All characters copyright to Marvel Comics
and no infringement on their copyright is intended. Please
forgive us!
Jaelle and Orla's other fanfic, including the first three
parts of the Rogue and Joseph saga, are available at their
website, Insane Musings, at:

the finale of the Rogue and Joseph
by Jaelle
and Orla
"That was when Rachel went to confront the Black Queen.
Then after that..." Rogue glanced at Joseph. "We
all went out for Chinese, but we ran into some
we invited them along too."
No reaction.
The pair were comfortably settled in the living room, and
Rogue had been patiently explaining the intricacies of the
Summers' family tree for the past fifteen minutes. Now she
noticed that Joseph was no longer paying attention.
"Unfortunately they had terrible table manners, so we
recycled them. Have Ah mentioned there is a green furry thing
crawling up your neck? And that Ah'm a close relative of the
"Rogue" blurted Joseph. "Will you marry me?"
Rogue paused. "Joseph, one of us is talking at
marry... huh?... EEP!"
"I've been thinking about it for a while." said
Rogue had been sitting with her mouth open for the last ten
minutes so he'd taken the initiative. "It's not a spur
of the moment thing. I love you and I want to marry you. I've
been trying to figure out how to ask you and tonight just
felt right."
"You mean the Summers' family tree always makes you
feel romantic?"
"Well, I was thinking that despite all the problems
and the children, Jean and Scott still got married."
"Speaking of children, you do realise that Pietro is
older than me!"
"So? He's older than me now. Look Rogue, if you don't
want to marry me just say so."
"Ah didn't say that."
"Then you do want to marry me."
"Ah didn't say that either! It was a surprise. Couldn't
you have lead up to it or something?"
"Like how? I see, so Rachel is Scott and Jean's daughter
from an alternative future - my, isn't the moon beautiful
tonight, will you marry me?"
"Let's not bring the Summers' into this.
Ah'm just sayin' that some flowers or chocolates or a ring
would've been nice."
"I have a ring." Joseph produced a box and opened
"Oh... Mah... God..."
"You like it? I made it myself. Mined gold out of the
ground and looked up minerals with iron content which were
most likely to have diamonds in. It's my own design too."
"Ah've seen glaciers that were smaller than this!"
Rogue's hand crept towards the ring.
"And as for the rest. Rogue with the kind of lives we
lead, do you really want to place your heart and faith in
material things of love when the real emotion is right here?"
Rogue looked a Joseph. "WAAAAH! That's sooo beautiful."
Joseph got down on one knee. " Rogue, will you marry
"It's been quite peaceful around here lately."
said Scott to his wife.
Jean looked up from her book. "Yes, all that madness
with Onslaught is behind us and I think we can start moving
"Without major upheaval."
"Scott! Jean!"
They both looked up as Rogue rushed in.
"What is it?"
"Ah wanted you guys to be the first to know... Ah'm
getting married!"
Scott and Jean looked at each other, then Scott looked back
at Rogue.
"I never thought I'd say this, but please tell me you're
marrying Gambit."
"Wrong! Ah'm gonna marry Joseph!"
Jean sighed. "There goes our peace and quiet."
"Jean, will you be mah maid of honour?"
"Why, Rogue, I would be honoured..."
"No! You can't marry Mag... Joseph - I absolutely forbid
Rogue's eyes narrowed. "Why?"
"Because he's all wrong for you! He's a reformed villian
with incredible powers that could go out of control at any
Rogue advanced on Scott and grabbed him by the collar and
flew upwards.
"Scott, Ah am marryin' Joseph with or without your permission."
Scott looked down and saw that the floor was several feet
below him.
"Jean, you would catch me if she dropped
me, wouldn't you?"
"Alright! I get the message - I'll support you!"
"Ah knew you'd agree." cried Rogue
clapping her hands together. "Oh, sorry about that."
"No problem." he groaned from a heap on the floor.
Rogue flew out, all smiles and saying she was going to gather
the rest of the X-Men for an announcement.
"Jean, this is a disaster."
"Yes, there isn't room in the boathouse for another
"That's not what I meant! How do you think the others
are going to respond? Especially Gambit!"
"Shall we shackle him before we tell him?"
"Yes... No! Jean, I don't think you are taking this
"Scott, you are blowing this out of proportion."
"Oh really? Well, we'd better go and join the others."
"Are you sure we shouldn't shackle Gambit? We've only
just got this place back together."
"He can live with it."
"Well, you can foot the bill."
"That is a point..."
"So, what's happening?" asked Bobby (why do
we always target Bobby? I guess he asks for it so much.)
"Tell you in a minute." said Jean. "Where's
Bishop? I specifically asked him to be here."
"I am here, Jean, although I am puzzled by your request."
Bishop entered the room.
"Never mind... just wait."
"Oh good, y'all here." Rogue came in, holding hands
with Joseph - he was grinning inanely. Gambit glared at them.
"Ah've... we've got an important announcement
to make." said Rogue. She and Joseph smiled at each other.
"I think I'm going to be sick." said Bobby. "Cut
to the chase will ya?"
"Ah yes, achem I have asked Rogue to do the great
honour of marrying me."
"And Ah accepted!" squealed Rogue. "Ain't
it wonderful?"
There was total silence.
The happy couple looked around at the faces of the X-team.
Scott looked unhappy, Jean: benevolent, Betsy: speculative,
Storm: shocked, Sam: blank, Wolverine: faintly amused, Angel:
disbelieving, Bishop: unmoving, Beast: acting like he'd just
discovered a hairball, and Gambit... Gambit...
"Bishop, now!" screamed Jean.
Bishop immediately leapt forward and slapped a pair of restraints
on Gambit. The charged lamp dropped to the ground, but an
ice-shield prevented much damage.
Everyone settled back, then it hit them.
"You're getting WHAT?!!"
"Married, aren't you happy for me?"
"Bobby!" shrieked Jean. "Remember, air is
your friend!"
"They said married, as in man an' wife?"
"Warren, I thought we would be first."
"Bets, do you realise... what are you
"Logan, where are you going?"
"To kill something."
"Bishop! Put the gun down!"
"AH DON'T BELIEVE THIS!" screamed Rogue.
Everyone fell silent.
