Ssssssssssmokin'! Part 6 already! All
these characters belong to Marvel and are not used to make
me a profit. So, therefore, don't use my story to make you
a profit. Else I'll find you and make you watch endless reruns
of Superted'. If you want to archive, by all means
do, but keep the story in its original form and don't change
one word! I'd also appreciate an e-mail. Apart from that send
any comments or contributions to RogueStar (
Flames will be extinguished, spam eaten - don't send me either.
This part of the story is, per usual, clean enough to wash
your clothes with. It is also *gulp* divergent from Marvel's
version. Enjoy!
P.S. [anythingyoulike] indicates a translation from another
Part 6
Rogue's eyes blinked open and she looked around the sunny
room. Next to her bed was a vase of flowers, roses combined
with carnations and gypsophila. Lethargically, she picked
them up and glanced at the card: "Get well soon. Momma."
"What th' . . . ." She whispered, "Mah momma's
dead. Who coulda . . . ."
The truth dawned on her. Picking up the crystal vase, she
threw it against the opposite wall angrily.
It smashed into thousands of shards, leaving a pool of water
and crushed flowers below.
"By the bright lady!" Storm rushed into the room,
"Rogue, it is wonderful that you are awake again. But
the vase - why did you break it ?"
"She sent them." Rogue sat up, pulling the sheets
off herself. "An' Ah'm gonna find her an' make sure she
never does it again."
"Calm down. Who is she'?"
"Mystique. Mah momma'." Her lips twisted
in a bitter mockery of a smile.
"Oh." Understanding dawned on Storm's face. "I'll
get a brush and pan."
"Ah'll do it."
"You'll do no such thing. I am under strict orders to
keep you in bed for another day, minimum."
"Hmmp. Not sure if'n Ah like that." Rogue settled
back down against her pillow, "How's Remy?"
Storm looked away. "Worse than you are, I'm afraid."
"What's wrong with him?" Her eyes were filled with
"We are not sure. At least, he's sleeping comfortably
Rogue bit her lip, suppressing the tears that threatened
to overflow.
"He's awake and demanding intellectual pursuit."
"Good." Rogue nodded, "Ah'm glad Ah was able
to save one person."
"Gambit is not dead yet. He stands a high chance of
making a complete recovery."
"Ah know. It's just that. . .well. . . Ah feel so guilty."
"Why?" Storm sat on the edge of her bed.
"Think it's because Ah'm . . . responsible."
"How can you blame yourself for the events of the evening?"
"Easily. Ah was meant t'protect him, an' Ah failed."
"Rogue." Storm grasped her hand, "You flew
into an inferno to save them, you risked your own life for
theirs. You succeeded."
"Then why don't it feel that way?" Rogue sighed.
"Y'see, Ah shoulda been in there with them; shoulda been
there next t'him, where Ah belonged. Stead Ah ran, like
a coward."
"You aren't talking about the factory, are you?"
"Ah don't know what Ah'm talking about any more."
She couldn't hold back her tears any longer.
"Hush." Storm hugged her, letting the younger woman
release her pain. "I understand. But the best thing you
can do right now is be strong."
Rogue wiped the tears from her eyes.
"Can Ah go see him?"
"I would advise against it from a medical viewpoint,
but as your friend, I cannot refuse."
"Thanks." Rogue climbed out of bed, "Foh everythin'."
"10 minutes, maximum."
The younger woman nodded her agreement, and exited the room.
Hoping beyond hope that Gambit was all right.
He drifted in and out of consciousness, caught between the
nightmarish world of unreality and cold, hard fact. There
was no time where he was, no anxious moments in which to worry
and cry.
No moments to reflect on whether his actions had been right
or wrong. No moments to wish he had done otherwise. Only his
dreams, spiralling out of control as his mind became more
tethered to the fantastic and the impossible, served as any
indication of his mind's functioning. Reality blurred. He
felt that he was drifting away from his body into the mindscape..
A cold, hard jerk.
Aches all over his body. Painful lungs. A battle to breathe.
Intense green. He was awake. The green, the green of a beautiful
pair of eyes looking into his own. The eyes of an angel.
"You're awake? You're alive?" Her voice epitomized
relief, "Thank th' Lawd."
"More o' one dan de other, chere!" The syllables
battled past dry lips. "Both of dem t'anks t'you."
She blushed. "Ah'm so relieved . . . Ah thought . .
. Ah mean . . . ."
Eyes that said what words could not express.
"You were worried about me, henh?"
"Now Ah'm *sure* y'all are fine - you're readin' things
inta mah words Ah never put there."
She smiled. An ambiguous smile. A smile that could give a
man reason to live when he had none left. A smile that could
make a man believe in miracles.
"Anyway, you must sleep an' Ah've gotta get back t'bed
before Ororo comes after me."
