Disclaimer: Remy, Belle, and Sinister,
don't belong to me, they belong to Marvel. Neither does Christina
Brown, she's a real person. Lizzie, Deven, Juliet, and the
giant without a name do belong to me.
Warning: Violence. I don't go into the actual act of
the violence, but I do describe the aftermath. People weak
of stomach might want to skip the last section.
The Sun Will Shine Again
by Raven Adams
February 1998
Chapter 6
He grabbed Lizzie by the front of her shirt and pulled her
up off the ground so he could look her in the eyes. As she
neared him, he saw her eyes change their color from brown
to gray to red on black.
Good. She was angry with him. How appealing.
Juliet, who had been paralyzed, suddenly came to action.
She reached out with her foot and hooked the man's right leg,
and pulled. He dropped Lizzie, and fell, hard, on his back.
"Come on!" She grabbed Lizzie's hand and ran. The
airport was located by the river, and Juliet decided that
that was where she would hide Lizzie before leading Belle
and that man somewhere else. She hoped to God and all the
Gods other people believed in, that the fog would hide them
enough for them to get under a dock or into a boat or something.
She couldn't hear any pursuit, but that really didn't mean
anything. They could be right behind her now, just about to
reach out and grab her arm. Their feet hit wood, she hadn't
even realized they were this close to a dock, and Juliet had
to make herself walk softly.
She looked around, there were no boats tied to this dock,
and she didn't want to have to waste the time finding one
that did. The water wasn't too deep, she saw, maybe to Lizzie's
ankles, and she decided she would have to lower her down for
her to hide.
"Lizzie, Luv." She whispered softly in her daughter's
ear. "I'm going to lower you down, and I want you to
hide under here, okay?" Lizzie nodded mutely. "I
love you sweetheart." Juliet didn't want to say a good-bye,
but that was what the words sounded like. A good-bye. "I'll
be right back." She tried to correct the mistake.
She kissed Lizzie's check, and held her by the arms, lowering
her down toward the ankle deep water. When Lizzie was safely
down below, Juliet blew her a kiss, and ran off.
Lizzie watched her mother leave, until the fog and darkness
swallowed her up. She was shaking, and every bone, every mussel,
and even her hair, hurt. Sometimes, when Poppa had pulled
her back from being invisible, it hurt too, but only for a
second. When IT had pulled her out, it hurt like she was going
to die, and it still hurt.
After a few seconds of just standing there, she moved under
the dock, but this didn't seem like much of a hiding place.
All Belle, or IT, would have to do, is look under the dock
and see her standing there. She needed to find a better hiding
place, but one that wasn't too far-
A pipe. Huge and round. Only a little water seemed to be
coming through it. It must be a drain pipe form the street
that let out the rain. And she wouldn't have to go too far
to get to it. She would still be able to hear Momma when she
came back.
She made her way carefully over to the pipe, making sure
to pick her feet all the way out of the water and put
them back down slowly, like her Poppa had taught her, so as
not to make a sound. It took her a few minuets, but she got
Once she was inside the pipe, she curled up into a ball bringing
her knees up to her face and hugging them. Her teddy was still
in her hands, and she buried her face in it's back.
For a few minuets, there was no sound. Not even water sloshing
softly against the embankment. It was as if the world had
just died around her, and she was all that was left. She needed
sound. Any kind of sound, just something to tell her she wasn't
She got what she wanted.
Although he was a huge man, almost eight feet tall and well
over three hundred pounds of well belt muscle, he moved with
the grace of a prima ballerina.
He walked into the truck stop, and it seemed that every eye
in the place had turned to him. But he was use to that. His
size always tended to make people stare. But if anyone would
ever get to know him, they would find out, that while he didn't
talk much, he was as gentle as a new born pup.
He didn't have a name. The Master had never given him one,
and he had no memories beyond the Master, although he knew
he couldn't have been with the Master for all of his life.
He would remember that.
He had been sent here to find a white boy with black hair
and blue eyes. A human boy. Not a mutant who didn't
know he was a mutant, but a real, normal human. So
far, after traveling over five of the united states, he had
found no one.
Black hair and blue eyes just weren't something that was
too easy in the world to come by.
But a woman, he hadn't even bother finding out her name,
at a gas station told him that a boy with that discretion
was working in the kitchen of the truck stop. She had said
he looked to be about twelve. The Master wanted and nine or
ten-year-old. But maybe he wouldn't mind.