"This is one of the happiest days of mah life! Ah've
made a decision that's gonna make me very happy and Ah thought
Ah could count on the support of mah friends! More fool me."
she sobbed and ran out of the room.
Joseph glared at the X-Men, who were beginning to look ashamed,
with the obvious exception of Gambit.
"I hope you are all proud of yourselves." he snapped.
Jean nodded. "Yes, we should provide our support."
"S-sure." Bobby's smile was shaky. "We were
The others all murmured in accord.
"Thank you." said Joseph. He left the room and
met Rogue in the hallway.
"Did it work?"
"Yes, your speech was perfect."
"Ah knew that rubbish would bring 'em around."
"Catch me if you can, Raven!"
"I wouldn't want to, Creed. But... GIVE ME BACK MY
"Raven, it's a call for you."
"I'm busy, Forge."
"It's Rogue."
"Gimme that phone! Hello, darling, how are you?"
"Ah'm jus' fine, Momma."
"So, why the call? Not that I complaining, you hardly
ever call..."
"Ah'm gettin' married."
"That's what I mean, no gratitude. If I... WHAT?!"
"Watch the decibels would ya, Raven?"
"I'm sure I didn't hear this right. You said married!
You must be joking!"
"No, Ah'm not joking."
"Who? Who is it?"
"Joseph, Momma, he's Joseph now."
"I don't care what he's called now. You
want to marry a supervillian who has caused so much trouble
"Your point is?"
"Momma, Ah had hoped that you would support me, but
if you won't, then Ah have nothin' more to say."
"No, no! I will support you, I suppose you could've
done worse, married that Cajun for example. I will come and
help you with everything."
"Ummm... that isn't necessary."
"Nonsense! What are mothers for? See you soon, bye now."
Mystique put the phone down and gathered the others.
"Congratulate me, I'm about to have a new son."
Lorna didn't even look up from the paper. "Another one?"
Sabretooth sniggered. "Wasn't me this time."
"Oh shut up! I'm getting a son-in-law, Rogue's getting
Mystique sighed, this was not going to be easy.
The next morning Joseph entered the kitchen and found a male
convention inside.
"What are you doing in here?"
"Shh!" Bobby dragged him over to the table. "It's
wedding mania in the other room, we don't want to get caught
in it."
Joseph listened, he heard squeals and giggles coming from
the other room.
"What's so bad about discussing the wedding?"
Sam shook his head. "You are so innocent."
"Guest list." said Scott.
"Wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses." said Warren.
"Vows." said Hank
"Food." said Logan.
"Everything you can possibly imagine." said Bobby.
"It takes a least four hours to decide who sits where
and that's only for a small wedding when all the family get
"So that decision for this wedding should take..."
Bishop calculated.
"Two days."
"And they ask your opinion on the dresses. How should
I know if a sash is better than ruffles?"
The door swing open and Rogue peeped in. "Aha! there
you are, Joseph. Will ya come in here?"
"Perhaps later." mumbled Joseph, a sense of impending
doom was descending on him. "Scott is filling me in on
how... uh... how a groom must act."
Scott blinked. "Sure, sure, you know, the groom thing."
"Well, Ah guess that's pretty important, but Ah still
have ta talk to ya, honey, soon." Rogue
paused. "Oh, somethin' y'all should know, Ah've invited
Mystique and X-Factor over, and also Excalibur is on the way."
She departed and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
Bobby frowned. "Wait a sec. Who did she
say was coming?"
"Oh my God." Warren groaned. "There goes the
mansion... again!"
"Ah don't get it." said Sam.
"Think, my young friend." said Hank. "Who
is the leader of our gallant British team and who is his mother?"
"Mystique, but why...oh."
Scott sighed. "We'll just have to keep them apart. And
take away Mystique's gun."
Logan snorted. "Yeah, and Hank's fur will turn pink."
"Ooh, weddings are sooo exciting!" gushed Kitty
Pryde as Excalibur's jet flew towards America.
"Kitty, if I 'ave to 'ear that sentence one more time
I'll 'ave to bloody well 'urt you!"
"Pete! You're just grumpy cos Brian and Moira won't
let you smoke in here."
"It ain't fair! I can't smoke but that bleeding lizard
of yours is smoking up a storm!"
Lockheed hissed.
"I have to agree with Kitty." sighed Megan. "Weddings
are so beautiful and romantic."
"Right. Your friend, a member of the X-Men, is marrying
the world's greatest supervillian and you think it's romantic."
Wisdom slouched in his seat. "Bloody big mess, that's
what it'll be."
"Don't be so negative, mein freund." said Kurt.
"If marrying Magneto - or Joseph as he is now called
- is what Rogue wants then I will be pleased for her."
"As will I." murmured Peter Rasputin.
Moira sniffed. "Poor lassie, she deserves some happiness."
Wisdom rolled his eyes. "Just you wait... Dammit! I
need a smoke!"
"Scott! SCOTT! Come here!"
"What is it, Jean?"
"Look who just arrived."
"Did all of X-Factor have to come?"
"Somebody restrain Logan... oh, too late."
"Psylocke, sheathe the psychic knife!"
"Perhaps Logan needs help?"
"Look, Ah think Forge is goin' break it up."
"I can't bear to watch, let me know how much of him
survives, Sam."
"Sure, Bobby. Oh, now Mystique's stepping in... owch!
How could she do that?"
"Well, at least she stopped the fight."
"But Betsy, she had high heels on!"
"Hello X-Men, we have arrived."
"Hello Mystique, how are you?"
"Just peachy keen Cyclops. Let's see, I have
a restraining device implanted in me, I work for X-Factor,
without my consent, I have to work with Creed, and to top
it all off my daughter is marrying Magneto. No, I don't think
things could get much better."
"Uh... okay."
Mystique looked around. "So where is the bride-to-be?"
Jean frowned. "Not sure, she and Joseph disappeared
about two hours ago."
"Bet they're gettin' started with the honeymoon... heh!"
"Ow! Raven, what was that for?"
"Just quit with the off-colour remarks, Victor."
"Actually, I believe they went to look at wedding dresses."
said Storm.
"And here they come now." said Bobby. "They
don't look very happy."
Everyone crowded to the window, the sounds of an argument
drifted upwards.
"Ah don't think you have any right to criticise mah
taste, you're the guy who wore..."
