Author's Notes
The story posted here is set in a reality that diverges from
the mainstream Marvel Universe after X-MEN #3 - as far as
the X-Men are concerned. (For the purposes of many other teams
and characters it diverges even earlier). You can find my
rationales for some of the differences in the notes at the
The format of this story is a bit like an episode of Hill
Street Blues -- a number plots and subplots that happen
in one place and on one day. Here the interconnecting element
is not an inner-city police department, but a fictional NATO
conference on superpowers. Not surprisingly, the cast is not
exactly small; among the more prominent characters you'll
find various muties and hangers-on -- Mystique, Nightcrawler,
Rogue, Val Cooper, Trish Tilby, and Magneto --, a few from
the non-X-books -- including Captain America, Nick Fury, and
Peter Parker --, plus a few new ones to throw a little light
on the European scene. You will also find a very different
approach to the politics of superpowers and mutation than
that which you find in current X-titles, but which is rooted
in the beginnings of the "new X-Factor" and which
to my mind is more plausible than OZT. Apart from that you
find the elements of romance and the development of relationships
you'd expect from a piece of Marvel-related fan-fiction.
"A Day's Work" takes place after "A
Year in the Life" (or rather during the seven months
between the last two chapters of that story) and ideally you
should read that first. But I hope it is understandable on
its own.
As this story is set in Europe and a number of number of
names from different languages occur, I felt it best to use
the proper spelling, even if that might cause problems with
some machines. Just in case some letters come out as gibberish,
here is a breakdown:
ä is an "a" with umlaut.
ö is an "o" with umlaut.
ü is a "u" with umlaut.
é is an "e" with an acute accent.
ó is an "o" with an acute accent.
ç is a "c" with a cedille.
-Tilman Stieve, aka the Menshevik
The story...
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