Stories by Faith Barnett
Rogue and Gambit face up to their problems and begin to accept each other -- and themselves.
written with RogueStar
Just after the Trial of UXM 350, the various X-Men try to get on with their lives. (Unfinished.)
E-mail: FFBARNETT@prodigy.net
Faith is president of the Gambit Guild, a Gambit-centric discussion list. |
Rogue and Gambit face up to their problems
and begin to accept each other--and themselves.
(Warning: Some violence, harsh
and sexual innuendo, including references to rape and child
Disclaimer: The important stuff
first, right? Don't want anyone getting their shorts in a
twist. Well, no more than they already must be. Ahem, repeat
after me:
The X-Men characters portrayed in this story are the sole
property of Marvel Comics Group Inc, and are used without
their express written consent for entertainment purposes only.
(The others, Madam D'Sier, Father Benjamin, Andre, Starbright,
anyone I missed, belong to me.)
Which, in other words, means: This was a cathartic
release. I finally had to write this story down before I became
more tetched in the head than I am now and started making
my puppies wear X-Men costumes (spandex on dogs is so 80's)
while waiting on Marvel to ever again get around to character
development or ending any major story line in my lifetime.
It also means I am making no money what-so-ever from this
(a darn shame by the way), so suing me would only be a laugh
riot not to mention a complete waste of time.
Continuity: This story diverges from continuity around
Uncanny #341. The group never has to leave for the Shi'ar
Empire and No Exit will never happen.
Fan Art: Bliss has some fan-artwork related to this
story archived at RC's
Fan-Fict Art Guild.
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Legalese: Rogue, the X-Men, and the distinctive likenesses thereof
are Trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used without permission. This is an
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