Disclaimer: All characters belong
to Marvel comics which means the author doesn't intend to
make any money off of them. This tends to be a spin off from
the animated series with elements from the comics (no, #350
did not occur in this). This is a toned down version of a
previous submission.

Part Eight
The streets hadn't changed at all since the last time he'd
walked them. The smell of fish, the swamp, and crowded humanity
surrounded him here. Steam rose from the pavement as the ever-present
October rains washed over New Orleans. But he knew no amount
of water could ever wash away the past he had tried put away
from himself.
Gambit made his way toward Saint Marie's Cathedral, toward
Père Louis-Marie, the priest who had assured him the papers
he needed lay safely in the church's files. Torn between a
longing to get the business over and return to his love and
the desire to at least see his adopted father, Gambit's steps
took a roundabout way to the church.
Remy knew the danger . . .all those years ago both the Assassins
and Thieves had exiled him from his home . . .turned him away
from all he had come to love. Yet now that he'd found another
to care for, another cause to call his own, he wished to make
peace with his past. If only he could find Jean-Luc alone
he might at least speak to him . . .let him know his reasons
behind Julien's death. Most likely a futile wish, he knew,
yet something drove him to do it . . .to settle old accounts.
He paused before the Thieves' Guild's headquarters, seeing
the massive doors again with new eyes. His gaze swept across
the front of the building, shadowed in the night with only
a single lamp before it. There . . . at the top, the garret
room Jean-Luc used when he needed private time. A dim light
shone from the grimy window, giving him hope he might find
his father alone.
With cat-like agility, Remy scaled the spout at the building's
corner. Once he reached the top story he made his way along
the narrow ledge to the garret's window. Ever so cautiously
he peered into the room, barely making out the figure bent
over a desk. A crooked smile touched Remy's lips . . .whenever
something of import happened to the Guild or Jean-Luc one
could find him here . . .filling the pages of his private
journal. The window swung open soundlessly, yet Jean-Luc's
head came up like a shot.
"Who's dere?"
"Jus' de debbil's own, Papa," Remy managed against
the lump in his throat.
"Mon dieu, Remy . . ." Jean-Luc leapt up, catching
his wayward son in his arms. "So good ta see ya, mon
fils. What brings ya to N'Awlins?"
Gambit returned his adopted father's embrace, surprised at
the greeting's warmth. A few moments passed before he could
speak of his mission.
"Papa, I come ta see Père Louis-Marie 'bout de annulment
papers f'r Belle and me. I . . .I want ta marry Rogue, de
woman ya met awhile back."
"Den what you doin' here? Don' ya know it's dangerous
f'r ya ta be on Guild property?" His adopted father scowled.
"Ya know I'm glad ta see ya, but you're takin' a chance."
Remy hung his head. "I know, mon père, but I had ta
see ya dis one last time. Ya know I had good reason to kill
Julien . . .even though he was Belle's brother, he was evil
. . . wanted ta kill me first 'cause I was gonna marry her.
It was self defense, Papa."
Jean-Luc sighed. "Dat may be, son, but neither de Assassins
Guild nor de External took kindly to de heir to dat Guild
dyin' dat way. I had ta banish ya, f'r all our sakes."
"Oui, Papa, I know . . .but dat don' make it any easier.
Even wit' my new life, I still miss ya. Wanted ya ta know
I'm invitin' ya to my wedding. Don' know when it'll be, but
I'll send word from Xavier's school soon as I know."
Jean-Luc gave a crooked smile, one most the X-men would recognize.
"I be honored, Remy. If it in my power, I'll be dere.
Jus' send de notice in an unmarked envelope, like we used
ta do when ya went ta Europe."
Jean-Luc gave a crooked smile, one most the X-men would recognize.
"I be honored, Remy. If it in my power, I'll be dere.
Jus' send de notice in an unmarked envelope, like we used
ta do when ya went ta Europe."
The two men embraced again, then Gambit left the same way
he'd come. Despite his keen senses he never noticed the eyes
watching his descent and movement toward the church. Sinister
had learned the hard way of Remy's skills and being this close
to having what he wanted wasn't about to take any chances
of losing it.
in Chapter 9
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