Disclaimer: All characters belong
to Marvel comics which means the author doesn't intend to
make any money off of them. This tends to be a spin off from
the animated series with elements from the comics (no, #350
did not occur in this). This is a toned down version of a
previous submission.

Part Ten
Once again pain awoke him from pleasant dreams of holding
Rogue near. Chill air made him aware of his continued nakedness
and the horrendous parody of his fantasy became apparent as
the sole light in the room revealed Arclight kneeling before
him. A frightening smile on her lips greeted him as her nails
dug into his tender flesh. Despite the grotesque travesty
of her actions, his body responded. Remy gritted his teeth
in anger and frustration, seeking the shadows for his true
tormentor. Red eyes, slitted in satisfaction at his discomfort,
glowed in one corner. More than the cold air made Gambit shiver
at this point.
"Sinister! Why you doin' dis? Tol' ya I didn' want nothin'
more ta do wit' ya," the Cajun protested. He twitched
as Arclight's mouth descended on him.
Sinister's deep laugh rumbled through the darkness. "All
in good time, my boy. All in good time. For now, just enjoy
Arclight's ministrations."
"Never!" Remy yelled, but his body betrayed him.
He fought. Lord how he fought against the sensations, but
as much as he tried to squirm awaySinister had ensured he
couldn't move. He lay spread-eagled on a coldstone slab, arms
and legs secured with leather cuffs to prevent any resistance.
"No!" The cry wrenched from him as he felt the
inevitable approaching. Then it was too late and he felt Sinister
replace Arclight's mouth with a specimen container. Cold unyielding
glass trapped his life essence as he struggled against its
loss. Remy's chest heaved with the fight to stop, but to no
avail. He squeezed his eyes shut against the misery, the powerlessness
he always felt in Sinister's presence. Degraded again.
"Wasn't it bad 'nuff ya had da Morlocks killed, that
ya follow Jean and Cyke aroun' like a slaverin' dog? Now ya
inta kidnappin' so ya kin do perverted things," Remy
ground out.
Sinister leaned toward him, holding the tube full of his
prize before Remy's face. "I'll ignore those insults
for now. Just needed a little token from you. After all, you'll
provide me with something else of great value not all that
long from now. Still . . ." He grinned, a ghastly thing
to behold in his dead-white face. "I find it better to
get samples from all available sources just in case something
Rage rose in Gambit. "What do ya mean? Besides, what
makes ya think ya kin hold me?" He concentrated on the
leather cuffs, trying to channel energy into them. Nothing,
then more rage and despair. "What've ya done ta me?"
"Tsk, tsk. You should know. After all you obtained,
shall we say, certain items of mine in order to get your own
satisfaction." Sinister shook his head. "And you
say I'm perverted. What of your obsession with that woman
. . .what's her name? Ah yes, Rogue. You didn't think it wrong
to steal from me in order to get her under you."
At Remy's howl of outrage, Sinister threw back his head in
maniacal laughter. At last he quieted, then looked down at
his prisoner with a smirk. "I don't let betrayal go,
Monsieur leBeau. Besides, you have provided me with a modicum
of entertainment. Let me take care of this precious fluid
and then I'll return. I'm not finished with you yet."
The madman nodded to someone in the shadows then left the
room. The sound of a heavy door closing seemed to signal the
beginning a new torture for Gambit. The entire Marauder team
gathered around him, clone or original he didn't know, but
every one of them wore feral grins as they reached out for
his body. Remy tensed, waiting for them to do their worst
and knowing none of them bore him any love. His only comfort
was that Rogue was safe from Sinister's machinations.
He turned off his mind as the team took hold of him, each
member deriving pleasure from abuse of his body. After inflicting
a number of scratches and bites on him, the group began to
find other ways of torturing him.
Sick, they were all sick, he thought dispassionately. Perhaps
Sinister had made duplicates, deprived of even their originals'
twisted true existence. Then, to his detached mind, he realized
they were all occupied with themselves, forgetting about him.
He scanned the room, trying to find the device preventing
him from using his power. There, in the corner was the generator.
Well, he might not have his ability to charge things, but
that didn't affect some of his other abilities. If he could
just get one of them to release him. He looked for a likely
subject. Though Arclight appeared the nearest, Sabretooth
and she were fully occupied, as were the others.
Despite Remy's disgust at the group's actions a tiny part
of his mind recognized a sort of fascination with the acrobatics
which distracted him from his plan. Arclight looked over at
him with a lascivious smile, then turned to him with a quirked
eyebrow. To his horror, the group became aware of him again.