He nodded. "I know from personal experience dat you
don' wan' Stormy coming after you."
"Y'all get better now, hear? Ah don't want t'have risked
mah life foh nothin."
"I'll try t'oblige you."
Silence as she turned to go.
"Oh . . . an' . . . chere. In case I didn' mention it
b'fore - T'anks."
"Foh what?"
"For giving me back my life - in more ways dan one."
A look in her eyes, as if she was deciding whether to say
what she felt or what she felt she should say. A squeeze of
his hand. Friendly, no more. But enough. Enough to give the
man without hope, hope. And more than enough to begin with
. . . .
The woman regarded her reflection in the mirror as she combed
her hair. Curling in ringlets, it formed a golden halo around
her heart-shaped face. Remy had always said she looked like
an angel. Mon ange [My angel], he had called her all those
years ago. Before he left her for dead. Before he went away.
Before he discovered that he didn't love her. A look of
anger passed through her violet eyes as she remembered their
wedding day; the beautiful vows they had made. The lies they
had both spoken to satisfy custom and their parents.
'Je te prends comme ma femme; pour le meilleur et le pire,
pour plus riche et plus pauvre;
[I take you as my wife; for better and worse\in sickness and
in health; for richer and poorer,]
a la vie, a la mort.'
[Until death us do part]
Vows which he had broken. He had believed her dead, true
enough, but he had stopped searching for her; never had searched
for her. Just accepted her death, never thought it might not
be true.
Were those the actions of a man who loved his wife more than
himself? She laughed bitterly, she was a fool to think that
Remy could ever love anyone more than himself. He never had,
and never would. If he did, if he could, it would not be her.
Then why did she cling on to the vague hope that he might
still love her?
'Parce-que, tu es une idiote, Belle.' She thought angrily,
Tu es dans l'amour avec un salaud qui te n'aime pas.'
[Because, you are a fool, Belle. You are in love with a jerk
who doesn't love you.]
She pulled her hair-brush angrily through her hair.
'Pourtant . . . je dois . . . je se dois voir un dernier
fois. Je dois savoir si. . . .'
[Yet . . .I must . . . I must see him one last time. I must
know if . . . .]
If what? If the old magic was still there? If he still might
and could love her? The answer to both of those questions
was probably not. But, despite all of that, he was still legally
hers. And she would have him. By any means necessary. . .
The raven soared soundlessly over the mansion. Her beak parted
in a hoarse cry that echoed over the hills. A song of mourning.
A threnode for the loss of a daughter. Not by death. But by
circumstance. By the fact that her daughter had realised who
she really was, what she really wanted. She landed silently
on the windowsill and cocked an inquistive head, looking into
the room. It was large and breezy with white-painted walls
and curtains flapping like so many wings.
By one wall was a bed on which her daughter lay asleep. Her
green eyes were shut and she was smiling. Obviously having
a dream. Of what?' The raven wondered. What --
or who -- had made her daughter happy?' She wished that she
could find out. She missed the intimacy of mother and daughter;
of hearing secrets and dreams; of laughing and crying; of
sharing in someone else's life.
There had been so many children, so many lives - all of whom
had left her when they found out what she was. Kurt. Graydon.
And now, Rogue. Her beautiful daughter. Her secret weapon.
The raven took one last, lingering look, then spread black
wings and flew away. Her yellow eyes bright with tears.
The Mastermold he had called it. It was a combined factory
and blueprint, designed for genocide.
Sentient; capable of reasoning thought; capable of self-replication
in an army of drones. Drones called Sentinels which would
defend the world in the dark days to come. Days foretold by
his son.
His shame. A shame he wanted to prevent the rest of the world
from having.
Henry Gyrich turned away from his creation. His ugly-beautiful
work. Soon it would be time to show it to the whole world.
"Doctor, I'm sure I saw him move . . . ." The pretty
young nurse re-entered the room, accompanied by the doctor.
"Cynthia, that's impossible. David Haller is in a coma.
Has been for 5 years."
"I *know* what I saw, Doctor. He moved."
"His ECG shows the same amount of activity it always
did. None."
"Doctor . . . ."
"Cynthia, please."
"If he comes out of his coma . . . ."
"He won't."
"If he does?"
"If he does, and he won't, then may heaven help us all."
"Stormy, if he has t'stay in bed one more day, dis cajun
boy is gonna go crazy." Gambit complained, as he tossed
cards into a basket nearby.
"The injuries you sustained were serious. It is in your
interests that you recuperate fully."
She explained, a patient look on her face. She had had this
conversation with him for the last week.
"Chere, I t'ink I was recuperated a month ago. Now,
I'm jus' plain bored."
"Bored or not. You will stay in bed until Beast gives
you a clean bill of health."
"Hmmp. Where is de boy genius?"
