Stories by Poi Lass
"The Adventures of
with Kaylee
GOD joins the X-Men. 'Nuff said. (Unfinished.)
Now able to control her powers thanks to Dr. Agee, Rogue decides to make the
most of her new "freedom" -- with a definite plan for the evening. (Warning:
mature themes.)
On Rogue and Bobbby's road trip, Rogue fights to control her increased cravings
for human touch.
"Start Spreading
the News"
Bobby and Gambit decide to "come out" to the rest of the X-Men. You will laugh.
Very hard. I promise. (Warning: Some language, mature themes.)
"What You
Know Can Hurt You"
This one both is and isn't a Rogue story. A prose-style poem about a mutant
that has just discovered his/her powers.
"You Did WHAT
in a Cave?"
What really happened between UXM 348 and 349. (Warning: This story deals with
sex. In a cave.)
elsewhere in Alykat's World:
"Changing Faces"
Morph actively pursues Bobby, much to Bobby's chagrin -- until he starts to
think about it.
Alternate reality. Slash. (Some language, mature themes)
(at (un)frozen)
When Hank is rendered comatose with no chance of awakening, Bobby must come
to terms with letting go of his best friend.
(at (un)frozen and Stars & Garters)
Do No Harm"
After a horrible mistake, Beast abruptly leaves the X-Men, and Bobby tries to
coax him to come back home. Told through a series of e-mails and online chat
sessions. Utterly heart-wrenching. (Warning: Mature language.)
(at (un)frozen and Stars & Garters)
When Bobby and Storm decide to become romantically involved, the X-Men are ...
less than jubilant about the news.
(at (un)frozen)
"A Small Addiction"
Hank receives an unusual gift -- a small, vibrating mouse -- and ponders who
might have sent it to him. Sillyfic.
(at (un)frozen and Stars & Garters)
"Twenty First
Century Guy"
Hank helps Bobby prepare for his first date with a man. Slash.
(at (un)frozen and Stars & Garters)
"Winter Where
You Are"
Feeling unwanted and unloved, Bobby has a talk with Gambit about their relationship.
Slash. (Some language and mature themes)
(at (un)frozen)
"With Any Weapon"
After Graydon Creed's attack on William Drake, Bobby fights back in the way
that might hurt Creed most.
(at (un)frozen)
from Purgatory: Autobiography of a Mutant"
A young mutant writes a book about her experience of meeting the X-Men. Not
a Beast story, per se, but there's a reference to him here that's absolutely
priceless. (Unfinished.)
(at Stars & Garters)
E-mail: poilass@bigfoot.com
Website: Quite
Possibly Poi (run by Kaylee)
Disclaimer: All of them belong
to Marvel.
Notes: Just for those who want to know, as far as I'm
concerned, the end of UXM #350 really went something like
Betsy: Quick, everyone into my shadows.
Hank: Wait - where's Remy?
Rogue: He's a meanie poo poo head so ah dumped him in the
Hank: Oh for crying out loud...
{Hank bounds off, comes back with Remy thrown over his shoulder.}
{They all leave.}
Okay? Everyone got that? Good.
For future reference, same goes for every post-#350 story
I ever write.
WARNING: Despite the title, this story doesn't actually
need much of a warning. PG-13, at the very most.
Other note: None of my good stories are talking to
me. I wrote this to be doing something, and because the Remy/Rogue
entity was really pissing me off today...
Doctor Agee, Rogue mused, sure was a hell of a doctor. He'd
gotten rid of her absorbing power for her, but she still had
the rest - the strength, the flight. Oh lord, she thought,
she never could have given up flying, not for anything.
She still wasn't entirely sure she'd done the right thing
by leaving the man's research intact but - it just didn't
seem right for her to destroy any other mutant's chances,
when she'd already taken hers. But she'd told him, loud and
"Ah'll be watching you. Ah'll be watching you like a
hawk. Ahmean, ah'm grateful for everythin' you've done for
me, don't never doubt that - but you ever, ever use
this stuff on someone who don't want it, or let the government
anywhere near it, ah'll be there. And then you won't
be anymore. Ya got that?" He'd gotten that.
She pulled on one of her many new outfits; red and slinky,
this one, of which Bobby had said, "That's not a dress.
That's a belt." Shoes with no heels. This was about her
comfort for once, not her vanity and not anyone else's safety.
No tights. And no gloves. No gloves. Not ever again,
for as long as she lived. And no more full body costumes either,
no more full body anythings; Rogue threw herself into
the air and just hugged herself in delight for a minute, tears
running down her face.
"No more no more no more!" she chanted to
herself, and then laughed out loud.
"Lord. Ah'm being such a little fool. Huh, screw it.
Didn'tnever get much of a childhood when ah was a child.