Gooseflesh popped up on his already shivering body as they
turned their attention back to him, alternately hurting and
stimulating him. His eyes burned as he stared at the moldy
ceiling. He kept telling himself not to respond, but his body
went into sensory overload, all feelings blurring into a consuming
After this latest episode Remy lost consciousness. Frigid
air surrounded him again. How much time had passed? The depraved
scene had played over and over it seemed until he blacked
out. His body, sore and abused, protested even the limited
movements he could accomplish. They'd fed him and given him
enough water to sustain life, but he could feel the weakness
throughout his entire being.
Alone in the room he could still smell the scent of sex and
nearly threw up at the memories. Rogue, God how could she
ever forgive him for what had happened? How could he ever
forgive himself? Violated, yet participating in the madness
around him. Lord, how he hated Sinister and that the madman
could make him do.
The sensation of being watched grew strong. Who was out there
in the dark? He scanned what he could of the dim room, but
could find no one in sight. The door flew open, Sinister approaching
with a fearsome scowl on his face.
"Blast those idiots. Ruined a perfectly good session
with their behavior." None too tenderly he felt Remy's
body over completely, from head to toe, sparing him no indignity.
Sinister's nose wrinkled. "Ugh. Arclight's been busy
I see." He snapped his fingers and a cloaked figure brought
a basin forward.
Remy tensed, waiting for some other horrid thing to happen.
Instead, Sinister began washing Remy's body with warm, soapy
water, then rinsing and drying it, giving an odd, out of place,
comforting pleasure. Once he had cleaned Remy, Sinister tended
to the scratches and bites his creatures had inflicted. At
his victim's puzzled look, the immortal gave a short laugh.
"Wouldn't do to have you get ill, now would it? After
all, that's not in the plan. I have great things in store
for you, my boy."
"What you mean, Sinister? Don't want none a' you,"
Gambit managed.
"So you say now, but later . . ." Sinister shrugged.
He draped a towel over Remy's body, then stood back for a
moment. "Hmm . . .you must be uncomfortable in that position
so long. How about a little exercise?" Gambit stared
at him. Would he get a chance to escape if he agreed to what
Sinister proposed? "What you plannin'?"
Sinister didn't answer, just continued to peruse him thoughtfully.
It took all Remy could manage not to squirm under the baleful
red eyes. Finally, his tormentor cocked his head and raised
an eyebrow.
"Regretfully, I suppose I'm done with you for now. But
I'll be in touch later. Don't forget to invite me to your
wedding." He smiled at Remy's stone face. "Now don't
tell me you thought I didn't know you planned to marry her.
After all, you're too honorable to leave a lady with a child
and no name. Happened to you and I know you wouldn't do it
to her."
He watched the muscles in Remy's face flex and his fists
clench impotently. Sinister smirked at the reaction to his
choice of words. "Good thing your rage is all that's
impotent in your case. Wouldn't be nearly as much fun if I
had to work on you like I've had to do with some of my other
At Remy's snarl, Sinister waggled a finger. "I don't
plan on letting you go while I'm around. After all, I know
how much you hate me." He shook his head. "Too bad.
There's so much I could share with you. Perhaps at a later
"Never, you perverted creature. You --" Remy broke
off, his voice choked with emotions he feared to let go.
"Never say never, my boy." Sinister gestured to
the cloaked figure. "I'll leave your things here and
after a suitable amount of time you'll be freed. Don't take
it out on my underlings. They're only doing what I've told
them to do." At Remy's grimace, Sinister nodded. "Yes,
even those disgusting displays earlier weren't entirely their
fault. I don't get much satisfaction on my own so I do love
to watch others."
The immortal flexed his hips, bringing them into Remy's view.
The obvious evidence of Sinister's interest made it clear
he had watched everything and was still affected by it. Remy
swallowed, praying the creature wouldn't carry it any farther.
As if he sensed Gambit's thoughts, Sinister chuckled.
"Hardly, my boy. I have better places to deposit my
contributions to the gene pool. I may like watching others
do such things, but when it comes to doing something about
it, I'll find an appropriate place to spend myself. Can't
be wasteful now, can we. After all, Arclight's DNA and yours
might make for an interesting combination."
Remy tensed in surprise, then growled. Sinister merely laughed
again then waved goodbye as he left.
Truly alone at last, Remy struggled against the bonds, chafing
his wrists and ankles bloody. When would Sinister let him
go? His frustration built again, but the strong emotions and
physical rigors had left him shaking and bleary. He drifted
out of consciousness again, to a place where he and Rogue
lived together without Sinister's shadow hanging over them.
Continued in Chapter
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