Stories written by Diamonde
"Could've Been Worse"
When Gambit shatters his knee, permenantly damaging it, he has to cope with his loss of mobility. Written for Kaylee's Disability Challenge.
"Little Words, Big Lies"
When Magnus breaks up with Rogue, he tries his hardest to deny that the separation bothers him.
"Red Skies"
Magneto and Rogue watch a sunset over Genosha's Hammer Bay, and Magnus explains to Rogue what the red skies mean to him -- and why he must take action in Genosha. Takes place during the Magneto Rex miniseries.
elsewhere in Alykat's World:
"A Little Faith"
Bobby reaches out to a grieving Cable after Cyclops' death.
(at (un)frozen)
E-mail: diamonde_fics@yahoo.com
Web site: Peeing
in the Jean Pool
They aren't mine, they belong to Marvel,
but I'm not making any money off them so don't bug me about
it. The story belongs to me. The historical information was
taken from a variety of reliable sources, and is correct as
far as I know. My apologies if I made a mistake.
Continuity-wise, I'm not sure. Somewhere in this whole Genosha
thing, I don't really know where. It would help if I had all
the Magneto Rex series, but I only have the first one so far.
Anyway, who cares. :-)
Rogue looked out over the rooftops of Hammer Bay as the sun
sank into burning clouds, the orange fading into red. "Nice
sunset," she said, lacking anything better to say.
Magneto looked over at the clear, innocent face. Even the
faint marks of stress and concern couldn't mask it, behind
the grown-up face and definitely adult body was a little girl
who still believed in fairytales. What was it about that little
girl that irritated him so much, wanted to make him shake
her and make her see that the world wasn't nice, never would
be. It didn't deserve her faith, she was a fool to
give it. As foolish as he was cruel for wanting to take it
away. "I wish I could see it that way." The look
on her face was confused, asking how anyone could see it as
something other than beautiful. Magnus was overcome with a
sudden, desperate desire to be able to see through her eyes.
To have the sunset turned into pleasing stripes of colour
by her innocence. "Tell me how you see it, what you see.
Why is it a nice sunset?"
Rogue frowned. "Ah see a sunset. Pink and gold clouds,
orange run, red sky
" She shrugged helplessly. "You
can't say why something's beautiful, Magnus. It just
is. Why isn't it? How do you see it?" She watched
in frustration as he turned away, looking back at the somehow
not pleasing atmospheric display.
"Does it matter?"
"Yes. Ah want to know." She stamped her foot angrily.
"What is it with you? You just can't let anybody
find out anythin' about you that might make you look more
"I'm not human."
"Yes you are, whether ya like it or not. Now tell me
about th' sunset." Rogue gripped his arm, eyes glittering
with frustration.
"I don't like red skies." He shook her off, irrationally
angry. "They reflect the innocent blood we spill down
here back at us, and all anyone ever says it 'how pretty'."
She was giving him that odd look, the one she used whenever
she thought he was being unstable, and it was usually followed
by that 'soothing' voice which he hated. He'd be irrational
if he damnwell wanted to.
" Yes, it was the soothing voice,
one which would be better used on petulant children.
I wish someone would just get her pregnant so she'd have
somone other than me to fuss over, he thought uncharitably.
"It's just because red has the longest wavelength of
visible light. That's all."
"No. The more pollution there is in the atmosphere,
the redder the sunset is." As he watched it began to
fade into purple. Red and purple, sunset colours. His colours.
"The sky burned red over Auschwitz, because the ashes
of innocent people filled the sky. I should know, I helped
put them there." He help up a hand to stop the tumble
of sympathetic, placating, useless words. "Don't. I know
it was not my fault, there was nothing I could have done.
That is why it hurts." He sighed. "One day ... August
I think, 1944 ... we burned twenty four thousand bodies, they
say. I am not sure, I only knew there were more than I could
ever hope to count. Twenty four thousand people, and it still
was not enough. There were always more bodies than we could
manage, the crematoriums could not work fast enough."
Rogue watched in horror as he spoke, almost oblivious to
her presence. She wanted to reach out, try to be some comfort.
But he won't thank me for it. He'll push me away like he
does everyone else, he won't ever let anyone think that he
can't deal with his own pain, even if it kills him. He must
be so lonely...
Magnus continued, looking at the sky, lost in recollections
of a horror she could never even imagine. "And you had
to keep working, as fast and as hard as you could, because
if you did not it would be your body they were handling, not
your friends and your family. Sooner or later many of the
Sonderkommando came across the body of someone they knew.
A family member, a neighbour, someone they went to school
with ... and you had to carry on, not be a person, just be
a machine with no feelings, because you didn't dare stop ...
and then in the odd times when you were outside, you could
look up at that red sky and let yourself remember who they
were, and that they were gone. A visible reminder of the horror,
the killing, the senseless cruelty... And as an angry young
boy I swore that as soon as I was big enough, and strong enough,
I would make sure it never happened again."
"And we're all workin' on it. You, me, the X-Men, everyone...
Magnus, we all know what happened and we aren't gonna sit
by and let it happen again." She had to keep believing
that, otherwise she'd go mad.
"You do not know. You can not understand. And down there,
Rogue, in that city, are dead and dying who I cannot save.
But I will stop this pointless civil war. Go back and tell
the UN that. I will stop the killing, no matter what
the cost. If they thought this would break me..." He
looked at her once more, and Rogue shivered at the coldness
of that glare. "I have survived far worse."
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