"Yes, I know! Can we have a conversation which does
not refer to my past fashion failures?!"
"Fine! If ya don't value mah opinions!"
"I didn't say that."
"Did so!"
"Children, children." Mystique leaned out of the
window. "Despite my feeling of delight if this wedding
went up in smoke, I'll be damned before seeing disintegrate
five minutes after my arrival!"
"Momma!" Rogue flew up to the window. "You
"Isn't this what every mother lives for?"
"Every mother, yes. You? I'm not so sure."
"Bobby, shush!"
Mystique hugged Rogue. "Now, introduce me to Joseph."
"Ah already did."
"Not properly."
Joseph entered the room, Rogue took his hand. "Mystique,
this is Joseph. Joseph, meet your new Mom."
Joseph looked into a pair of narrowed yellow eyes and heard
warning bells go off in his head.
"Nice to meet you."
"Likewise." Mystique purred. "Joseph, let's
get one thing straight. You hurt my daughter and I will cut
out your intestines and strangle you with them."
"Uh... right."
Jean smiled at Scott. "Well, that went a lot better
than expected."
The Excalibur team arrived that evening, it was a quiet and
peaceful arrival, until...
"What is she doing here?"
However, after that outburst things settled down again.
"Too quiet." muttered Wisdom.
"Hmmm?" Kitty nuzzled his shoulder.
"It's too bloody quiet and calm, I 'ate that."
"It'll be ok." Kitty paused. "Everyone's on
their best behaviour."
"Only because Wagner showed that he has some sense in
that furry 'ead of his by refusing to speak to her."
"Well... Logan was well-behaved."
"Yeah, but they had to lock Sabretooth in the Danger
Room first."
"Don't worry, he's used to it."
"I'm not worried about him. I'm worried
about us. You will stay close tomorrow won't
you? That way I've got an escape route if things get too wild."
"Pete, tomorrow is the day we make all the wedding preparations,
the day after is the event itself and the minute it's over
we head back to Muir Island."
"Why can't they do the deed tomorrow?"
"Don't be silly, there is too much to do, besides the
whole thing has already been rushed."
"We're doomed."
Rogue, Jean and Mystique broke up from their huddle around
a piece of paper and smiled toothily at the assembled X-teams.
"Here goes." muttered Scott.
"What?" muttered Joseph.
"You'll see."
"Alright people, we have your tasks ready: Scott, Brian
and Piotyr will set up the pavilion and the seating. Hank,
Bishop, Warren, Wisdom, and Kurt are in charge of catering,
and gentlemen, if we find any blue fur in anything there
will be trouble. The tuxedos are arriving at 3 -- be ready
for your fittings. All males unaccounted for, with the exception
of the groom, get to set the tables, do dishes and so on."
"Set the table?" objected Creed.
"You're right, Victor." Mystique smiled. "Better
not let you near anything sharp, you might cut
yourself. You can do the little name tags for
each guest. Jubilee can check your spelling."
"To continue." said Jean. "Generation X are
to do the flowers and decorations. X-Force will handle the
alcohol and fireworks."
"Ladies, all of you are required to make sure that the
men are doing things correctly (an unlikely event), with the
exception of myself, Jean, Jubilee and Storm who are advising
Rogue on dresses and hair, et cetera. The following people
need immediate appointments for clothing: The Bride and Goon,
sorry, Groom" Mystique smiled. "Jubilee
as flower girl, Kitty as bridesmaid and Jean as maid of honour.
Kurt and Logan are ushers. I am giving away the bride."
Mystique paused. "What are you all staring at?"
"Ummm... it's the father of the bride
who's supposed to give her away." said Jean.
"Jean, dear, this is the 90s, but if you will insist
on tradition, then I can... adjust." Mystique morphed
into a male version of herself.
Jean shrugged and took the list. "Right, that's everyone
sorted except the Best Man. Joseph, who's it going to be?"
Joseph blinked. "I... uh... Best Man?"
"Yes, should be a close friend."
"Oh, problem."
"Couldn't you ask Quicksi... no, forget I said that."
muttered Bobby.
"How about Scott?"
Joseph glanced at Scott, who was glaring at Bobby. "I
don't think that would be appropriate. Can I get back to you
on this?"
"By four this afternoon, Joseph." said Rogue.
"Yes, dear."
"Alright, you have your assignments, let's get to it!"
"Bishop, I realise we haven't know each other very long,
"Long enough for you to be recognised as the most powerful
evil mutant the world has ever known."
"I see, excuse me."
"Ummm...Hank, I wonder if I could impose on you to..."
"Joseph, this request, coming from one with whom I have
fought since my tenderest years as an X-Man, must surely be
seen as some vile jest."
"That's a no, right?"
"Bobby, I..."
"Nevermind, my brain must have temporarily shut down."
"Wisdom, we don't know each other, but would you consider..."
"Not bleeding likely!"
Joseph stumbled wearily back to the lounge. It was 3.45pm,
he was doomed. He'd asked every male in the building to be
his Best Man and they had all turned him down for various
reasons. The wedding would be ruined, Rogue would never forgive
"Havin' a bad time of it, homme?'
Joseph looked up, Gambit was glaring at him from the window-seat.
He sighed. "Yes, no one will be Best Man, Rogue's going
to be upset." He sat down next to Gambit.
"You ask everybody?"
"Yes, even Creed!"
"What did he say."
"That I must be really desperate, and anyway, he refuses
to wear a tie and there was no way in hell that he was standing
opposite Mystique near an altar, especially without weapons
and in a tux."
"Hmmm.." Gambit looked at Joseph. "It bother
you that no one like you?"
"A little." Joseph admitted. "But it bothers
me more that Rogue will be disappointed, she wants the wedding
to be perfect, and she deserves that. She's the most beautiful,
intelligent, most wonderful woman in the world and I want
her wedding to mirror that."
Gambit looked at him carefully, then sighed. "You didn't
ask me."
"I thought that would be tactless."
"I must be crazy to say dis, but you're right, she does
deserve it." Gambit slapped Joseph on the shoulder. "I'll
be your Best Man."
"You... will?"
"Oui, why not? But you owe me big time for dis!"
Gambit got up and left the room.
Joseph watched him leave and smiled.
Jean handed the list to Mystique with everything ticked off.