"In his laboratory."
"Me an' Beast were in de same situation, how come he
is in his lab, an' I'm trapped in dis sacree chambre?"
"His mutant abilities aided his recovery."
"Great. Why couldn' I have been born big, blue and furry?"
"Bad luck?" Storm suggested, smiling.
"Guess I'll jus' have t'look on de bright side. De King
Kong t'ing is way outta fashion wit' de girls. . . ."
"Which no doubt is why Beast has a girlfriend, and you
do not?" She teased gently.
"Not for lack o' offers, chere."
"Offers which you did not accept? Is this the Remy leBeau
with whom I experienced New Orleans? The Remy leBeau who could
have had ten dates in one night and attended all of them?"
"People change, Stormy."
"In such a short space of time? What could have wrought
this transfomation?"
"Felt it wasn't fair to de team t'let on to outsiders
who an' what I really was."
"Noble. But as you said a few days ago, you are not."
"Picked dat up from you, chere." He grinned, deflecting
the question neatly.
Storm looked at her wristwatch.
"By the Goddess! I must go, I have a prior engagement
at five o'clock."
"As in a date?"
"Yes. If you must know."
"T'ought you looked prettier dan usual."
"I am hoping Forge will feel the same way as you do."
"De man's blind if he doesn't."
Storm smiled, and began to walk out the door.
"Goodbye, Remy. I hope you will be released tomorrow."
"So do I, chere. So do I."
The young man closed his eyes, and fell asleep, as if dreaming
about tomorrow could make it today. . . .
Zodiac lifted her silver eyes skywards, watching the stars
from which she had taken her name.
They were unchanging. The one constant in a transient world.
Beacons of light as old as time itself.
Even time was no longer the barrier it was purported to be.
Pierced by her powers, it had become a tapestry on which the
lives of men and women were woven. A tapestry which she could
examine with ease. Silver strands of laughter. Golden joy.
Red love. Black hate. Blue peace. An infinite kaleidoscope
in which the world turned, shifting and changing colors with
each rotation. She grasped the railing on the side of the
balcony, hoping for strength and support. What she had seen,
what she knew must happen, was woven in black on the tapestry
of time. And she prayed with all her soul that the few strands
of gold and red she had seen would be enough to give the whole
world hope.
I needed a little R&R after my near-death experience.
Had plenty of time to t'ink bout life, de universe an'
everyt'ing. Especially bout de ol' saying dat goes: heroes
die young. Wasn't about t'let me be one o' dose young an'
dead heroes. After all, dere ain't no beautiful woman when
one's dead. Cept angels. Got me one of dose already.
A flesh-an'-blood one. When I saw her come t'rough de smoke,
guess I fell in love. Also guess I pick bad moments t'do it.
Hoped she felt de same way. T'ought she did. But sometimes
when you've been wearing a mask for too long you start to
t'ink everyone else is as well. So we carried on looping circles
around each other. She was afraid o' trusting me and getting
hurt. Me? I t'ought I was a few cards short of a deck if I
was falling in love wit' a woman I could never touch, never
hold, and certainly never kiss. As Stormy might say:
de Goddess works in mysterious ways. Moi, I'd prefer to jus'
say dat if love was in de cards for us, I hoped dat de hand
would be dealt sooner rather dan later. Dat's how I've always
lived, play de hand dat's dealt you as best you can. An' always
have an ace in de hole . . . .
Rogue flung the curtains of her room open, letting the golden
sunlight flood the room and warm the bare skin of her arms.
It was another beautiful day in Salem Center, Westchester.
"Lawd, how Ah love a day like this." She said out
loud, a sudden burst of exhilaration running through her.
"It's the sorta day on which a lady should be outside
in th' sun, not all cooped up inside."
Quickly getting dressed in a pair of worn shorts and T-Shirt,
she checked the time on her wristwatch: 5:30 AM. Way too early
to consider waking the others up. She would have to sneak
out and hope they knew where she was. Climbing through the
window, she flew off into the cloudless sky, feeling the perfect
release that flying gave her. . . . From up high she could
pretend that she had no problems; that life was simple. She
climbed higher; seeing the vista diminish below her; daring
her lungs to be incapable of breathing; watching her breath
mist into smoke on the cold air. Adrenalin flowed through
her, mingling with pure happiness. It was a feeling she always
got when she flew, transcending her problems and her pain.
A feeling she wished could last forever.
But, as always, she had to descend; to confront reality once
more. With a slight feeling of regret, she dove back to earth
and landed in the small park, the carpet of leaves crackling
beneath her feet. It was almost silent there, with only a
few joggers disturbing the morning quiet . . . only a few
joggers and the hoarse croak of a raven.
