The following article is copyright 1993-1997
by Tilman Stieve (Menshevik@aol.com).
It first appeared as 'Before the X-Men: Rogue's Mysterious
Past' in ROGUE SUMMER SPECIAL #1 (published by Marson Fedrick
for MZS-APA, 1993), reprinted in MENSHEVIK ANNUAL #5 (MZS-APA
1996), reprinted (without Appendix) and updated as Appendix
1 to 'The Rogue Checklist' for THE MENSHEVIK READER (MZS-APA
1996). This is the latest revision (November 1997). Do not
archive this without this copyright notice or without informing
me beforehand.
From Caldecott County to Salem Center: Rogue's
Early Life
by Tilman
Rogue was born in Caldecott County, Mississippi, as divulged
by Mystique to Storm in MARVEL FANFARE (MF) #40. This revelation
occurred in a situation where Raven had no reason to lie about
this, but every reason to tell the truth in order to gain
Storm's trust (and because of the erratic behaviour of Destiny's
precognitive powers around before that time, Raven could not
be certain that Rogue had not mentioned her birthplace to
the X-Men).
Rogue grew up in Caldecott County, which according to UNCANNY
X-MEN (UXM) #185 is situated on the Mississippi river south
of Natchez, i.e. in the extreme southwest of the state of
Mississippi. Neither of her parents has yet been identified,
nor do we know whether they were ever married. (Fans love
to speculate. One of the more inventive theories I've seen
mentioned half-seriously was that Rogue is the mysterious
'third Summers brother'. I myself once proposed that Logan
is her dad, but that was to a large extent because I found
it a bit strange that Colossus had unwittingly fathered a
child while the much more promiscuous Wolverine -- not the
most likely person to practice safe sex -- apparently had
no offspring).
Rogue told Mick Rossi (UXM #182) that her father abandoned
her mother before her birth and consequently Rogue "never
had any sort'a fam'ly at all" until Mystique took her
under her wing. There is no hard evidence that Rogue comes
from a wealthy family, in fact in the view of this statement
that her mother (who presumably fell into the 'poor white
trash' bracket) either had to spend to much time at work or
was too negligent to properly look after her daughter. However,
one cannot at present exclude the possibility that some fine
specimen of Southern gentry committed an 'indiscretion' with
Rogue's biological mother and then callously abandoned her,
but again here we enter the realm of speculation. There is
also the possibility that Rogue's mother died shortly after
her birth and that she was then handed around from relative
to relative as the unwanted illegitimate child of the family.
In ROM #31, when Mystique, Destiny and Rogue enter an abandoned,
dilapidated (and comparatively small) mansion in West Virginia,
Rogue says: "Ah grew up in a place like this -- farther
south, o' course!" This is no conclusive proof that Rogue
came from a well-to-do family, as it could also mean that
her mother was a squatter in an abandoned mansion or that
she lived in the servants' quarters of a mansion that was
still being used.
In any case, Rogue's appearance in ROM #31-32 has to be taken
with a great deal of caution, as it was written by Bill Mantlo
before Chris Claremont had properly fleshed out her origin
etc. (and as Chris Claremont was Rogue's creator I'd say his
version supersedes Mantlo's). Mantlo did not yet know that
Mystique and Destiny had been Rogue's "adoptive"
parents for years and has them act in ways that indicate quite
different personal relationships (at one point he has Rogue
adress Raven as "Mysty, honey" and Mystique has
to tell Rogue that Destiny is old and infirm).
Also, in #32 there is the extremely problematic occasion when
Rogue absorbs Rom's memories.
As Rogue recalled in UXM #178, Mystique adopted her before
she manifested her innate mutant power ("When ah was
a kid -- 'fore ah developed mah power -- ah remember you holdin'
me, protectin' me from the badness an' nightmares.").
One can only wonder why the mutant supremacist Raven Darkhölme
then was adopted the neglected, ostensibly "normal"
little girl. It is not inconceivable that she did it out of
the goodness of her heart, a feeling of kinship, or because
of the frustrated desire for a child. But one should not discount
the possibility that she expected Rogue to become a mutant
because she knew that one or both of her parents were mutants
or because Destiny foresaw her potential. We do not know how
far Mystique's plans for what was to become the second Brotherhood
of Evil Mutants had developed at that stage, but whatever
use Mystique intended for Rogue's powers soon was eclipsed
by the genuine love she felt for her surrogate daughter. After
their parting she would even seriously consider permitting
Rogue's powers to be neutralized so that she could lead a
"normal" life and return to her (UXM #185-MF #40).