"Good." said Mystique glancing at it. "And
the best man is..." She stared at Joseph. "Are you
completely insane?"
"What do you mean?"
"Gambit is down here as the Best Man!"
Pandemonium broke out.
"There goes the wedding, with a bang!" moaned Bobby.
"Goddess! Joseph, isn't that a bit tactless?"
"This is, like, so Beverly Hills!"
"I told you this was a bleeding nuthouse."
"Joseph, have ya lost it?'
"No, Rogue. In point of fact, Gambit offered."
Everyone stared at Gambit.
"Okay, bub, what are you up to?"
"Logan, mon ami, you wound me. I'm jus' helping out,
making de day special."
Mystique shrugged. "Well, it should make things interesting.
However, before we move on I have one little question. What
are you two going to do about names?"
Rogue and Joseph frowned. "What do you mean?" asked
"Are you getting married as Erik Magnus Lehnsherr or
as Joseph?"
"I will decide on that in due course."
"Well, you don't have much time." Mystique fixed
her gaze on Rogue.
"What about you, sweetheart? Can I tell everyone that
they can address you as... MMPH!"
"Momma, Ah will remove mah hand when ya nod to indicate
that ya are gonna behave!"
"Keep your hand there, kid." sniggered Sabretooth.
"Might stop Raven's big mouth from flappin'!"
"Where was she hiding the bloody gun?"
"Mystique! Did you have to do that?" cried Jean.
"Blood is so hard to get out of the carpet."
After the mess was cleaned up, and Creed bundled out to recuperate,
Jean picked up the list again.
"*Achem* all that is left to organise are the
two... er... pre-wedding parties."
Rogue slumped in her chair. "Oh no, maybe we shoulda
eloped." she whispered to Joseph.
"And spoil everyone's fun?"
"The Hen Party!" squealed Kitty.
"The Stag Party." groaned Wisdom.
Having seen the boys off with strict instructions to bring
Joseph back in one piece, Rogue entered the main room and
noticed all the furniture had been pushed to the sides.
"We gonna be dancin' or somethin'?"
Jean and Betsy exchanged amused glances. "Something
like that."
"Rogue." Mystique approached her. "This is
a little gift which I'd like you to wear tonight."
Rogue took the little box and opened it. "Wow, what
a lovelynecklace!" She put it on.
Mystique hugged her and kissed her cheek. Rogue blinked in
amazement. "How?"
"Forge whipped it up, I'm afraid it only dampens your
powers for 6 hours and can't be used again, but I thought
it might be useful."
"Oh, Momma, it's perfect."
Everyone sighed as Rogue and Mystique hugged.
"It's a Kodak moment." said Lorna.
"Ok." said Mystique. "That's the mushy stuff
over, let's party!"
Several bottles of champagne later...
"Bets, hold it, Ah lost mah place."
"Again? Rogue, you are not good at karaoke."
"Shuddup! Ok, let's go!"
"Yeah, Jean?"
"I think it's time you, Paige, Monet and Penance went
to bed."
"I'm not tired."
"Go to bed, Jubilee. NOW!"
"Okay, okay."
Jubilee and the others filed out, but they made a sharp right
towards the front door instead of going upstairs.
"M, d'ya think we'll see everything by looking in the
"Isn't this a bit dishonest?"
"Don't be a moron, Paige. Now it gets good!"
"Good or bad, look at those four men." Monet pointed.
Jubilee peered over a bush. "Police!"
Inside Jean and Betsy jumped slightly as the doorbell rang.
"Rogue, could you get the door?'
"Sure." Rogue weaved her way to the front door
and opened it. A badge flashed in front of her eyes.
"Excuse me, miss." a police officer shouldered
his way into the hallway followed by three others. "We've
had some complaints, about the noise."
Rogue blinked. "Huh? But why does that take four of
They strode into the main room, Rogue ran up to Jean. "Problem."
"Hey!" cried Meltdown. "Arn't they... muff!"
Domino shoved her down. "Shush!"
"Look, Ah'm sorry if... hey!" Rogue frowned. "We
are miles from our nearest neighbours!"
The first cop grinned. "Your party, miss?'
"Yeah..." Rogue eyed them suspiciously.
"Here ya go." the leader presented her with a red
rose. "I'm Tony, this is Chris, Alan and Mike."
Rogue looked at Jean and Betsy. "You didn't..."
"Eeee!" Kitty and Meltdown started jumping up and
down. "Manpower Australia!"
"You did!"
Jean turned up the music. "Yup, I did.'
"Oh mah God..."
"C'mon guys, get down, take it off!"
"Ororo, you blushing?"
"Wow, look at those abs!"
"Jean, I must congratulate you, I didn't think this
was your thing."
"Well, it wasn't all my idea, Mystique."
"Rogue, don't stand there, go and dance!"
"Ah cain't!"
"I don't think I ever saw a man take of his shirt like
that before!"
"Aye, it's an experience alright."
Tony shimmied up to Rogue (who hadn't moved). "Now,
you look like a lady who loves to dance."
"Ah... Ah..." Rogue stuttered as Tony took her
hand. "eeep!"
"Go Rogue! Go Rogue!"
"Hey, she's actually dancing with them!"
"I guess the eight glasses of champagne must have helped."
"Betsy, did you deliberately get Rogue tipsy?"
"Well, yes."
"Whoa... there goes Mystique."
"The pants! The pants!"
"Emma, I think you're taking your teacher role a wee
bit far."
"Betsy, where are you going?"
"The poor man is having trouble with his zip, Jean."
Jean shook her head. "I think this worked too
well. Oh well, if you can't beat 'em..."
Meanwhile, at Harry's, the bar was full of mutants, and the
beer was flowing.
"Bloody hell Bobby, I told you I liked my beer warm."
"You're in the States now Petey-boy, cold is the way
to go."
"Cold yes, frozen solid no." Peter waved the beer
at Bobby. "What am I supposed to do, lick it?"
"Well you said you were thinking of slowing down."
"Argh! Harry, three vodkas on the rocks!"
Joseph stared at the goings on. "That'sh amazing."
he said.
"Joe, what are you doing?"
Joseph turned to look at Bobby through the glassy bottoms
of the two beer mugs he was holding to his eyes.
"Never mind." Bobby looked around. "So you
spiked his drink as planned huh?"
