Ok folks, this is the Rogue kiss list as I have complied
it through the AOA. I used the original "Kissy-Kissy"
list as a guide. After having checked those appearances I
have found a few mistakes, and am not counting the XTAS (sorry).
I put them in the order that they would have appeared chronologically
in Rogue's life. Unless it wasn't obvious, in which case,
I filed them in by release date. Or if they are the same memory
(i.e. Cody's been remebered 2x), then I will file by which
was released first. Or, like in the case of the last two,
which I don't have any notes on and didn't feel like going
to look. I just gave it my best guess, or threw them in at
the end (like those 2). I'm sure I've missed a few, which
are stories dealing with her past that hadn't come out yet.
Or didn't have a particular back issue at the time. For instance,
like that amalgam story one where is she has basically absorbed
everyone (it's in one of the later annuals).
ANYWAYS, this is my input. I'll shut-up now. Anyone please
feel free to add their input or correct me if I'm wrong or
have missed someone. Or tell me I'm a freak. And lastly, I
also have a list of who she's simply touched, but it's in
a state of chaos right now. It looks like I wrote it with
my foot. So as soon as I can make sense of it I'll post it.
- Cody Robbins (X-Men Unlimited #4 - March '94)
- Cody Robbins (Rogue Mini-series #1 - Jan - '95)
- Freddy (Classic X-Men #44 - Feb '90)
- Security Guard #1 at McCarthy Medical Treatment Center
(Marvel Fanfare #60 - Jan '91
- Security Guard #2 at MMTC (Marvel Fanfare #60 -
Jan '91)
- ROM (ROM # 32)
- Captain America (Avengers Annual #10 - '81)
- Wolverine (Uncanny X-men #158 - June '82)
- Wolverine (UXM-#173)
- Juggernaut (Marvel Team-Up #150 - Feb '84)
- Magus (UXM #192)
- Nightcrawler (Heroes for Hope - Dec '85)
- Wolverine (Heroes for Hope - Dec '85)
- Colossus (Heroes for Hope - Dec '85)
- Magneto (Heroes for Hope - Dec '85)
- Northstar ( X-Men and Alpha Flight 1,2- Dec-Jan
- Nightcrawler (X-Men Annual # 9 -'85)
- Ken (Super Hero Summer Special #2 - '90)
- Sunspot (X-Men Annual #10 - '86)
- The Thing (Fantastic Four vs. The X-Men - Mar '87)
- Mephisto (Mephisto vs. The X-Men #3 - June '87)
- Wolverine (Mephisto vs. The X-Men #3 - June '87)
- Dr. Anthony Druid (X-Men vs. The Avengers #3 -
June '87)
- Vanguard (X-Men vs. The Avengers #3 - June '87)
- Longshot (UXM Annual #12)
- The Agent (Excalibur: Mojo Mayhem TPB)
- Juggernaut (UXM #218)
- Havok (in his nightmare) (UXM #219)
- Naze (while possesssed by Trickster) (UXM #227)
- Archangel (Inferno) (UXM #242)
- Colossus (UXM #247)
- Gateway (UXM #269)
- Barbarus (she had no power then) (UXM #274)
- The Shadow King (UXM #278)
- Magneto (UXM #304)
- Gambit (Twisting stolen memeories from Belle) (Gambit
Mini-series #4 - Mar '94)
- Gambit (Her gloved hand) (Rogue Mini-series #1
- Jan '95)
- Cody (older) (Rogue Mini-series #4 -'95)
- Gambit (X-Men #41, Legion Quest #4)
- Gambit (her hand) (X-Men Chronicles #2)
- Pietro (her hand) (X-Men Chronicles #2)
- Forbrush Man (What the....!?!)
- The Hulk (What If.....? # 33 - June '93)
40 people!?! And here we were feeling sorry for her. ;D
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