Stories by Tilman Stieve
of the Twilight Menshevik"
Takes place sometime after X-Men 8. Centering mainly on Valerie Cooper and Mystique, this series of stories is set just after Chris Claremont's departure from the X-Books. Features tales about multiple X-characters, as well as characters from other Marvel and D.C. books.
"Magneto, My
First Love"
A filk based on the song "The Leader of the Pack," this version starring the X-women.
"Midnight Sun"
A between-the-panels tale of Rogue and Magneto during their time in the Savage Land, circa UXM 269-275. (Warning: Sexual content)
"Point of No
A very short "between the panels story" set after Amazing Spider-Man #149, in
which Mary Jane Watson reflects on her relationship with Peter Parker. (Warning:
Sexual references.)
the Plunge"
Mary Jane writes to her mother about current events and her relationship with
Peter. Sequel to Point of No Return.
"A Song of the Valkyrior"
222 lines of verse that retell the events in New Mutants Special Editon #1 and Uncanny X-Men Annual #9 from multiple perspectives.
E-mail: menshevik@aol.com
Tilman Stieve has many pieces of artwork on display in the
Fan Art section.
This is a "between-the-panels"
short story that attempts to figure out what Mary Jane Watson's
thoughts would have been after the end of Amazing Spider-Man
#149. There is no explicitness, but the main character is
a woman who just had consensual pre-marital sex, so if that
bothers you, do not read on.
DISCLAIMER: This story is copyright by Tilman Stieve
It is an unauthorized piece of fan-fiction that does not make
any profit. Do not archive without informing me first. Spider-Man
and related characters are copyrighted and trademarks registered
by Marvel Comics. Should you get it into your head to sell
this story for profit, their lawyers will get you.
Point of No Return
by Tilman Stieve, aka the Menshevik
It had been an amazing finish to a crazy day, Mary Jane Watson
pondered as she unlocked the door to her apartment. Make that
a crazy week, what with the reappearance of Gwen Stacy (who
had turned out to be some kind of clone of the late original,
or so it seemed), Peter's inexplicable mood swings and changes
in behaviour, and Spider-Man's battle against the Jackal.
But the whirlwind of crises had finally brought MJ and Peter
closer together, finally opened the eyes of the two young
New Yorkers to the way they felt about the other and how the
other felt about them. Even if she had not revealed everything
about herself to Peter (and she suspected he knew that) and
she knew that he had told her far from everything about himself,
she sensed that they knew they confided in each other for
all that. He trusted her enough to give her the spare keys
to his little Chelsea apartment, counting on her discretion.
She had a hunch that left alone there she could quite easily
find clues that Peter was Spider-Man, yet he hadn't hesitated.
Even if he had ever been fully taken in by the airhead facade
behind which she preferred to hide, he would never have taken
the risk of her, say, stumbling across a spare web-shooter
or Spider-Man costume after deciding his furniture needed
re-arranging, if he hadn't felt that she would not blab, if
he didn't feel sure of her friendship.
Friendship? she asked herself as she deposited her shoulder-bag
and set about pulling shut the curtains. It had clearly passed
beyond that. When had she first, when had they first realized
that? She had not been too gracious when Gwen became Peter's
steady girlfriend, even if she dearly loved her as a personal
friend. It was odd: she hadn't realized it at the time, only
with the "benefit" of hindsight after the Green
Goblin murdered Peter's lover, but Gwen Stacy had become closer
to her than any other woman of her own age-group, even her
own sister. Since she had walked out on Gayle years ago, she
had lost all touch with her and thought of her but rarely,
in the privacy of her home.
Woah girl, better not pursue that particular side-track,
Mary Jane silently admonished herself. She went into the bathroom
and started letting in a hot bath, selecting a juniper-essence
bubble-mixture from the colourful collection of plastic bottles
on the rack behind the tub. But her thoughts were inexorably
drawn back to the time of Gwen's death. Peter had withdrawn
into his shell then, at first barely tolerating her efforts
to help him cope with his grief. When he angrily told her
she wouldn't be sorry if her own mother died, he had hurt
her to the quick, but how was he to know she and Gayle had
already buried mother? She always avoided the subject and
obviously so -- surprisingly? -- had their solicitous aunts.
