The Karma Downs
by CherryIce
Chapter Four
Bobby looked up as Sam stuck his head in through his door.
Hello, he said absently, tugging at the hem of his wife
Hey, Bobby said, flipping his book closed and dropping
it to his bed. The hardcover made a nice, satisfying snap. You
Ahm fine. Why do you ask?
Bobby looked at him again. Sam usually wore an abstracted, vaguely
happy expression. At the moment, he was trying to look abstracted
and vaguely happy. It would have worked, except that in comparison,
this expression just looked fake. No particular reason,
he said. Just wondered why you were here.
Oh. Right. He paused. Ah dont suppose you
have any nice clothes? Not real fancy or anything. Just... nice.
I might, he said as he rose, padding across the carpet
in his bare feet to his closet. He pulled a short sleeved, button
up shirt from a hanger and tossed it to Sam. That do?
he asked.
Sam nodded and slipped it on, peered at himself in the mirror. Hed
definitely spent more time on his hair, Bobby noted. And he was wearing
good shoes.
Sams got a girlfriend? Bobby asked, grinning.
Sams hands paused in adjusting the collar. No,
he said shortly, and ran his hand through his hair again.
Sams got a boyfriend, then? Bobby asked, stepping
back to observe his teammate.
Pet goat?
He grinned.
Ah have a friend who happens to be a girl. Or she could be
a friend, anyways, Sam said. Honestly, Ah like her. Ah
do. But things are complicated enough, with school and the X-Men.
Even just keeping friends is hard, because Ah have to keep track of
what it is about me that Ahve told them thats real.
He paused. Bobby? he asked, peering into the still open
Can Ah ask you something?
You already have.
Can Ah ask you something else?
Go ahead.
Sam shook his head a bit. You been shopping lately?
A little while ago. Why?
Oh. No reason. Its nothing.
Sam shook his head a bit. It was just wrong, somehow.
Hes been dressing a bit differently, but it didnt really
hit me until Ah saw his closet. It looked like some one who didnt
really know him took him shopping and dressed him up.
You have someone in mind, I take it, Angela said. They
were sitting at a table at the back of the Cuppa, the warmth of other
voices wrapping easily around them.
Kind of.
She raised one dark eyebrow at him.
Theres this woman...
Trust a woman to corrupt a man, she said. Men
do tend to do just as much corrupting, you know.
Ive known her for awhile. Never well, but Ive
had dealings with her for years. Shes... Shes not good
for him.
So shes more experienced? Let me guess. Shes successful,
knows what she wants, and doesnt take bull from anyone.
Well... Sam said, and as Angela nodded he felt himself
blush a bit. She plays with people! And every time you think
that shes changed, she turns around and destroys any trust youve
managed to place in her.
Sam, she sighed. You did say that youve
never gotten to know her very well.
And Ah dont want to.
Fine. Thats your prerogative. Look, I dont know
either of them, so I cant really give you advice, but Id
say get to really know her before you go around deciding if shes
the type for your friend.
Besides, he muttered, half under his breath. Ah
dont seem to have any trouble wearing the clothes Ah think that
she picked out.
Do you even know she picked them out? she asked. Maybe
he just wanted a change.
Ah dont know if shed take him shopping.
He plucked moodily at the buttons on his shirt. It wouldnt
be so bad if she did. Ah just wonder... Maybe he went shopping himself,
for her. Ah dont like that thought.
Its a nice shirt, though, Angela said. Whats
the occasion?
Nothing, really. Ah just felt like looking nice today.
He was greeted with a raised eyebrow This doesnt have
anything to do with a certain blonde tidbit named Grace, by any chance?
Sam sighed. No. Youre not the first person Ive
had to say that to, either. Why does everyone think that...
Is that her over there? she asked, pointing.
Very funny, Angela. Im not going to fall for that one.
No, its definitely her.
Sam sipped his drink and continued to gaze at her steadily. Im
not going to look. You can give it up now.
Fine, Angela said with a shrug. Your loss.
Really, arent you a bit old for this game?
Angela fought back a grin.
Sam paused. Shes standing right behind me, isnt
Hey, you guys mind if I join you?
Sam sighed and scooted his chair over. Grace pulled a chair from
the table beside them, and dropped down.
It was going to be one of those nights.
Whats up? Grace asked, and Sam found himself wondering
why, since hed decided it wasnt even an option, he found
himself fighting the impulse to adjust his shirt. And his hair. And
He realized that everyone was looking at him expectantly. Question,
he thought. Three hundred forty-seven? he squeaked. Oooh.
Smooth. Mental smack.
They laughed, but it was an easy laugh, and he felt himself joining
Well, Grace said. Three hundred forty seven certainly
is a large number, so it could be up...
He blushed a bit. Sorry. Wasnt paying proper attention.
Whats up? She asked.
Hed heard her ask that, too. Nothing much, he
said. Theres a chemistry course Im taking thats
kind of interesting. Actual lab work and all.
She nodded. Chemistrys okay. I always liked chaos theory
better, though. Something fascinating about the way that nothings
really random. Everything, every encounter, can be traced back to
a series of unrelated, seemingly innocuous events. A butterfly flapping
its wings in Malaysia can cause a tornado in Kansas.
