Author's Note: This is an ugly, horrible story. It is
not appropriate for children or sensitive readers. Unfortunately, little of
this besides Rogue is imaginary.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Author's Notes
by Dr. Benway
Author's Note
To clarify something that may have been obscure: My story
Naked has Rogue as its central character. Momma, Nana, St
John, Dominic, and Fred are Mystique, Destiny, Pyro, Avalanche,
and The Blob respectively, while Danvers is Carol Danvers,
aka Ms Marvel. This was written partly in defiance of continuity,
where Rogue went mysteriously catatonic out of frame while
being processed by the Genoshan Magistrates. Remy had yet
to be invented.
- B
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