Author's Notes
"A Year in the Life" (which I maybe should
have called "When Raven Met Vally") first appeared
early in 1995 in MZS-APA. It was written at the time the Age
of Apocalypse titles came out, as an attempt to come up with
a possible way things might continue (but probably wouldn't)
once the mutant books returned to Marvel "normality".
However, the universe in which this and the following Tales
of the Twilight Menshevik are set actually diverges from the
comic books at an earlier point, around the time when Chris
Claremont stopped writing for Marvel. I was less than thrilled
by the way other writers regressed Mystique into a crazed
killer after the Muir Island Saga, so let us just say that
as far as this story is concerned, Mystique did not try to
kill David Haller in LegionQuest. IMO that simply made no
sense, as she always blamed Forge most for Destiny's death
and she is too smart and has too much style to seek revenge
against an apparently brain-dead MPD case. Also, she knew
that the Shadow King and no one else was responsible for Irene
Adler's death. (And the revelation of Mystique's parentage
of Nightcrawler did not happen as it is told in X-Men Unlimited
The original impulse for the story came from fandom's recurring
discussion of Mystique's sexuality - were she and Destiny
lovers or just good friends? I always was convinced of the
former. Mystique's power of assuming the form of any human
being down to microscopic details is quite a wish-fullfilment
fantasy and, as seen in MARVEL FANFARE #40 and her motel tryst
with Logan (WOLVERINE #51), Raven Darkhölme is not above using
her power for amorous purposes. From there the conclusions
flowed naturally -- if Mystique is a confirmed bisexual, why
should she restrict herself to female identities when making
love, and what would happen if contrary to expectations she
turned out to be sexually fertile in "male mode"?
(What I did not know and only learned in July 1997 was that
Chris Claremont had in fact wanted to make Mystique and Destiny
the biological parents of Nightcrawler. The idea was - unsurprisingly
- nixed by Marvel's self-censorship policy).
Val Cooper became my candidate for motherhood as she has
been the closest thing Mystique had to a friend throughout
most of their common comics existence. The added advantage
was that of involving two characters from opposing sides of
the genejoke/flatscan divide. At the time, many relationships
between mutants and non-mutants had broken up or fizzled out
and I wondered if there was an editorial policy against them.
I also thought Val had been a bit underused by most writers
and could do with a little romance.
The "Twin Peaks" cross-over is Peter David's fault.
He indicated that Val and Dale Cooper were brother and sister
in X-FACTOR #71. The last chapter quotes the final two lines
of "Soldier, Soldier" from Rudyard Kipling's Barrack
Room Ballads.
For this posting, the format of this story was somewhat simplified
(in the original, there were countless different fonts for
different writers and to indicate the difference between typed
and handwritten texts). The code used by Valerie Cooper in
her diaries has here been rendered as one of the most simple
in the world (it just involves moving a certain number of
places from each letter), so it is really not necessary to
give a solution.
Tilman Stieve
The Westchester Menshevik
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