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Stories by Allen Sumner

"Darkness Falls"
When Rogue and Gambit visit New Orleans for Mardi Gras, they find themselves wrapped up in a dark woman's desperate plan to exact vengeance from the people who killed her. A Rogue and Gambit/The Crow crossover. (Warning: Mature language, descriptions of violence)

"Gambit: Magic Man"
Gambit is mysteriously sent back into the past, only to meet up with a six-year-old girl named Amanda with a white stripe through her auburn hair.

"Rogue: Shared Sunrise"
Rogue ponders the events of the night before, and new people come to visit the mansion. The sequel to "Gambit: Magic Man." (Unfinished)


When Rogue and Gambit visit New Orleans for Mardi Gras, they find themselves wrapped up in a dark woman's desperate plan to exact vengeance from the people who killed her. A Rogue and Gambit/The Crow crossover.

(Warning: Some mature language, descriptions of violence)

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five


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