This story is set somewhere vaguely around X-Men 190-199.
It's old, so deal with it. It's also an alternate history,
so of course there's no point in worrying about any continuity
lapses. I know a lot has happened since then, and I incorporated
a tiny amount of that. I don't think anyone will have trouble
following things.
I haven't followed the comics in a while, but I always liked
the X-Men and I had this idea rattling around in my head since
high school. I found out about a.c.f-f,
and this story came pouring out. It proved to be the easiest
writing I've ever done. That may be an indication of its quality;
I guess others will have to decide that.
I always wanted Rogue and Fortress to meet up somewhere besides
in my own head, and I thought Nimrod could have been put to
much better use. I hope you'll agree.
Anyway, legally speaking:
Fortress is my own creation, all other characters are creations
of Marvel Comics and are used without permission. No money
is being made here and I don't have much anyway, so suing
me is useless. Considering that this is an unauthorized work,
there's no point in copyrighting it. I release it into the
public domain. Do whatever you like with it, but good luck
making money off of proprietary Marvel characters. If you
choose to archive it, it would be nice if you let me know.
"Dr. Manhattan"
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