Written only to amuse. Marvel's are Marvel's.
Kaylee's are Kaylee's. You figure out which is which. Ask if ya wanna
archive, though it's so short I don't foresee anyone wanting it. And
oh yeah: feeeeeeeedback! Nothing complex required -- even just a giggle
would be nice. :)
Warning: Contains Phantom Menace references that might be considered
spoilers. To tell the truth, it's more of a "you won't get it
if you didn't see it" sorta thing. Still, you might want to stop
here and save this for later if you have not yet seen The Movie and
are avoiding such things.
Midnight Showing, Fifth Row Back
by Kielle
a silly little drabble for Kaylee ;)
"Wow! Cool! Saaaay, now that's an idea..."
"Shut up, Drake."
"No really! I mean, I remember this from my college biology
class -- when they say 'mitochloria' they're actually talking about
"Shut UP, Drake."
"--and mitochondria really ARE in every cell of your body, so
I mean maybe there could be a real-life parallel, and you could finally
get around that, uh, little problem you have--"
"The lady said shut UP, Popsicle."
"--oh, but it'd be so cool! I mean imagine having a kid who's
a massively powerful mutant Jedi with a healing factor--"
"You're about to die, Drake."
"--but then of course there's that whole dark Jedi possibility,
which would be bad, because if you cut a dark-Jedi-with-a-healing-factor
in half you'd probably end up with TWO dark Jedis -- man, that could
end up like that scene in Fantasia about the dancing brooms..."
<insert sounds of Bobby Drake being dragged under his theater
chair and pounded severely in time to the John Williams score>
"Thank you, Logan."
"You're welcome, Kai."
.-= FIN =-.
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