Stories in this series
"And the Walls Came a'Tumblin' Down"
Remy catches Rogue in the midst of one of her more self-pitying moods and invites
her along on one of his late-night partying jaunts to New York City.
Rogue and Gambit play Bonnie and Clyde.
(Some sexual innuendo)
"So Fast"
Rogue and Gambit experience the pain, disorientation and fear of a major life-changing
17 years after the events in "...Walls...," Rogue
and Gambit, now happily married and with children, reconsider what their happiness
really means.
"Pro Veneratio"
Rogue and Gambit mourn the loss of someone dear.
Disclaimer: The X-Men characters,
and all other recognizable characters are copyright to Marvel
Entertainment Group. This work of FanFiction is not meant
to infringe on that copyright or defame Marvel Comics or the
X-Men and related characters in any way.
Copyright: No copying, distributing or editing of this
material is permitted without the express permission of the
creator, K-Nice, under United States copyright law. Toucha
my stuff and I breaka you face! This is a sequel to "So
Fast" and follows the continuity of "And
the Walls Came Tumblin' Down" and "Happiness
(is in the eye of the beholder)"
Thanks to Araignee and Matai for their betas and suggestions.
The dank smell of spring falling into decay was nearly overpowered
by the cold scent of granite and marble. Stone anchored her
to the earth, kept her from floating off into the terrible
pain in her heart. She continued to sit, her head bowed, staring,
without seeing, at the rows and rows of names. She was in
the Lebeau family's crypt, nestled in guarded area of a private
Rebecca reached a hand up, pulling her russet and white hair
out of her tear-rimmed eyes Lifting her head, she let her
eyes wander over the dead. Some quiet, calculating part of
her brain added and multiplied: 43 names on one wall alone.
The wall behind her was equally full, if not more-so. But,
among all these antecedents, dead over hundreds of years,
only one name proclaimed it was her own blood spilt on the
ground. Only one was her own flesh rent on the fields of battle.
Only one represented her heart poured out on cold stone.
A gentle touch on her shoulder, a thumb stroking her neck,
right were it always tensed up, and he was there beside her.
His lips pressed against her ear, whispering hot words on
her cool flesh. "I found you."
Remy Lebeau didn't expect her to flinch, but some reaction
would have been more comforting. He looked up at her fingers
as they traced over a solid gold plaque. His fingers stole
up beside hers. He watched his hand glow with impotent fury,
the precious metal taking on a cerise hue. He pulled his hand
away, burying his face in her hair.
Her voice cracked as she whispered, reading the gracefully
engraved words that were carved into their souls. "Etienne
Cody Lebeau. June 19, 2006 to March 3, 2035." She canted her
head and stared at the Latin inscription that followed her
son's name and dates. "Pro Veneratio?"
"For honor."
They knelt in silence. Had they lost their heir, the Prince
of Thieves, for a nebulous concept, an incorporeal idea? It
seem petty, that so vibrant and loving a life would be cut
off over mere thoughts, an abstract but ancient ideal. Why
didn't it read, "Gunned down by Garbone family hitmen while
smuggling a child out of their 'protectorate' so she could
receive medical treatment"? Wasn't there enough room to explain
the size of his heart, the heart that made him use his thief
training to reach out to those in need? Would expounding on
the strength of will and character that made him their pride
and joy have taken up too much space? Couldn't just one word
be spared for the pride in his green-black eyes, the skill
in his glowing hands?
Remy knew what it was like to fight for the intangible. Together,
he and his wife had fought such battles, fought and lived
for a dream. They had been heroes, Gambit and Rogue, criminals
turned heroes turned criminals. They faced darkness head on
with a fire so hot it remade the world, brought peace where
none could exist. His hands gripped her shoulders, causing
the fabric of her nightgown to bunch between his fingers.
When the night terror took her, she had flown directly here.
He had taken a few moments to dress, however, and followed
in the car. Now, it was he that leapt ahead. "He deserved
Rebecca started at the words. They were callous, unfeeling,
hurtful. Unless they came from a man who had spent two-thirds
of his existence struggling to regain his honor, to earn back
the piece of his soul that had been stolen away. Tears began
to course down her cheeks as she remembered the days wondering
if she could ever accomplish anything good, the nights spent
longing for the chance to do something right. "Yes. He did."
For all their crimes and all their sins, they had managed
to produce this child, this man. No matter what they had done,
he had been a man of honor. The silence grew around them,
cold as stone, quiet as death. As one, they turned away, suddenly
able to find their way back home, back to the lives they were
supposed to be leading. Only, now they took with them the
warmth of gold and the cool assurance of marble walls. They
had lost their son, their firstborn. Through him, they had
finally paid the price of honor.
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