Stories by Syvan Coyne
Rogue's "death" during Professor Xavier's loyalty test (of UXM #375) forces Rogue and Gambit to re-evaluate their relationship. Meanwhile, the team must also deal with the rift among them caused by Xavier's test. (Unfinished.)
Raw tensions come out in the open and Rogue learns something about herself when Logan stages a Danger Room exercise that pits the X-Men against each other.
As Gambit fights to survive Mr. Sinister and the Antarctic cold, Wolverine, Rogue, and Cannonball mount a rescue effort. (Unfinished.)
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As Gambit fights to survive Mr. Sinister and
the Antarctic cold,
Wolverine, Rogue, and Cannonball mount a rescue effort.
(This story is unfinished.)
Legal Stuff and Author's Notes:
DISCLAIMER: These are Marvel's characters, and some
items and areas created by Marvel. All else is my original
work and ideas. No profit is being made or is to be made from
this story.
Please notify me if you wish to archive the story. Thanks.
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