Rogue grew up in the household of Mystique and her lover
Destiny; apparently no one used the tomboyish girl's real
name anymore. Rogue speaks with a Southern accent, which would
indicate that her speech patterns were already established
when she met Mystique, who did not try to instruct her in
a less regional accent. The fact that she became fluent in
French in the Mississippi Bayou country (as she told Northstar
in X-MEN/ALPHA FLIGHT #1) and her cooking a Cajun meal in
X-MEN (2nd series - XM) #8 seem to indicate that she spent
a more than a little time in a Cajun region of Louisiana.
Her foster family does not seem to have strayed far from the
lower Mississippi: The onset of puberty and first appearance
of her absorption power found her back in Caldecott County.
In UXM #185 she told Storm how she first found out about it
while necking with a boy called Cody Robbins under a tree
by the river: "Ah kissed him -- an' he keeled over. Ah
thought ah'd killed him. Then ah thought ah was goin' crazy.
Ah heard voices in my head -- saw mem'ries -- ah knew weren't
mine. They were Cody's! Ah tried t'shut 'em out, but ah couldn't."
After this upsetting experience, Rogue had to start covering
up her entire body in body stocking etc. to avoid skin-to-skin
contact. Mystique also was somewhat distanced from her foster
daughter because her power made much of the normal intimacy
between a mother and her daughter impossible. She tried to
shield Rogue from hurt at first, but that only led to further
tension. Finally, another, if anything even more traumatic
experience of her power - with a boy called Freddy (CLASSIC
X-MEN (CXM) #44) - apparently caused Rogue to abandon her
hopes of ever having anything like a normal relationship with
anybody. She now eagerly threw herself into becoming part
of Mystique's mutant brotherhood.
[NOTE: This sequence of events emerges from the accounts
in Chris Claremont's UXM #178, 182, 185 and MF #40. The back-up
story in CXM #44 (written by former X-Men editor Ann Nocenti)
is controversial: some critics (notably David R. Henry) regard
it as a botched dramatization of the Cody Robbins account
from UXM #185. However, until Ann Nocenti herself says she
made such a mistake, I'll regard the story as a separate incident.
In the notorious X-MEN UNLIMITED (XMU) #4, Rogue tells
Nightcrawler that she only met Mystique after she had
kissed Cody, but that clearly contradicts what she earlier
mentioned to Mystique (UXM #178). She obviously could not
have lied to Raven (who had been there), so she must
have lied to Kurt. Also Rogue looks far too little to have
reached puberty in the flashback in XMU #4. Another dubious
piece of recent retcon is the ROGUE Limited Series, in which
it was claimed that after the Kiss Cody Robbins fell
in a coma from which he never woke. Not only does this contradict
the way Rogue's power had up to that story always worked (even
Carol Danvers, whose powers Rogue had permanently absorbed,
was eventually woken from her coma), it also jarrs with the
carefree way Rogue used her power in her early years. Had
one short kiss at the first experience of her power resulted
in such lasting damage, she would have behaved much more cautious
and would never have used it on friends (she playfully used
it on Mystique in MF #60!)]
Rogue first participated in "milk runs" like the
liberation of a mutant called Jason from a research lab (MF
#60). It seems that around that time, Destiny foresaw that
Ms. Marvel would one day cause Rogue to 'lose her soul', and
Mystique sent two members of the Brotherhood to assassinate
her. This was after she had confirmed her suspicion that Ms.
Marvel and Carol Danvers were one and the same by killing
her psychiatrist and lover, Mike Barnett, and reading his
files. However, Carol Danvers, who was investigating a Hellfire
Club arms smuggling operation in Hong Kong, beat off Pyro
and Avalanche's attack (this emerges from material intended
for the unpublished Ms. Marvel #24-26, which was finally printed
Appendix for a lengthy, but
hopefully conclusive explantion for my proposed sequence of
the following events and why the ending Simon Furman later
added is irreconcilable with established continuity).
