventual destination, and the
reminder that she was still tied to such darkness sent a chill
through him. Then there was no more time for thought as they
materialized in the burning remains of Alpha Flight's base.
Iceman was in action first, ice power covering and killing
the flames easily and clearing a path through the burning
building toward the control room, which Magneto was already
moving toward inside one of his magnetic bubbles at top speed.
Iceman moved in behind him, clearing the path for the others,
Gambit, Rogue, Madelyne and Illyana hot on his heels.
They had almost arrived when the entire building seemed to
shake to its very foundations, bringing down entire sections
of the ceiling, and this time Iceman used his power to try
and catch the debris. But for all his power, there was too
much of it. "That's gotta be Arclight," he hissed,
straining to maintain the ceiling structure and catch all
of the pieces at once. And then, suddenly, the load was lighter.
Pieces of the ceiling began to move back into their proper
places. Perplexed, Iceman risked a glance to see who might
be helping him, and was extremely surprised to find Madelyne
standing by his side. Without a word, they worked in silent
tandem, she replacing the pieces with her telekinesis and
he reinforcing them in place and strengthening the structure
with solid ice. It took only a minute, maybe two, but they
were both aware that every second that passed was precious.
Bobby only hoped that Rogue, Gambit and Magneto would be enough
to keep the Marauders at bay.
The situation in the control room was no less dire. Even
as Magneto entered the room, it began to fall in on him under
Arclights assault. But there was a reason he was called the
master of magnetism. Using only the smallest portion of his
power, he held the impending walls and ceiling at bay, encasing
the entire room in a magnetic bubble. Turning his attention
to the battle scene, he was immediately overcome with a rage
so gripping, in some dim corner of his mind, he was almost
Siryn lay amid the debris of the room, her legs buried in
rubble from what was likely Arclights first assault. From
here, he couldn't tell if she were alive or dead, and Arclight
apparently did not mean to give him the chance to find out.
With a predatory smile, she moved in front of Magnus to engage
him, like a shark circling in on its prey. A moment later,
her smug looked turned to one of surprise as she was bowled
over by Rogue, who flew into her at top speed. The two went
down in a tangle of arms and legs, and Magnus turned his attention
to what concerned him most.
Or tried, anyway.
Riptide began his whirlwind spin, sending shrapnel and shuriken
hurtling throughout the room. Gambit yelled a warning, then
ducked behind one of the large, destroyed pieces of equipment
for cover. Illyana winked out of existence, and Rogue completely
ignored the hail of metal objects, impervious as she was to
their effects. Her uniform was slashed in hundreds of places,
but the skin beneath remained intact as she traded mighty
blows with Arclight. Magnus felt his rage begin to burn like
a living thing within him as the madman Riptide cackled and
sent another wave of sharp objects at him.
With barely a flick of his hand, Magnus turned the tide of
missiles back against their orginator. Riptide barely had
time to look surprised before he was shredded with the sheer
velocity of his own weapons turned back at him. Slowly, the
whirlwind in the room calmed, then died. Of the former Marauder,
there remained only a red stain. Again, Magnus moved toward
Siryn, this time reaching her and kneeling beside her. Touching
her tenderly with the same hand that had only moments ago
meted out merciless death, he felt for her pulse. Then the
room turned inside out.
Gambit saw Magneto go down under Vertigo's assault, but he
had bigger things to worry about. MUCH bigger things, he thought
as Blockbuster lifted him through the air by his neck until
they were face to face. Struggling to breathe, he nonetheless
met the dim-witted Marauder with a glare that could have frozen
the heart of a volcano.
"Why fight us, LeBeau? You use ta be one of us,"
Blockbuster inquired as if he truly didn't understand.
"I was..never ... one of ... you," Gambit spat
vehemently, Blockbuster's statement ripping open a wound he'd
thought closed long ago. The rage he felt at being compared
to these cold-blooded murderers, the guilt he felt for ever
bringing them together, and the sneaking suspicion that he,
in his own way, was no better than them for his part in things,
all welled inside of him with one great burst of kinetic energy.
The first thing Blockbuster noticed was that his head felt
sort of tingly. "What are you doing, LeBeau?" he
asked suspiciously, too thick and dim-witted to catch onto
the truth soon enough to save himself.
"Undoing the biggest mistake I ever made in my life,"
Gambit grunted out as he released the last of his kinetic
energy into the large mans head, then pulled back quickly,
trying to shield his face from the coming blast.
The effect was nothing less than spectacular. For a moment,
Blockbusters head glowed almost as bright as a sun, filled
to brimming with glowing, pink, kinetic energy. Then, it simply
exploded with sickening pop, the remains vaporized as they
hit the air by the sheer power of the charge. Gambits arms
were burnt fairly badly, and his trench coat was ruined, but
he was alive, he thought as he fell to the ground from Blockbusters
lax grip. Gasping for air, he slid to the side quickly to
avoid being crushed by the mans grotesquely huge body as it
hit the floor.
Rogue spared a glance in her lover's direction as she heard
the loud thump of Blockbuster's body against the floor, and
sent him a smile. It cost her. Arclight connected with a right
to her jaw that felt like it snapped her head off. Reeling
backward toward the floor, she had time to think what a fool
she was to take her attention off her enemy like that, and
then the floor came up and seemed to swallow her whole.
"Damn," Gambit hissed as he crawled across the
floor toward the unsuspecting Vertigo. Rogue was out, Magneto
was down for the moment, there was no sign of Illyana, and
he still had two Marauders left to deal with. "My kinda
odds," he whispered to himself with a wry grin. Truth
to tell, there were no odds. He was almost completely drained
of power and weak from the use of so much of it. But Remy
LeBeau always played the hand he was dealt, to the end.
"Vertigo! Behind you!" Arclight shouted.
And as the world spun sickeningly around him, Gambit scarcely
had time for regret as he realized his luck had finally run
Continued in Chapter
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