But in spite of the shaky start, their relationship had slowly
blossomed, and with the kiss at JFK airport it could no longer
be denied that they were more than just good friends. Their
barely acknowledged love was soon put to the test with Gwen's
"return", but tonight, after that ordeal was over,
they had expressed it in the most immediately tangible way
possible. She took off her brief top and glanced into the
mirror at her clammy torso. The traces of Peter's enthusiasm
were beginning to show on her breasts -- by tomorrow morning
there would be a vivid assortment of hickeys. Better put on
something less revealing tomorrow.
She finished undressing and settled into the tub. She luxuriated
in the heat of the scented water, stretching out and relaxing.
Well, if sexual gratification could guarantee a stable relationship
(ha!), she would no longer have to worry about herself and
Peter. And given that he was strong enough to juggle small
cars, his gentleness had come as a pleasant surprise and even
a bit of a relief. Still, tonight did establish a closer bond
to Peter than she perhaps cared to envisage at this point.
Dear honorable Peter probably now looked on them as kind of
engaged, and part of her was tempted to agree. That could
be why she had left Peter so abruptly. And if she had stayed
longer, lying beside him, he might have decided in his post-coital
glow to tell her he was Spider-Man, and she still was in a
quandary what she should reply in such a case. Should she
say, "Hey Tiger, I knew already, I saw you leap from
your window and swing off into the distance the night your
uncle was killed." How would he take that? Already their
relationship started to resemble a runaway train, and now
the only way she could think of to try to regain a measure
of control was to take flight? Way to go, girl, she sighed
in a mixture of annoyance and resignation.
How would things go on from here? she continued. Having witnessed
the breaking-up of mom's and Gayle's marriages, she had a
deep-rooted fear of entering into an permanent relationship
without reservations. It sometimes seemed that whenever they
grew closer, part of her just waited for Peter to provide
an excuse -- like sneaking off to slip into his long underwear
when Spidey was needed -- so she could give him hell and put
some distance between them. Meanwhile, another part of her
looked on helplessly shouting "Nooo!" as she asked
Peter questions she knew he could not answer truthfully or
made light of his attempts to soothe her angered feelings.
Just now, when Peter had been preoccupied by the "return"
of Gwen Stacy, the scared part of her had inwardly rejoiced
at the almost heaven-sent opportunity to end her in- volvement
with the boy who had been her obsession for so many years.
But thank heavens for May Parker whose morale-boosting speech
helped her to muster the courage to "pick up the gauntlet"
and fight for their love.
A bath certainly is great for collecting your thoughts, she
mused. But what of the future? The fact that she knew Peter
was Spider-Man was such a big deal, that she could not envisage
a situation where she would broach the subject herself. So
she would perhaps better stick to the boy -- pretending she
was unaware and (play)-acting accordingly -- until he felt
comfortable enough to come out with his secret to her. She
now felt she knew he was worth the wait. And she knew herself
well enough to know that she also would be grateful for more
time to pre-varicate about making the relationship a lasting
one. But what would she do if he tried to force a decision
before telling her he was the web-swinger? Well, we'll have
to cross that bridge when we reach it, she sighed.
continued in Before the Plunge >>
It should be remembered that during the Gwen Stacy Clone Saga,
MJ and Peter finally became seriously committed to each other.
And in the final panels of #149, it was discreetly inferred
that the two new-found lovers physically consummated their
relationship: Peter returns home dejected from saying goodbye
to the second Gwen Stacy. When he discovers Mary Jane in his
apartment, his spirits immediately rise and he offers to show
her how glad he is to see her. Then he closes the door, leaving
the reader outside. ASM #150 then opens with the words: "One
hour ago, it was all right. Mary Jane was here and Peter Parker
could lose himself... in her, in their closeness, in their
mutual need. But that was an hour ago. Now, Mary Jane has
returned home, and Peter Parker is alone..." For this
story I also had to take into account the later revelation
that Mary Jane knew that Peter Parker was Spider-Man since
the night Uncle Ben was murdered (see the graphic novel Parallel
Lives) and the story of her childhood and unhappy family life
that gradually emerged during the 1980s. This story was first
published in _Menshevik_ #39 in July 1996 during MZS-APA's
"1970s month". If you want to learn more about this
splendid Amateur Press Association, please check our brand
new and still very much under-construction homepage at http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/8661.
Tilman Stieve (Menshevik@aol.com)
"'Twas beauty killed the beast."
-- "No it wasn't. It was splatting into the ground like
Terry Pratchett (Moving Pictures)
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