Stories by Aimee Boling Sze
"Dreams to a Reality"
Rogue's husband's abusive behavior finally drives her to the breaking point, and she kills him and permenantly absorbs his mind into her own. When she seeks refuge with the X-Men, she must walk the fine line between sanity and insanity, truth and lies. The authorized sequel to Amanda Sichter's "Something Just Like Weeping." (Unfinished.)
E-mail: asze@ucla.edu
Rogue's husband's abusive behavior finally
drives her to the breaking point, and she kills him and permenantly
absorbs his mind into her own. When she seeks refuge with
the X-Men, she must walk the fine line between sanity and
insanity, truth and lies.
This is the authorized sequel to Amanda Sichter's
"Something Just Like Weeping."
Read that story before you read this.
This story is in progress.
Chapter One: Homecoming
Chapter Two: Suicide
Chapter Three: The
Chapter Four: Possession
and Confession
Chapter Five: Lost
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