Stories by Rhona Highet
"Keeping It in the Family"
A series of stories in which Sinister finds out he's Rogue's father, among other disasters.
"Having a Bad Day" -
Mr. Sinister finds out about the family he never knew he had. But this isn't
the Sinister we know: Think Sinister on drugs. A lot of drugs. (Warning: Some
language, sexual references)
"If the Last Day Was Bad" - Sinister's home is invaded by women. (Warning: Some language, sexual references)
"Sinister, Live on Frasier" - Sinister seeks advice from a certain famous radio psychiatrist. (Warning: Some language, sexual references)
"A New Arrial" - The Essex/Darkholme clan adds a new member -- and it's not a new baby!
"Remy's Return" - Gambit finally comes back, only to learn the real truth about Rogue's past -- and his own future.
"Dear Santa" - Rogue writes her annual Christmas letter to Santa Claus and reflects on the changes in her life over the past year.
"Uncle's Day - Sinister muses on everything from Women's Lib to parenthood to household visitors.
"Thursday's Child - After losing Kes, Sinister spends years watching their daughter Rogue from afar.
E-mail: rh.ona@cableinet.co.uk
Web site: Rhona's
A series of stories in which Sinister finds
out he's Rogue's father, among other disasters.
"Having a Bad Day"
Mr. Sinister finds out about the family he never knew
he had. But this isn't the Sinister we know: Think Sinister
on drugs. A lot of drugs.
(Warning: Some language, sexual
"If the Last Day Was
Sinister's home is invaded by women.
(Warning: Some language, sexual
"Sinister, Live on
Sinister seeks advice from a certain famous radio psychiatrist.
(Warning: Some language, sexual
"A New Arrival"
The Essex/Darkholme clan adds a new member -- and it's
not a new baby!
"Remy's Return"
Gambit finally comes back, only to learn the real truth
about Rogue's past -- and his own future.
"Dear Santa"
Rogue writes her annual Christmas letter to Santa Claus
and reflects on the changes in her life over the past
"Uncle's Day"
Sinister muses on everything from Women's Lib to parenthood
to household visitors.
"Thursday's Child"
After losing Kes, Sinister spends years watching their
daughter Rogue from afar.
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