Stories by Alykat
"Self Seeking"
Takes place during Rogue and Iceman's road trip, circa XM 42-45. While Rogue battles her inner demons, Bobby tries to deal with his own. From Bobby's point of view.
"Through a Mirror Clear"
As Rogue tries to deal with (or ignore) the aftermath of her decision to leave Gambit in Antarctica, she also has to convince herself that she's not going insane. (Unfinished.)
"White Picket Fences"
Rogue and Gambit finally get married -- only to find that "happily ever after" isn't all it's cut out to be.
elsewhere in Alykat's World:
Bobby's father, William Drake, is forced to confront his own prejudice. (at (un)frozen)
"Norman Rockwell"
Bobby compares his family life and the holidays to the "ideals" set forth in Rockwell's paintings.(at (un)frozen)
E-mail: alykat@subreality.com
Websites: Down-Home Charm, (un)frozen,
Stars and Garters and the Danger
This is a still-in-progress story that takes place beginning
a week after the "Trial" of Gambit in Uncanny X-Men
#350. In this story, Rogue goes through her own personal hell
and finally emerges stronger, resolved to get on with her
life and make the most of what she's been given. I'm also
currently pondering the notion of alternate endings to this
As a disclaimer of sorts, all characters in this story belong
to Marvel, with the exception of scattered references to popular
bands, TV shows, etc., which all belong to their respective
owners/creators. This story is a work of fan-fiction, and
I'm not making any money off of this venture. Feel free to
download this story to save for your own personal use. If
you would like to archive this story on your own site, please
let me know so I can properly worship you.
Before we get to the story itself, I've got to extend a huge
thanks to my two beta-readers supreme, Vicki
Lew, Tilman Stieve
and Ruby Lis, all of
whom are archived authors on Down-Home
Charm. Vicki did edits, Tilman did lots of nit-pickings
and Lis gave it a final read-through -- and I'm quite thankful
for all of it. So if you like the story, send a 'mail to them,
too. :)
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