Stories by Dr. Benway
Much has been made of Rogue's experience in Genosha circa UXM #236, where she was stripped of her powers and manhandled by the guards, although there's still some debate as to just what happened between the panels. Benway tries to fill in the blanks in a very dark, ugly, psychological tale. (Warning: Mature language, situations.)
Just after the X-Men's return from the Secret Wars, but before Peter's break-up with Kitty in UXM #183, Rogue stops by for a chat with Kitty, and it turns into a bonding experience for them both.
Ford Escort"
Kitty Pryde and Pete Wisdom investigate a grisly death in England. (Warning: Language and implied graphic violence)
E-mail: d_benway@yahoo.com |
Kitty Pryde and Pete Wisdom investigate a
grisly death in England.
Warning: Implied graphic violence.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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