"Sure did!" chorused a group of voices. There was
a pause.
"Scott, I thought you were going to spike
his drink."
"I did."
"I thought I was going to!" said
Warren. "Gambit told me that..."
Hank, Warren, Bobby, and Scott turned to look at Gambit,
who was sitting at the bar. He raised his glass to them and
"Oh no." Hank got up onto the table, and whistled
for attention. The other mutants all turned from their respective
tables, bar, floor and ceiling to look at him.
"Alright, would everybody who spiked Joseph's drink
please raise their hands."
One by one, hands went up around the room. Gambit looked
down upon his work and knew that it was good.
"Aw hell... quick, to the A and E!"
"Bleaugh." said Joseph. "Well, a new experience
to add to my new experiences. Who would have thought that
a stomach pump could be so... so..."
"No one wants to know, Joseph," said Scott.
Joseph glared at Remy drunkenly, the alcohol in his bloodstream
merrily bobbing along. "You are such a jerk." he
said. "I can't believe I chose you to be my best man."
"I can't believe it either," said a new voice.
"In fact, I can't believe any of this."
Joseph went pale. "Er... hi son. How are you?"
*WHAM* Joseph's eyes rolled up into the back
of his head and he toppled backwards as the silver blur went
past him
Quicksilver stepped out into the hospital parking lot, rubbing
his fist. "What do you think you are doing?"
Joseph hung onto reality. "Throwing up?" he suggested
from the ground. *Hrugh*
"Oh yuck!" said Sam. "I thought the stomach
pump was supposed to take care of that?"
"I guess it missed a spot," said Bobby.
"Oh... butterflies..." said Joseph.
"What?" Hank examined his face. "Eyes dilated,
face pale, cold sweats... oh noooo... Perhaps I didn't make
myself adequately clear before. Would everyone who spiked
Joseph's drink please put their hands up?"
All the hands went up.
"Now, by spiked I am referring to with other alcohols."
Creeds' hand went down.
"What did you use?"
"I don't know, Mystique slipped it to me on the way
"Okay everyone, back inside!"
The next morning:
Rogue yawned, stretched, and sat up. "Today's the day.
Today's the DAY!" She hugged herself in glee. "I'm
so happy! Nothing could ruin this most bright of days!"
Joseph yawned, stretched, and sat up. "Oh my HEAD!!!"
He closed his eyes and put his hands to his pounding temples.
"Gads the PAIN!!!!" He opened his bleary eyes and
stared around him.
He felt a cold chill down his back.
"Where are my CLOTHES?"
Quicksilver trotted in the front door.
"Morning Pietro, I didn't know you were coming to the
wedding," said Betsy. Pietro smiled evilly.
"Try and keep me away."
Betsy nodded absently and left. Rogue bounced in the empty
"Pietro! You came! I was afraid you wouldn't get my
message in time!"
Pietro smiled at Rogue. "Don't worry, as if I would
miss my own father's wedding. Wanda's coming too."
Rogue clapped her hands together. "That's so great,
Joseph will be so SURPRISED to see you!"
"Oh yeah."
"Where is he anyway?" she asked, looking around.
"Maybe he got_cold feet," said Gambit,
entering the kitchen.
"Don't be silly," said Pietro. "I'm sure his
feet are very well-protected."
"Why are both my legs plastered together??!!!"
"I think he stepped out for a stroll." said Scott,
wandering through. "Did you pass him Pietro?"
"No, but I was coming here pretty fast. It's a long
way from Alaska."
"Why were you in Alaska?"
"Where on earth am I???!!!"
"Oh you know, personal business. Coordinating with local
police forces."
"Why am I handcuffed to a foghorn???!!!"
"So, are y'all ready?" asked Rogue.
"You bet!" the assembled X-Men chorused.
"It's gonna be a GREAT day," said Gambit.
Joseph walked in the gates of the mansion at about two o'clock.
"Where have you been?" Rogue demanded. "The
wedding is this AFTERNOON?! In ONE HOUR! You get your butt
downstairs for the tux fitting RIGHT NOW!"
"Yes dear," said Joseph. "Where's Gambit?"
"He's already there." said Rogue. "Move!"
"Yes my love, may I say that you are looking absolutely
radiant today." Joseph pressed her gloved hand to his
lips. "If you will but excuse me a few minutes I will
make haste to join my life to yours." He bowed and headed
Rogue watched after him. It was only after the euphoria wore
off that she thought to yell after him. "And WHY are
you wearing a boy scout uniform!" But he was out of hearing
"Oh poor Gambit, that must have hurt. I'll go get some
"Is this really necessary, momma?"
"Trust me, darling, you need this."
Rogue opened the door of the men's changing room. "Ah
hope y'all are decent." she yelled, there was a short
scuffling as she entered.
"Rogue?" Joseph looked up from trying to arrange
his cravat. "What is it?"
Rogue smiled and held out some papers. "You need to
sign this."
Joseph took it. "A pre-nuptial agreement?" He looked
at Mystique who was behind Rogue. "This was your idea,
wasn't it?"
"Of course."
Joseph read the list aloud. "One: If you (Joseph) ever
regain your memory and go back your old ways, I (Rogue) will
kill you." He raised an eyebrow. "Two: If you ever
wear that bucket helmet again, I will kill you. Three:
If in 25 years you trade me in for a younger woman I will
kill you." Joseph blinked. "Four: If I ever am killed
and you spend the next twenty or so years angsting about it
and screwing up your life as a result I will come back from
the dead and kill you. Five: The Summers Clause: If I am ever
thought to be dead and you meet someone who looks EXACTLY
like me, DO NOT MARRY HER! Rogue all these clauses
are about you! Did you write this?"
"Of course she didn't." said Mystique
"Now it all becomes clear." Joseph continued to
read. "Six: If I (Rogue) ever absorb your powers and
put you in a coma and you survive with any memory intact,
you (Joseph) will forgive me... WHAT?! When did
you write this?"
"Last night, during the Hen Party."
"When during that time?"
Mystique smirked. "I think it was after the fifth bottle
of champagne"
"Well that explains it." Joseph picked up a pen.
"I will sign this as long as I can add something to it."
"Like what?"
"Hmmm... ah yes. Seven: You (Rogue) will not smash me
(Joseph) through three walls - or more - ever again."
