
This artwork is related to Tilman
Stieve's "Tales
of the Twilight Menshevik" series.
Click on any image to see the whole picture.
Haggi is a German artist. He can be contacted
via the Zwerchfell
Verlag site.

Effie McCoy with her Hartmut doll, along with Trish and Hank
(Note: Translation of text in speech balloons: "Aww man.
Hartmut is (c) Haggi. |

Rogue and Valerie Cooper from "A
Day's Work." |
Klaus Scherwinski

Valerie and Mystique |

Val Cooper and Mystique |
See more of Wittek's artwork at Zwerchfell

A grown-up Irene Cooper-Marks |

Errol Wagner with Wittek doll
(Note: Caption reads: Ze nitecraulerbaybee
Wittek is (c) Wittek | |
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