(Or, "ENOUGH with the U.S.T. already!!!"
Written for April Fools' Day
'97 by Kielle
From an idea brainstormed avec mon
cher Laersyn
"I know it. You know it. Jean's goldfish know it. De
grass on de LAWN knows it. Hell, even Bishop's figured out
dat somethin's goin' on 'tween us three."
Eyes glowing faintly and shoulders set in a determined line,
Gambit spread his arms and firmly planted his hands on both
sides of the doorway, effectively trapping his quarry in the
X-Mansion's main kitchen. "An' I'm sick an' tired a'takin'
de coward's way out," he continued inexorably. "Lettin'
you dance aroun' de subject like a schoolgirl wit' a silly
crush. This is serious, tu
"Oh sure, yah, oui, je comprende," Rogue shot sassily
back, tossing back one of the scraps of French she'd picked
up from living around the Cajun. She had one hand on her hip;
her other hand was closed tight around the sandwich she'd
been munching on before she'd been so rudely interrupted.
It wasn't technically the right thing to eat at eight o'clock
in the morning on a Tuesday, but she was a big girl -- big
enough to eat whatever she wanted for breakfast.
<An' big enough ta make up mah own mind,> she thought
sharply, staring at her teammate through narrowed eyes.
"You DO know what I'm sayin' here, right?"
"Ah'm not stupid, Remy. Ah know what you're gettin'
at, an' this ain't the time or place ta..."
"It never is, is it?" He scowled. "Well, I
say it IS de right time an' place. Don't worry y'self 'bout
it too much, this'll only take a minute. Let me get this out
wit' no interruptions, eh cherie?" He flashed her brief,
ironic smile. "Remy been rehearsin' this all night."
She rolled her eyes. It was never a good sign when he lapsed
into third-person. He seemed to think it was charming. And
when he thought he was being charming, he was UP to something.
"All right. I'll be as plain as I can. Maybe it's small-minded
a'me, but...well...I'm jealous."
"That's obvious," she retorted.
"You promised, no interruptions."
"Ah did not. You assumed that Ah--"
"Shhh. Lemme just say this once t'rough, d'accord? Yes,
all right, I admit it. If y'wanted t'hear it, dere it is.
I. Am. JEALOUS. Ever since Magne--"
"--MagneJoseph, Magneto Joe, whatever -- ever since
Amnesia Lad wandered into our cheerful little lives I've been
havin'...well...problems wit' our relationship. You an' me.
We DID have somethin' going, didn't we?"
"Ah thought we did," she said softly, staring at
her toes.
"Well, dat's de problem right dere. Dat's why I couldn't
tell you how I felt. I t'ought you wouldn't understand."
"About the jealousy?"
<Well, it's about damn time, ya big chicken! Sheesh! Men!>
Rogue smiled brightly up at him. "Ah'm just glad that
ya finally got up the nerve ta tell me that you're jealous
a'Joe. That ya want me enough ta TELL me instead'a sneakin'
around it lahke Ah'm supposed ta read yoah mind or somethin'."
Remy regarded her almost thoughtfully, tapping his chin.
"Oh no, NO, cherie, you've got it all backwards an' inside-out.
Y'see, I'm jealous a'YOU," he told her quite seriously.
"It's Joseph dat I want."
Rogue's jaw dropped and the sandwich fell to the floor in
a mayonaise-y scatter of lettuce and bacon. "Ya...WHAT?!"
Gambit was already bringing his arms back down from the doorjamb
to light a cigarette, a thoroughly satisfied look on his rangy
features. "Well, it certainly does do a man good t'clear
de air wit' his ex-, doanit? T'anks f'r listenin', cherie.
I'll be seein' you 'round de mansion." And with that
he wandered off whistling, leaving a still stunned Rogue standing
alone amid the ruins of her breakfast.
To be continued...?
Was this a parody on my part or an April Fools' joke on the
part of a certain character? You decide. Either way, you should
have known that if it's got Gambit in it, Kielle's up to NO
GOOD!!! <G> The characters and the setting of the above
tale belong to Marvel, I ain't disputin' that for a second.
This was written just to a) make people laugh, b) pass a slow
Tuesday morning, and c) dodge my other writing responsibilities,
but if anyone wants to archive it you know the drill: contact
me first. Feedback is also appreciated, as always...
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