The raven lifted her yellow eyes. Her surveillance had finally
paid off . . . now she had a chance to confront her daughter
- alone - without any of Xavier's dream-keepers to interfere
and take her away again. A chance to get her back. . . . A
smile crossed the beak of the raven; black wings became slender
arms; hooked talons, shapely hands; the body extended, inflated;
the head became a face; black feathers, auburn hair; the yellow
eyes still gleamed but from the face of a woman.
Raven Darkholme dusted off her long white dress and walked
out from behind the tree.
"Rogue?" She called, excited and afraid. "Darling?"
The young woman spun around, a look of disbelief on her face.
"Ah don't believe it . . . after all this time . . .
what in Sam Hill do *you* want, Mystique?"
She said the name as if it was a swear-word.
"I want to talk."
"Ah don't wanna listen. What you did t'me goes way beyond
talkin'. . . beyond understandin'. Ah can't listen ta you
without wantin' ta hurt you. Wanting to make you feel what
Ah felt."
"I know that what I did was wrong. I'm sorry for it."
"You're sorry? Cold comfort." Hate filled the younger
woman's green eyes, "You never lived through what Ah
lived. You never had any reason to hate yourself."
"I did. I hurt you. I used you as a weapon. That was
reason enough for me to hate myself, because I loved you,
Rogue. I really did."
"Then why didja make me touch Carol? Why, momma?"
"I . . . felt it was for the best. That the cause I
was fighting for was worth the cost. I never dreamed it would
have this effect on you."
"Ah was your daughter."
"I know. You can still be my daughter . . . ."
Mystique paused, "Come back with me. I know that you
aren't an X-Man at heart, that you only joined because you
wished to control your powers."
"Then y'all don't know me very well. Ah believe in what
Ah fight foh. And foh perhaps the first time in mah life,
Ah'm happy. Ah'm makin' a new life foh mahself, a better one
and a brighter one.
And maybe, just maybe, Ah've found someone to do it with."
"You could be happy with me. You were."
"Until when? Until you use me again? Until you betray
me? Forget it, Mystique. Ah'm never comin' back to you."
"Rogue. . . ."
"This conversation is over, Raven."
"If ever you change your mind, my offer still stands."
"As does mah answer."
"Please. . . ."
But the young woman had already flown away into the sky,
leaving her mother and her old life behind her. . . .
After all she had done t'me, Ah couldn't believe that Mystique
thought Ah'd go back t'her; be her daughter again. It
was as if th' past didn't matter to her; as if she thought
Ah could forget an' forgive. Couldn't do either; never could.
Th' only thing Ah hate worse than betrayal is lyin'.
Mystique did both t'me. But y'know what's really strange?
The thing that hurts th' most is the fact that she did love
me in her own, twisted way and did think that it was foh th'
greater good. Makes it harder t'accept what she did. It hurt
me, still does, ta think that at one time th' cause was greater
than her love foh her daughter. Makes me wonder about love
an' whether it ain't entirely selfish.
All take an' no give. All th' love in mah life has been like
that, daddy, Mystique, even mah birth-momma, all loved
me if'n'when it was convenient foh them. Ah've never felt
what it might be like to give as well as take. Never felt
what Scott and Jean have. Heck, Ah may even convince mahself
that Gambit truly does have feelin's foh me without an underlyin'
motive. Cept Ah'm sure that he too has reasons all his
own. Just sometimes Ah wish that Ah could trust him an' tell
him how Ah really feel about him. . . maybe one day Ah will.
Cause it's about time Ah took a long look in th' mirror, at
what's really hidden beneath all the layers of doubt and caution,
an' learn ta trust others as well as mahself. Then maybe Ah
can rid mahself of mah final inheritance from Mystique - the
gift of distrust . . . .
"You have called me here, Ivan? Why?"
"It is time to unveil our living weapon. With his assistance
we can gather the petty independent states back into the bosom
of Mother Russia where they belong."
"Boszhe moi! You are surely not suggesting that we .
. . ."
"Da. There can be no other way, Vladimir."
"But . . . but he is repugnant . . . worse, untested.
We are not sure of the degree of control we have over him."
"There can be no other way."
"You are a madman, Ivan."
"Perhaps, but I shall be known as the madman who restored
Russia to her former glory."
"I will not allow this. He shall be released over my
dead body!"
"Preference noted."
A shot.
"I am sorry, Vladmir, old friend. But even a fool
like you must know that I have no choice. For
Russia's sake and my sake I must release Omega Red."
Continued in Chapter
1. In French, 'pour le meilleur et le pire' means both 'for
better and worse' and 'in sickness and in health'
2. Sacr(e) means darn. Chambre means room.
In part 7 of Smoke and Mirrors. . .
Omega Red - Russia - Spandex-does-not-retain-heat - All your
favourite X-Men - Southern Grammar 101 - Be there! Soyez la-bas!
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