Kinda like... he started. Stopped. Kinda like how the
people that attacked the team had their own reasons? Not necessarily
ones that made much sense to them, and certainly not ones that they,
as the defensive party, were sympathetic to, but reasons all the same.
People rarely just got up in the morning and thought Hmm. its
been awhile since I went after the X-Men, despite popular opinion.
Kinda like your dropping your watch in a cab? he groped.
So the cabbies late and doesnt pick up the next
person in time. That person misses their job interview, and loses
the opening because of it. Then, ten years down the road, they end
up mugging your sister for her pocket change, he finished weakly.
Angela blinked. Grace patted him on the shoulder. Something
like that, she said.
Angela checked her watch. You guys want to catch a movie?
she asked.
Sure, Grace said, and Sam found himself agreeing very
Sascha and Kyles hasnt started yet, Angela
said, smiling innocently. If, perhaps, some popcorn happened
to get thrown at them from the back of the theatre, we wouldnt
know anything about, would we?
Sam looked down at his barely touched drink. Ahm good
to drive, he said.
Me too, Angela said as she finished off her coke. Ill
drive if you want, Sam.
Nah, he replied. I should head back out to Westchester
after its over. I have some stuff to do in the morning.
Saturday training. Always fun. Even more fun if you happened to be
hung over. Although, if you happened to be the only one who *wasnt*
hung over...
Ill drive anyway, then. I can take Grace home after,
she said with a nod of her head.
Sounds like a plan.
Grace snagged Sams drink with a grin. Ill look
after this for you.
We should grab some tickets, Angela said, looking at
her watch again. How about I head down and buy them? You guys
follow when youre ready.
Sam nodded. Fine by me. He paused and turned to Grace.
Do yah know the way to the theatre?
In my sleep, she told him over top of what had previously
been his drink.
Angela gathered up her jacket and headed out the door. What
movie are we going to see anyway? Grace asked, taking a drink.
Ah... Ahm not really sure, Sam said. Angela
knows which one. He paused. Ah hope.
Spidermans still there? she asked.
Ah think so. It seems like something Sascha and Kyle would
pick. Why? You want to see?
I like super hero movies, Grace said. Just a slice
of the life.
Ready to go? Sam asked. He wasnt quite ready to
get into a discussion on spandex squads.
She nodded, drained the glass. Lets.
It was windy outside, and his truck was parked down the block, so
he dropped his jean jacket over her thin red shirt. Thanks,
she said, and shrugged into it gratefully. It was dark out, and as
they drove they passed through the pools provided by the streetlights,
flickering between night and light. He saw her face come in and out
of shadow out of the corner of his eyes, disappearing even as they
talked. Turn left here, she said finally, and they swung
around onto a crowded street.
No parking, he observed.
Keep going. Theres usually some just down the street.
He found a spot eventually, pulling in just in front of a man in
an SUV who leaned on his horn. When that didnt work, he gave
them a true New York salute before continuing along his way.
Grace giggled. Horns sure do move vehicles, she gasped.
I mean, all that beeping. Enough to clear any parking spot.
And that finger sure did scare me, Sam laughed. Ah
felt like vacating right away, just so that it wouldnt get me.
She laughed again, raising her hands to hide her smile. He reached
out, pulled them down. Yah dont have to hide when youre
laughing, he said. Her face stilled, and he thought that her
eyes were a bit overbright. A gust of wind made its way through the
crack at the top of the window, carrying the smell of popcorn and
yellow light. Strands of her hair rose up, electric, dancing, and
he leaned forward and kissed her.
She kissed him back, at first. Leaned into him and kissed him hard.
Like an automatic reflex, a knee-jerk reaction, but then she pulled
back, pulled away. She braced her hands on the dashboard and hung
her head.
Ahm sorry, Sam said, giving himself a mental kick.
Ah shouldnt have done that.
She shook her head.
Ah really am sorry, Sam said. Ah just misread
it, is all.
She shook her head again, and turned to look at him. You didnt
misread me, Sam. Thats part of the problem.
Ah dont understand.
Look, just... I cant do this. Not now. Not with someone
as nice as you.
He nodded.
You still dont understand.
Its okay. You dont need to explain it if yah dont
want to. This isnt a good time for me, either.
She shook her head again, trying to deny something, trying to shake
it off. Im sorry, she said.
Come on, Sam said, getting out of the truck. Lets
go see that movie. Throwing popcorn at Kyle and Sascha will make it
all better.
~{ [Relax] she says, the words almost lost as she presses her lips
to his stomach.
What youre doing isnt exactly conducive to relaxation,
he wants to say, but then maybe shed stop.
Soft laughter in his head at that. //You want me to stop?//
she asks, teeth grazing his skin.
The rush of his thoughts must confirm his negative before he can
put together an actual response, because the laughter tinkles through
his head again, and she continues her ministrations.
Telepathy is a wonderful thing, he thinks. One of those uses that
hed never considered before. One lots of people didnt
consider. You can still talk with your mouth busy.
Hes not going to let his thoughts get sidetracked, but she
pushes at them a bit, curious as to where they lead.
//I told you before// she tells him when shes found
the source. //I see. I notice. Youll just have to show them.
Theyll have to see that youre something more.//
//How?// he wonders. Her hands move down, deftly unbuckling
his belt. Her mouth follows.
//Show me first// she tells him. [Show me all you are,] she
says, whispering the words against his skin. }~
continued >>
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