Rogue pouted. "You're spoiling mah fun."
"In the air I don't mind being hit."
"Shut up, Mystique."
"Momma, what should I do?" whispered Rogue.
"Don't worry dear, he said nothing about
"Ok, Ah agree to the addition."
Joseph eyed Mystique. "You seem to know a lot about
"Who, me?"
"Let me put it dis way," said Gambit. "You
know de Count, Nightcrawler's dad? Apparently she took everything
moveable and den came back with a crowbar."
"And this," growled Sabretooth, "is why I
won't get near an altar with her. Even my claws couldn't protect
Mystique smiled. "Believe me, Victor, if we had a pre-nupt,
declawing would be high on my list."
"Ah... " said Joesph. "Eight: If I ever
see a playing card in the bedroom... " he glared
at Gambit.
"De t'ings you insinuate mon ami."
"Who's insinuating? How's the ice?"
Later, in Rogue's room, Ororo, Jean, Jubilee and Kitty along
with Mystique had gathered to help Rogue with her wedding
"You know sweetheart, it's not too late to call it all
off, noone would blame you."
"Momma! Yoah here to help not hinder!"
"Where is your 'something blue'?" broke in Kitty.
Rogue pulled up her skirt. "Here Kitty, in the garter."
"Joey is going to love taking them off!"
"What did I do now?"
Suddenly Rogue giggled. "Ah'm a bride!"
"Well, that's what we thought." deadpanned Jean.
"Ah'm so happy!"
Ororo drew closer to Mystique. "Did you give her something?"
Mystique shook her head. "No, I think she's just ascended
the proverbial cloud 9, so she will be like this for a while."
"Do you have your speech ready, Mystique?" Jean
"Yes, very ready."
"No nasty surprises I hope." muttered Kitty.
Ororo walked around Rogue and placed a white ribbon around
her throat. "I think we're done here."
Rogue looked at herself in the full-length mirror. The wedding
dress she had chosen was Regency-style made of white flowing
satin with a cream-coloured bodice embroidered with discreet
gold threads. Gold clasps held her hair and long white gloves
completed the elegant effect.
All the women (including Mystique) sighed. "You look
"Ah hope... Ah hope Joseph likes it."
Jean hugged her carefully. "I'm sure he will."
Mystique bit her lip and tried to force away the tight feeling
in her throat as she looked at the young woman whom she had
raised from childhood. "Oh, you'll do just fine."
she whispered, then she noticed Jubilee grinning at her. "*Achem*
Ladies! We have to get moving, the ceremony starts in
15 minutes!"
Rogue gasped. "Oh... oh... Ah... oh... "
While the others calmed the hyperventilating bride, Mystique
went to the door. "I'll go and and hustle the boys. Let's
hope Joseph hasn't made a run for it."
"I can't go through with it! I'm not ready!"
"Joseph! Sit down and calm down!" Scott shoved
the struggling man onto a chair. "Remy, help would be
Remy smirked from his position at the door. "I don'
know, mon ami. Dis is a dream come true, I t'ink."
Mystique entered the room. "Are you coming? The groom
is supposed to be there before the bride!"
Scott, Hank and Bobby looked at Joseph, he took a deep breath
and stood up. "I am ready."
Mystique grimaced. "You look like you're going to be
shot." she paused. "Although some people would say
being shot is preferable to marriage." Everyone glared
at her, she laughed. "See you boys at the altar,"
she said and left.
"Showtime neh?" said Remy, scowling fiercely.
"Yes," said Joseph. "For goodness sake, smile,
Remy, you're supposed to be happy for me!"
"Don't push it."
The wedding afternoon was bright and beautiful. It's such
an advantage to have weather-controlling members on the team
sometimes. The assembled X-people watched as Rogue walked
up the aisle and Gambit and Joseph both gulped when they beheld
her. Everybody else stared at the beautiful X-Man. The awed
silence lasted all the way until the vows began, when a small
discussion broke the silence.
"Do you, Joseph Magnus Lensherr --"
"Well, that makes sense," said Scott.
"-- take *whisper* to be your lawful wedded wife,
to love her and cherish her as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." Joseph answered and then leant over to
Rogue. "That's your real name?"
"What did he say her name was?" asked Storm.
"I didn't catch it," said Jean.
"And do you *whisper* take Joseph to be your
lawful wedded husband to love him and cherish him as long
as you both shall live?"
"Ah do."
"I didn't catch it again." said Jean.
"Me neither!" said Gambit.
Silence resumed until the priest uttered the fateful words:
"And if there is anyone here who knows of a reason why
these two people should not be joined together, speak now
or forever hold your peace."
Pietro opened his mouth, Wanda elbowed him in the stomach.
Gambit surveyed the crowd. Everyone avoided his eyes. He
opened his mouth.
"No, noone's complaining." said Rogue quickly.
"Hurry up."
"By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you
husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
"Errrr..." said Rogue. "Hitch."
"No hitch," said Joseph. "Behold your other
wedding ring." As he pointed upwards, a giant donut ring
made up of circuitry lowered down from the clouds.
"Mmmmmm, donuts." said Bobby.
"Wha?" said Rogue. Joseph took her face in his
bare hands.
"Ah... Ah..."
"I love you." Joseph bent and kissed her.
Gambit's jaw collapsed. "I don' believe it!"
Jubilee pressed play and "Magnet & Steel" by
Matthew Sweet started playing.
"Ooooooo.... Aaaaaa...
Now I told you, so you oughtta know... oooo...
Take some time for our feelings to grow... oooo...
You're so close now, I can't let you go... oooo...
And I can't let go.
(With you I'm not shy) to show the way I feel
(With you I might try) my secrets to reveal
For I am a magnet, and you are steel."
Joseph started to move back when Rogue grabbed his head firmly
and yanked it back down to hers. *MMMMMPH!* His arms flailed
around madly and then settled around her back. She hung on
to him desperately.
"Uh..." said Jean. "Guys, there's still the
speeches and food and stuff."
"Hello! Earth to Rogue!" said Jubilee.
*mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I think we're forgetting something
"Joseph! Hey... DAD!" yelled Pietro.
*mmmmmmmm oh yeah... AIR!*
MMMMMMMWWWWWWWWWWWAH! *GASP* Rogue and Joseph's lips parted
with an audible sucking sound. They both stood there, panting.
