Guardian Angels
and the Keys of Music
by Raven
Part Five: Angel
Rogue moved away from the bed where Remy lay sound asleep
to where the other X-Men had gathered to hear what his outcome
was. Marrow, for once deciding to join the rest of the team,
glared at her. The girl couldn't find enough hate in her heart
to bare out at Warren, so she focused it on Rogue instead.
Betsy on the other hand, was furious at Warren, and hadn't
even come to see if Gambit would live or die. He could rot
in Hell for all she cared, and Rogue realized that maybe Hell
wasn't flame and fire pits after all. Maybe it was glaciers
and ice instead.
Scott and Jean, who couldn't come on account of their being
in Alaska, were on the speaker phone, waiting to hear what
Hank had to say. Maggot and Cecilia had decided to join them
even though they had never know Gambit.
Wolverine was there, leaning against the wall, his arms crossed
over his chest, Jubes was beside him, trying her best to keep
herself from crying. Bobby stood off from the rest, fuming
silently. Storm was just walking into the lab, late due to
her own heavy crying. Even as she walked into the room, a
crash of of thunder sounded outside. Joe was absent, had been
for quite some time. But Rogue didn't care.
Henry, noting everyone was there, sighed in great discomfort.
"It is my belief that even had we the Shi'ar equipment
in out position, we still wouldn't be able to save his life.
I am sorry." He said the words softly, his normal flamboyance
gone as he mourned a friend not yet quite dead.
Rogue closed her eyes against her tears. It wasn't supposed
to happen this way! He was supposed to recover and the two
of them were supposed to live happily ever after... At least
they would were this a story in a book.
But this wasn't a story, this wasn't a movie, or a TV show,
or even some sort of a comic dreamed up by a man with too
much time on his hands. This was real life, cold, hard, and
Opening her eyes she found that Marrow had gone. Warren looked
shakenly after her, then followed. Jubes was on the floor,
her arms wrapped around her knees and her head buried. Wolvie
was holding Storm, letting her cry her fill. Bobby even looked
close to tears, and on the speaker phone? Soft words from
Scott and the muffled tears of Jean.
Rogue was the only one without tears it seemed. She just
stood there, no expression on her face, then she turned and
walked back to where Remy's bed was. His eyes were open and
sad, making her realize that he hadn't been sleeping after
all, and that he had heard every word.
She knelt by his bed, smiling although it wasn't necessary.
He tried to smile back, but he couldn't quite manage it. "Rogue,
I c'n' feel my legs." He whispered, his voice had long
since given out on him. His eyes which had once shown bright
and fiery, making you wonder it you were staring straight
into the pits of Hell, were dull and seemed almost pink. His
hair had turned white, and the fine muscles of his body were
gone, sagged into nothingness from his lack of exercise the
past month since she and Warren and brought him home.
"An' it cold. Turn up de heat?" She did as he asked,
knowing he wouldn't be asking for much anymore.
"Remy, ah-" She started. But he knew what was coming
and weakly he shook his head.
"Non. Don' say it," he said pleadingly. "I
love you, cherie."
"Ah love you too." She whispered just as low as
he. A tear finally fell down her face. "Ah've always
loved ya, an' Ah always will." She moved closer, so their
faces were only inches apart. She saw the confusion in his
eyes, then it turned into realization.
"Cherie, non-"
But it was too late. She kissed him goodbye. Long and hard,
feeling his powers slip into her, his mind, his life from
his years on the street, to his time in the Arctic, flashing
before her eyes. What she saw, the pain he had to live with,
made her cry harder as she felt his life slipping away. In
one last flash of strength, Remy's hand came up, and pressed
her head forward. As they kissed, the other X-men knowing
nothing, music filled the air, a soft song that filled the
I'm alone yeah I don't know if I can face the
I'm in tears and the cryin' that I do is for you
I want your love let's break the wall between us
Don't make it tough, I'll put away my pride
Enough's enough, I've suffered and I've seen the light
Baby, you're my angel come and save me tonight
You're my angel come and make it alright
Don't know what I'm gonna do about this feeling inside
Yes, it's true loneliness took me for a ride, yeah, yeah yeah
Without your love, I'm nothin but a beggar
Without your love, a dog without a bone
What can I do, I'm sleepin in this bed alone
Baby, you're my angel come and save me tonight
You're my angel come and make it alright
Come and save me tonight
You're the reason I live
You're the reason I die
You're the reason I give when I break down and cry
Don't need no reason why
Baby, baby, baby you're my angel come and save me tonight
You're my angel come and make it alright
You're my angel come and save me tonight
You're my angel come and take me for a ride
Come and save me tonight
Rogue moved away from the dead body, and wrapped her arms
around herself, seeing from two sets of eyes, and thinking
with two sets of minds.
I love you Cherie.
Ah love ya too, ya old Cajun.
She smiled with two sets of lips. And inside both minds,
they pictured themselves together, holding hands, without
gloves, in a place where it never grew cold.
Concluded in the Epilogue.
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