Reckon no-one'll mind if ah take just a little bit of one
now." She laughed again, giggling for pure joy until
she could hardly even breathe.
She flew out of the room, face still shining with happiness,
and flew down the stairs too, doing silly, extravagant, loops
that brushed her up against the ceiling. She was still hovering
a few inches off the floor as she announced:
"Ah'm going out," to the living room full of X-men.
"Don't nobody wait up. Ah don't reckon ah'll be home
tonight." She pirouetted on air - and came face to face
with the one person she'd been hoping to avoid that night.
"Chere." Remy nodded in slow, ardent approval of
her outfit, looking her up and down with that damned snake
charming smirk on his face. "You going out tonight? I
thought mebbe we should have a little talk..."
"`Bout what, exactly?"
"Us." That single word, and Rogue's whole mood
damn near took a dive into oblivion. `No.' She told herself.
`Nuh-uh. Ah ain't goin' there no more, ah ain't doin' this
no more, and ah ain't taking no more of his crap no
"Ya wanna talk? About us?" Her eyebrows
arched impressively. "Ya know, those words sound pretty
damn familiar to me. Ah reckon ah've heard them once or twice
before. Ah reckon, ah've heard them comin' out mah
own mouth - but ain't never heard nothin' but lies and sweet
talk comin' outa yours." He opened that mouth again to
interupt her, but he wasn't going to get a chance.
"Mister Remy `ah'm so fine' LeBeau," she cut him
off abruptly, "just in case ah hadn't made it all totally
clear for ya, ah think there's something ya oughta know about
us. There isn't one. No us. No more." She hovered
closer to him, and he shuffled back, unsure of her suddenly.
She noted his discomfort with satisfaction. "Ya jerked
me around one time too many, and now there's just me, and
you. No more us. Ya got that?" she waited for
his slow nod before continuing. "Ah won't say ah'm completely
over ya," she added, "cos that'd be a lie, but ah'm
gettin' there real fast." She flew a little further
into his face until he backed right up against the wall, and
then slowly reached out and put a slender finger under his
chin. She shivered slightly in delight at the sensation: `touching
someone, ah'm touching someone, and look ma, no coma!'.
"So, ya wanna know what ah'm doin' tonight, do ya? Well
ah'll tell ya. Tonight, sugah, what ah'm doin, sugah, is goin'
out, on mah own, to have some o' that fun ah've been missin'
out on all these years." She pouted her lips seductively,
and drew in a slow, deep breath that pushed her chest out,
just a little.
"Ah reckon ah'll go dancing." She wriggled her
hips slightly to the music already beating out its rhythm
in her head.
"Ah reckon ah'll get nice and sweaty, all nice and hot,
up close and personal to some nice boy." She watched
his eyes start to glaze over as she savoured every word cruelly,
her eyes wide and her lips wet. This, Rogue decided, was easily
the most fun she'd had in years.
"Or who knows, maybe some nice girl. Ah've been waiting
a hell of long time, chere, ah ain't feeling all that
particular." She hadn't actually considered lesbianism
before, but now - `what the hell', she decided in that instant.
`Ah'm goin' ta try that too. What can it hurt?' The look on
Remy's face would make it worthwhile even if nothing else
"In fact, sugah, what ah'm gonna do, is
get myself well and truly laid." He gaped like
a goldfish. It was beautiful.
"An ya know what you can do?" she continued as
she remembered a phrase she'd heard Kitty use just the other
day. "You can sod right off, is what you
can do."
She settled to the ground with a firm nod of her head and
swish of her hips. He opened his mouth one last time - she
shot him a look and he shut it again. `Well, what d'ya know.
Boy's got an off switch after all.' She turned her back on
him, smoothed her dress back down on her thighs, hauled it
a little higher over her breasts - and looked up to find a
room full of X-men staring at her, stunned.
"What? There some kinda problem here?" Heads were
shaken, `no's' were murmured. "Good." She said forcefully,
and threw her head back proudly as she strode towards the
front door.
"Rogue." She turned and glared as Logan called
her name, but all he did was pull out his wallet and throw
her a small, silver square of plastic. She snatched it out
of the air easily.
"Wha -" she started - and then stopped as she realised
what it was. She stared at it for a moment and then back at
Logan, gaping speechlessly. He shrugged, picked up his paper
and sat back down.
"Can't be too careful these days, darlin'." He
grinned at her broadly, and winked. "Have fun."
She went slightly pink as she stuffed the condom into her
purse, but still, somehow, managed a dignified,
"Oh, ah will sugah. Ah sure will," as she raced
for the door.
Don't ask me what that was about.
I have no idea what that was about.
Sometimes I really worry about myself.
Feedback to Poi Lass.
No hate mail from R/R `shippers ;-).
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