Stories by K-Nice
"And the
Walls Came a'Tumblin' Down"
Remy catches Rogue in the midst of one of her more self-pitying moods and invites
her along on one of his late-night partying jaunts to New York City.
"Get Some"
Rogue and Gambit play Bonnie and Clyde.
(Some sexual innuendo)
"So Fast"
Rogue and Gambit experience the pain, disorientation and fear of a major life-changing
17 years after the events in "...Walls...,"
Rogue and Gambit, now happily married and with children, reconsider what their
happiness really means.
"Pro Veneratio"
Rogue and Gambit mourn the loss of someone dear.
"And Then
I Remembered..."
Belladonna returns to Salem Center to make her peace with Gambit.
"Blood and Bone"
NYPD detectives Remy LeBeau and Ororo Munroe investigate a horrific string of
rape/murders that hit closer to home than any of them realizes.
"Crown of
Roses, Crown of Thorns"
After being stripped of their powers by the High Evolutionary, Rogue and Gambit
meet at a bar and rehash old arguments and scars.
When Storm learns of Rogue's abandonment of Gambit, she avenges her friend's
death in an unconventional way.
in Love: Once More, for Old Heart's Sake"
After reconciling during the Phalanx battles in space, Rogue and Gambit go for
one last motorcycle ride together. Assume OZT and the Trial of Gambit never
Excerpts of some of Rogue and Gambit's arguments come to light in this answer
to Em's 350-word challenge.
"The Human
A young "Reb" recovers from a beating delivered by her mother.
Get So Lonely"
Rogue traces back her history with touch as an addiction and her self-imposed
"Lost Lies"
When Gambit returns to the X-Men, he must wade through the lies and half-truths
he and his teammates still tell each other.
"Maybe on Some
Other Day"
Emily Darkholme and Remington LeBeau are betrothed to each other by their parents.
in Another Life"
Six years after "Maybe on Some
Other Day," Emily eagerly anticipates an upcoming ball -- and her first
chance in years to see Remy LeBeau again.
in Some Other Time"
The Rogue and the Gambit, leaders of the Brotherhood and the Guild, respectively,
face off for what will likely be their final battle. Sequel to "Possibly
in Another Life."
"Perfect Pastel
Rogue decides to indulge herself in something she never had as a teenager --
a prom dress.
Rogue tries to see only what she wants to see when she goes back for Remy.
Has Issues"
After their latest breakup, a drunken Gambit tries to call Rogue and let her
know what's on his mind.
Rogue accompanies Mystique on a stealth mission. Written for Em's 350-word challenge.
Gambit and the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants take on the mysterious Center to save
mutantkind. (Unfinished.)
elsewhere in Alykat's World:
"Beauty Comes to Those Who
After decades of marriage, Bobby and Cecilia still go to Brooklyn regularly
to have Cece's braids redone.
(at (un)frozen)
"Broken Promises"
Iceman deals with his feelings of guilt and loss after his father's death.
(at (un)frozen)
"Cold Front"
When the young students of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters enjoy the
hot summer sun, Bobby longs to return to the cold. Takes place during the X-Men's
early years.
(at (un)frozen)
"Spring Thaw"
Bobby decides to leave the X-Men permenantly and get a "real" life,
while Gambit struggles to feel alive again after being rescued from the Antarctic.
(in progress)
(at (un)frozen)
"Stolen Identities"
When Bastion came to the X-Mansion, he took everything. Now that the X-Men have
returned home, each of them deals with that loss in their own way.
(at (un)frozen)
E-mail: kcmknice@yahoo.com
Website: Center
Disclaimer: The X-Men characters,
and all other recognizable characters are copyright to Marvel
Entertainment Group. No copying, distributing or editing of
this material is permitted without the express permission
of the creator, K-Nice, because that wouldnt be nice
at all.
Takes place after UX-M 350. This could be a response to Ems
350 word challenge
© K-Nice 1999
This isn't a fantasy. If it were, we'd be in a fancy hotel,
eating caviar out of each other's belly buttons.
If this was a romance novel then he would reach out now,
tear away my bodice and ravish me until we're both senseless.
I've read enough romance novels to keep Harlequin in business
by myself.
This is reality. I cradle his head in my lap. He stubbornly
averts his red-black eyes, no matter how many times I force
him to face me.
He hasn't spoken to me since we ... separated. Now that we're
together again, he remains silent. He is angry with me, ignoring
me. I've acted this way before but he always brings me around.
Here in the underground citadel built by Magneto, I know
how to get his attention. I run my hands across his cheek.
His cool, clammy skin is still sensual. He is beautiful --
so pale, like an angel. A fallen angel. My fallen angel.
I press my lips to his forehead. Then, I kiss his nose, which
is frostbitten but no longer bloody. His lips, oh his lips.
They are rough, chapped but I savor the feeling of them
against my own. I wish he could feel the smoothness of my
mouth on the scoop of his neck, that line of hair down his
chest, his firm (almost stiff) abdomen, his belly button.
I want to pull the covers down and kiss the rest of him but
that seems wrong.
I slide onto the pallet beside him, running my hands across
his body, trying to feel his heartbeat. Frustrated, I stop
searching and cuddle against his shoulder.
His chest seems to heave, his lips almost quiver -- but it
is not enough. A tear rolls down my cheek, wetting his brow.
"Are you dead, sugah, or just not interested? Wake up,
for me. Please!"
In his answering silence, I clutch his cold body tighter
to me. He seems heavier now.
I cry into his lank, frosted hair and press my body to his
unyielding flesh. He's gone, leaving me alone with reality.
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