The same operation also brought the Brotherhood into conflict
with the Hellfire Club: Coelho, the gun-runner, was in cahoots
with Mystique and attempted to double-cross Sebastian Shaw
and his cohorts -- which cost him his life. In MSHS #11 p.66,
Carol dreamed she was dressed as a Hellfire Club Black Queen
and dancing with a shadowy figure who told her that she must
kill Rogue or "she'll strip from you everything you are,
everyone you've ever loved." In the dream, Ms.Marvel
unhesitatingly snapped Rogue's neck and it is known that at
their first actual encounter, she almost killed her. All this
is almost identical to the Mastermind's seduction of Phoenix
through vivid dreams in the stories leading up to the Dark
Phoenix Saga. It is not improbable that Mastermind stage-managed
the confrontation between Ms.Marvel and the Brotherhood, and
he must have pulled the strings when shortly after Hong Kong
Rogue and Ms.Marvel clashed for the first time (cf. Rogue's
account in UXM #182, according to which this was "a few
months" before the events in AVENGERS ANNUAL #10). Rogue
came within an inch losing her life and afterwards was determined
to get even. However, soon after, Carol disappeared to Limbo
(AVENGERS #200). During this interval Rogue had a run-in with
Sebastian Shaw in which the young mutant was nearly killed
-- again (cf. references by both in UXM ANNUAL #7 and UXM
Rogue's injuries possibly prevented her from participating
in the attempt on the life of Senator Kelly, although it may
also be that Mystique did not want her to be involved in a
deliberate act of cold-blooded murder. However, thanks to
the X-Men's intervention, this operation became a fiasco,
resulting in the capture of all involved save only the shape-changer
Mystique (UXM #141-142). Raven was now forced to play Rogue
as her ace in the hole to try to spring her comrades. Her
plan called for Rogue to steal Ms. Marvel's powers (she possibly
now believed that Destiny's earlier precognitive vision had
been faked by Mastermind). Carol had just then returned from
Limbo and retired to San Francisco; she felt betrayed by the
Avengers for not stopping her from following Marcus, the self-styled
"son of Immortus." Rogue ambushed her as she came
home from her shopping and a desperate struggle developed.
The finale on Golden Gate Bridge (flashback in UXM #203) again
took Rogue to within an inch of her life before she overcame
her victim. But for as yet undisclosed reasons, the transfer
of Carol's psyche and powers became permanent. This shock
overwhelmed Rogue and, in a desperate insane attempt to silence
the screaming voices in her head, she hurled the unconscious
Danvers from the bridge (Carol luckily was saved by the original
Spider-Woman). For a time, Rogue became more ruthless and
vindictive, which made her more suited for Mystique's purposes.
Mystique and Rogue immediately went to New York where they
tore through the Avengers like hot knives through butter.
However, as Iron Man, Wonder Man and the Vision could not
be affected by Rogue's absorption power, their attempt to
break out their comrades from Ryker's Island prison failed.
They hid out in the Pentagon, which Mystique had infiltrated
as Raven Darkhölme, head of DARPA, until one day Rogue literally
bumped into Carol Danvers and the X-Men, who were sneaking
in to erase their government files (UXM #158). After making
their escape, Mystique and Rogue struck again when their comrades
were transferred to a prison in West Virginia. Unfortunately
for them, the Spaceknight Rom happened to intervene, so they
only managed to make off with Destiny. It just wasn't their
day -- they immediately ran into Hybrid, a Dire Wraith agent.
With the fortuitous help of Rom the threesome managed to defeat
him -- barely (ROM #31-32). Mystique next planned an attack
on the X-Men, for which she intended to extract information
from Angel via Rogue's power. This soon involved Angel's then-girlfriend,
Dazzler, against whom Rogue then pursued a futile vendetta
for a time. This was in part because she was jealous of Dazzler
leading a normal life with lovers and everything (DAZZLER
#22-24, 28). Frustrated again and again, Rogue withdrew into
Around that time, Mastermind recovered from his Phoenix-induced
coma and set out to settle old scores. Among other things,
he gave Mystique vivid nightmares and clouded Destiny's perceptions
sufficiently for them fail to realize the Rogue's anguish.
Rogue not only had to live with being unable to control her
power, but the personality she had absorbed from Carol Danvers
began to assert "herself," causing additional psychological
problems. And so one night, before her family got up, Rogue
boarded a coach and left Washington (which Mastermind probably
intended) for Westchester (which maybe he did not) (UXM #170).
Considering her past, it is not surprising that Rogue received
a frosty welcome when she turned up at Xavier's School asking
for help to control her power. Indeed, when Professor X decided
to make her a probationary X-Man, there was a little revolt
by the X-Men present against accepting as teammate the woman
who had destroyed their friend's life. Charles Xavier had
to muster all his powers of moral suasion to convince his
students give Rogue a chance. Carol Danvers -- now the cosmically
powered Binary -- could understand Xavier's decision, but
not approve it. She left the X-Men and Earth to join the Starjammers
(UXM #171). Rogue did not (as yet) get a cure for her problems
in the X-Men, but she did find a new purpose in life and became
one of the most dedicated X-Men
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