Deven pushed the blonde girl's hand away. "Hey, if I'd
known you was going to cut that much off, I wouldn't have
asked you to do it."
"Oh, quit griping." She smiled. "You needed
it. You need a bath too."
"Hay! I bathe once a month! I don't have to again for
at least another week!" He grinned at her, his teal eyes
shining with laughter.
For a moment she believed him, then saw the look in his eyes
and swiped at him. "Oh, you!" She tried to look
stern, but it didn't work, she was laughing in a few moments.
"Why don't you come home with me tonight? Momma could
fix you something to eat that's far better then the greasy
stuff you'll be eating here."
"Nah." Shaking his head, he pulled the broken piece
of mirror he'd carried with him for longer then he could remember
out of his bag of things, and looked at what was left of his
hair. "I'm leaving tonight. Going to just get my things,
and take something with me on the road." He grinned at
his image, and put the mirror back into the bag with his few
positions. He knelt on the ground and began picking up newspaper
with his hair on it.
"You're leaving? Where will you go?"
"Oh, I don't know. I've been about everywhere. I was
kinda thinking about Maine. That was where I was born. I wouldn't
mind seeing it again." The floor was clean, all the newspaper
having been picked up and thrown away, and now Deven started
to put his few positions back into his bag.
"Well, um, why do you have to go? I mean, you've got
food, and a, um, bed, what more do you need?"
"Chris, are you asking me to stay?" He looked at
her, and she blushed very becomingly.
But before she could answer, the door to Deven's room flew
open, and a giant of a man walked in. "Wha?" Deven
got out before the man grabbed him in one arm, and his bag
in the other. "Hey! You let him go!" Chris shouted,
pounding on the man's back. Deven kicked and screamed, and
even tried to bite the man. But he just tossed him up on his
shoulder, knocking the wind out of the boy.
"Somebody stop that man!" Chris yelled as they
came out into the eating area. Five large truck drivers stood
and took a step toward the man, but once they realized just
how big he was, they all took steps back.
The man carried Deven out to his car and dumped him into
the back seat. By the time Chris called the cops, they were
long gone.
The scream that filled the night's air couldn't possibly
have been human. It was too long, to agonized. It was a dying
scream, one that started out quiet then grew loader until
it was all you heard, and then, it was simply cut off. As
if the thing making the horrible sound had just had it's vocal
cords cut right at that instant.
It couldn't have been human, no matter how much it sounded
like a woman's voice. It was some animal, and people dismissed
it without another thought.
But for the few people who came out of the airport and heard
the scream of a child close behind the other scream, they
Lizzie didn't know how she got out of the drain, or even
how she had run until she'd stumbled over her mother's body.
She just realized all at once that the stuff she'd just slipped
in wasn't water, and the soft mound she'd fallen on wasn't
a balled up fishing net.
Her hands where wet and sticky. Bloody. She put one over
her mouth and screamed. With the other, she tentatively reached
out and touched her mother's face. Her mouth was open in a
silent scream, her eyes bulged in horror. Her throat had been
ripped apart, as had her stomach. She didn't want to look
down to see what she'd slipped in, she had a sick feeling
that she already knew.
Death was a part of the bayou. She'd seen alligators fight
over deer and ducks, had seen them being ripped apart, but
even that didn't prepare her for the sight of her mother's
intestines scattered on the ground.
Unable to hold it back, she screamed again. Laying her head
on her mother's chest, she closed her eyes, trying to picture
Juliet's smiling loving face. But as soon as her eye laches
hit her cheeks, all she could see was the rips in her momma's
stomach and throat, forever etched into her nine-year-old
She felt someone behind her. IT. Or Belle. It didn't matter
any more. Her poppa was in another country, and her momma
was... she was...
Lizzie choked back a sob. She couldn't even bring herself
to think the word.
Hands gripped her shoulders painfully, and someone said something.
They were arguing. But she didn't hear the words. She dropped
her teddy that was in one hand, and with the other, felt around
her mother's neck, and pulled something off of the corpse.
The chain snapped, and Lizzie clinched it in her hands. The
only thing left of her mother.
She felt the tears come, and slide down her cheeks. Then,
she felt no more.
Continued in Chapter
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