Then they both moved in again.
"Hold it! We've got a reception to hold here, save that
for tonight!" said Mystique.
"Yuck," said Pietro. "I don't even want to
think about that."
Joseph took Rogue's arm and they walked down the aisle together,
the others followed, throwing rice and flowers. Gambit grabbed
some rice from Jubilee and took a handful.
"Dis is for de zipper!" he snarled and charged
it up. He threw. The rice hung in the air. Joseph turned and
waved at him merrily.
"Dere's no iron in rice!" Gambit said.
"No, but there's such things as iron filings."
said Jubilee. "Come on, you think they didn't think of
this? Bye!"
At the reception, Rogue's bare hand was clasped in Joseph's
also bare hand. They stared lovingly into each others eyes.
"Doesn't it take you back, Jean?" asked Scott.
"Mmmhmmm." said Jean. They stared lovingly into
each others eyes.
"I'm going to be sick." said Wisdom. Kitty hung
onto his arm and stared up at him adoringly. "Isn't it
Wisdom paused, "()*&. Uh... Kit... I..." he
looked at her. "Don't think that was very funny!"
Kitty grinned back, "Oh I don't know, you should have
seen your face!"
Creed stuffed cream donuts into his mouth. "Ahhh...
cholesterol. So essential to promoting heart attacks,"
said Beast. "Another?"
"Thought you were a humanitarian Beasty boy." said
"Oh, but I am."
"That was unusually nasty," said Mystique. "I
like it!"
"Someone get that woman away from Hank," said Warren
to Forge. "She's a bad influence."
"Oh you have NO idea." replied Forge.
Joseph and Rogue had finally looked away from each other
and were now admiring the wedding cake. Pietro and Wanda wandered
up to them.
"Congratulations!" said Wanda. "It was a lovely
ceremony. I hope it all works out for you."
"Even your hexes couldn't do that," said Pietro.
"Some probabilities just won't be defied."
"Pessimist!" said Rogue. "But don't worry,
Ah won't hold it against you... son."
Wanda giggled.
Gambit cleared his throat, stood and tapped his spoon against
the glass in front of him.
"Attention, everyone."
"What's going on?" Joseph asked Rogue.
"It's traditional for the best man to make the first
"Speech? We're doomed."
Gambit waited for silence and then began.
"Ahem, welcome everyone, t'anks for coming. T'anks also
to everyone who helped organise this thing, willingly or not,
especially those who travelled a long way to be here. I known
Rogue for as long as I been in the X-Men, and the minute I
saw her I knew she had class. Sure, we were both under the
Shadow King's control hunting each other down on Muir Island
at the time, but first impressions don't always lie. Rogue's
a class act - beauty, strength and brains. How
often do you see that? I thought she was perfect the moment
I first saw her and nothing has changed that. It's been no
secret to anyone that I loved her more than anyone else I
ever met in my whole life and I never wished her anything
but happiness."
He sipped his drink.
"Which is why I can't understand why she's marryin'
"Uh oh." said Jean.
"I mean, Joseph! Sure he's okay lookin', if you like
all that hair, but come on. The man's a mass
murderer! He's an evil guy an' always will be! But she loves
him, an' I got to respect that. So here's to the happy couple.
Salaud!" He led the toast by throwing a huge glass of
champagne straight down his throat and sitting down abruptly.
Joseph leant over. "Uh, nice speech."
"T'anks. Pass de champagne."
Mystique got to her feet, a champagne glass in one hand.
"Well, after Gambit's entertaining speech,
it's time for me to do my bit."
Scott downed another glass of champagne, Jean looked at him
in alarm. "Scott, that's your sixth glass!"
Mystique smiled sweetly. "I've known Rogue since she
was a little girl, so sweet and obedient - well, let's just
say sweet and even that is stretching the definition."
Rogue fidgeted in her seat. "Momma... "
"Yes, like every proud and doting mother I had such
high hopes for her, but sadly Rogue left my loving care..."
"Loving?" muttered Bobby, "Trussing Rogue
up in a uniform and getting her to attack Carol Danvers is
Everyone jumped as Bobby's glass shattered. Mystique blew
away the smoke from her hand gun.
"As I was saying," she continued, "Rogue left
and joined up with this ship of fools, I mean group of mutants,
and I watched her change for the worse, oh I mean better."
"Momma, what are you doing?" hissed
"It turned out that my dear daughter preferred to be
an outcast than work legitimately with me in Freedom Force."
There was an audible snort from Sabretooth's direction. "Legit?
Mystique sighed and emptied a couple of rounds into him.
When the others had sat up again she continued.
"Since joining the X-Men Rogue has suffered the life-death
syndrome, dying - living - dying and living again and again!
She has also caught the agonised love and angst disease pioneered
by Scott and Jean."
"Hey!" cried Jean while Scott downed his ninth
"Now all this has come to a resolution. My little girl
has married and while I'm relieved it isn't to the Cajun,
I must say I give this marriage to Magneto - I mean Joseph
- a month at least."
"Mystique, are you betting on our marriage?"
"Life is a bet, Joseph. Anyway X-Folks, all I'm saying
is that this marriage is your fault and you only have yourselves
to blame." Mystique raised her glass higher. "In
the meantime let us toast this happy couple and wish them
happiness for the time they have together, at least until
the next supervillian shows up or Pietro gets over his shock
and kills Joseph for providing him with a stepmother ten years
younger than him. So, here's to Rogue and Joseph."
There was complete silence, Mystique lifted her gun pointedly.
"To Rogue and Joseph!" said everyone quickly and
as one sculled their glasses.
Mystique smiled broadly and sat down. Rogue glared at her.
"Thanks evah so much!" she said sarcastically.
"Don't mention it, darling."
A few more speeches followed. For the most part they were
fairly standard good wishes, "Hope you'll be very happy!",
usually delivered with the speaker's fingers crossed behind
their backs. Then Scott stood up, listing dangerously to one
"I... I... jusht wanna wish..." he paused. "Wish,
I wathn't here... When you wish upon a shtar... Wish Rogue
and Mangeti... Manori... Josheph... shiff shiff... Joe, the
bery besht... what am I doing here? *thud*."
"Praise the lord and pass the ammunition." said
"I only wanted to put him out of his misery."
"He's not miserable!"
"He will be when he wakes up!"
"No no no!"
"Oh my stars and garters."
"Bobby, put the whipped cream DOWN and step AWAY
from my husband!"
"Who, me?"
Until at last the torture was over. Rogue was blushing crimson
and Joseph had buried his head in his arms as Sabretooth came
to the end of his monologue.
"... and then the stripper said to the priest, "But
I don't have any more jelly... then..."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the speeches are over."
said Mystique, blowing smoke away from her gun.
"Oh thank god." said Joseph.
"Hey! I wanted to know how that finished!"
Jubilee jumped up on to a table with a champagne glass in
one hand and a microphone in the other.
"Hey, you're underage!"
"Okay people, it's time to PAR-TAY!"
"I thought we were going to have waltzing."
"You thought we were going to have waltzing.
I hired the band." said Jubilee smugly.
"But first the bride and groom do the traditional first
dance. Try not to trip over and hideously embarass yourselves
or anything okay?"
"Ack." said Joseph. "Can I dance?"
"We're about to find out sugah." Rogue took his
hand and he led her out onto the dance floor.
"Do the macarena!"
"Lambada! Lambada!"
"One two three..."
Joseph put Rogues hand on his shoulder, moved in closer and
put his arm around her waist. He clasped her other hand in
his gently, and closed his eyes. The music began to play.
"I asked Jubilee for an appropriate song," he murmured
into her ear. "My knowledge of music is a little limited."
"It always was," Rogue giggled up to him. "Magnus
was always kind of a classical music buff."
"Magnus was?"
"Like you said hon, you ain't Magneto anymore. I married
Joseph, the man I love."
"I love you." said Joseph. The song began.
[Yes, we know, it's nauseating. Are you done throwing
up now? Good... on with the show!]
When I first saw you, I already knew
There was something inside of you
Something I thought I'd never find
Angel of mine.
I look at you looking at me
Now I know why they say the best things are free
Gonna love you till the end of time
Angel of mine.
What you mean to me you'll never know
Deep inside I need to show
You came into my life, sent from above
Never did I dream such a perfect love
And I'll adore you to the end of time
Angel of mine."
"Oh boy."
The song ended and Rogue and Joseph gracefully glided to
a halt.
"How was that?" Joseph asked.
"Not bad, for an old man."
"Hey! Now Leonie, that wasn't fair."
"You IDIOT!" yelled Rogue. "SIX
YEARS Ah been keeping that a secret! And then YOU!!!!
Mystique thrust a piece of paper at her. "Sign on the
bottom line and the divorce can be final in five minutes."
"Get that thing outta my face!" yelled Rogue/Leonie.
She glared at Joseph who looked confused. She burned inside
with rage.
"But I don't understand." said Joseph. "What's
wrong with Leonie? I think it's a beautiful name."
"... That's so... so... *WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH*!!!"
Rogue clutched him and bawled into his coat. Joseph looked
even more confused and patted her gently on the back.
"Right," said Jubilee. "Obviously the crisis
is over, with Joseph and Leonie having finished
the first dance, everyone else can get on to the dance floor!"
The band began playing "See Ya Later Alligator"
and the rest of the guests moved on to the dance floor.
That evening
"Well, goodbye everyone!" said Rogue. "Ah'll
send you all postcards!"
"How? They don't have any post offices in the Savage
Land!" said Betsy.
"Then I'll hang on to them till Ah see you again."
said Rogue. "Postcards always arrive after you get back
"What are you going to do on your honeymoon?" Paige
Joseph looked inside the Blackbird, "Spend most of it
writing thank you notes for all the wedding gifts, I suspect."
he said. "Someone did run these through
the bomb detection machine didn't they?"
"Of course," said Kitty. "That's why there
isn't anything from Gambit, Mystique, Creed, Bobby or Scott."
"He was drunk at the time." explained Jean. "So
mine is from both of us."
"Oh. Okay."
Joseph waved goodbye to everyone. "Ready to go, wife?"
he asked Rogue.
"Just a second," said Rogue, turning around. "Ladies,
positions!" With that, she threw the bouquet.
"Hands off, it's mine!" yelled Jubilee.
"Move it, move it!"
"I do not see what all of the fuss is about," said
Monet, regarding the blooms in her hands. "They are not
the best roses I have ever seen."
Everyone turned back just to see Joseph slipping the garter
down over Rogue's ankle.
"You wish Bobby. You wish." said Joseph. "Here
it goes!"
Gambit stepped over the now comatose members of the remaining
X-males and picked up the garter.
"Not again -- do you have a collection of these things
or something?"
Gambit kissed the garter and put it in his pocket. He stared
challengingly around him.
"Well, goodbye!" said Joseph. He went up front
to pilot.
"Bye! BYEEEE!!!" yelled Rogue. "Ah
love you all!"
"Bye, Leonie! Have a good time, Leonie!"
"Don't push it Jubes!"
"Bye, sweetie, don't crashland in the middle of the
"Bye! Bye!"
Rogue closed up the jets door and went up front to Joseph.
"Let's get out of this madhouse before someone attacks
us!" she said.
Joseph grinned and lifted off, then engaged the autopilot
and turned to continue their earlier kiss.
The jet flew out of sight quickly, the words "Just married
(and about to regret it)" spraypainted on the side, and
tin cans trailing off the wings.
"What's in that one?"
"A toaster. You?"
"A toaster. What about that one."
"A toaster." Rogue pointed at another box. "Try
that one."
Joseph opened it. "Quite possibly the most toastery-looking
toaster I've ever seen. And that one?"
"A very pretty..."
Joseph's eyebrows raised.
Magnet and Steel by Matthew Sweet, from the Sabrina
the Teenage Witch soundtrack. Though of course it's much
older than that.
Angel of Mine by Eternal, from their Greatest Hits
The epilogue dialogue inspired by the Slayers TV series.
"Leonie" inspired by the main character in Georgette
Heyer's These Old Shades, "Ah BAH!"
Joseph, Rogue and all the rest are copyright to Marvel Comics.
Manpower Australia are copyright themselves.
We were inspired to finish this because Joseph's true origin
was FINALLY revealed and, fortunately contrary to the
rumours we had heard, he wasn't little Charles from the AoA.
Now if the real Magneto would just stand up and get his act
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