Disclaimer: Red Lagoski, Fat Peri,
the giant without a name, Lizzie, and Deven belong to me.
Sinister, Belle, and Remy belong to Marvel. If I'm making
money from this, then someone forgot to tell me.
The Sun Will Shine Again
by Raven Adams
March 1998
Chapter 9
The giant walked up the stair to the lab without making a
sound. Considering his size, that was a feat. The stairwell
was dark, and he expected the lab to be too, but he didn't
need a light for him to keep a sure foot. He was quite agile,
and had a certain grace that most men only a fraction of his
size seem to lack. Not only that, be he could see well in
the dark. As well as any animal, he was sure.
His eyes had the appearance of those of a cat's sometimes.
And his hearing was just as good, too. He could hear most
of what the Master was saying to the little girl-
No, Lizzie. He smiled. She had given him her name, and it
was Lizzie. Such a sweat name, and such a beautiful child.
She had seemed so scared of him at first, then she wasn't.
It was as if she knew he wouldn't hurt her, and he didn't
even have to say anything to her.
Not that he would have. He had learned a hard lesson about
speaking out of tern. At least, he thought he had. He couldn't
remember if he had or not anymore then he could remember his
own name.
And it wasn't that he was stupid. Far from it. He was very
well read, the only one of the Master's servants would could
read more then "Green Eggs and Ham." He could
do long division in his head, he could tell you the answer
to almost any question. He was smart! And he was kind. It
was just that some of the things he did weren't so kind. Sometimes,
they were down right mean. But he had to do what the Master
said, or else.
He reached the top of the stairs just as he heard Lizzie
scream. He flinched. She had tried to get away, but found
she couldn't. He would have to make sure she understood that
she couldn't leave, and that if she kept trying, then she
would only get the Master angrier and angrier until he just
finely got rid of her.
He sighed as there was no more sound from down below, and
he opened the door to the lab.
This was the one place he was truly afraid of, and he didn't
know why. Perhaps it was the smells of the computers, or the
hums they made when on. Maybe it was the little red and green
lights blinking on the base of each one, or the printing sounds.
Maybe the boy's heart beat that filled the air was why he
hated and truly feared this room. And maybe it was something
that just was. Like himself. He just was. It couldn't be explained,
and he didn't know where it came from, anymore then he could
be explained, or know where he had come from. They both just
He walked to the middle of the room where a large black box
was. It was covered with wires that ran to every computer,
and took the boy's life signs. He sighed, hating to see any
living being in a box. And he cursed himself for bringing
the boy into all of this. But he had to do as the Master wished.
That came first and foremost, and his own wishes be-
What was he doing? Just standing here scowling. In a few
moments the Master would be wondering what was keeping him,
and then he'd be in trouble.
Quickly, he disconnected the wires from the box, and opened
it up. The boy was sprawled out in it, in a crucified position.
The bottom of the box curved upward in the middle, so that
he had to lay with his back arched up. He was still unconscious.
Just as he had been for the past few days. Never once had
he awakened. But now that he was out of the box, he should
be up and demanding to be let free soon.
The giant gently lifted the boy's body, next to him so small
and fragile, in his arms, and carried him out the door, and
carefully down the steps. The Master was waiting for them.
He just pointed to the cell where Lizzie lay, unconscious,
and the giant brought the boy in there, and lay him on the
floor beside her. He looked down at the two sadly for a second,
then left the cell, closing and locking the door behind him.
"I am leaving." The Master said. "I trust
you can make them... comfortable." The giant nodded his
head once. "Good. I shouldn't be back for a while, but
I want them ready for when I am." Again, all he did was
nod once.
The Nightingale was the fastest joint in all of New Orleans.
It was also the most illegal. The owner, Fat Peri, had the
cops of the Big Easy eating out of the palm of his hand, so
no one ever worried about raids.
It was an illegal gambling hall, posing as a strip joint.
Actually, the strip was upstairs, and the rest was down below.
It was the only operation in New Orleans of this size that
wasn't owned by either the Thrives' or the Assassins' Guilds.
But both Guilds were tolerated, and welcome, in the Nightingale
so long as everyone forgot that they hated each other.
It was here that a man with strange fire bright red hair
and eyes to match, came to look for his cousin, the only family
he had left. If she were here, which was a long shot, but
also his last, he'd stop gambling, drinking, and thieving
and he'd become a priest. Shoot, he'd become a nun
if she was here!
The place was crowded as it always was on a Friday night,
even more so because of the up coming wedding. Blast Remy!
Why did he have to be here nine years ago when Juliet was
still singing? Why did he have to go back stage?
But the answer was simple. It was the Fates. The one thing
Red Lagoski believed in was the Fates. The fair maidens in
white flowing gowns, Luck, Chance, and Destiny. The Fates.
He knew everything happened for a reason, and that most times,
everything worked out in the end. Perhaps this was a blessing
in disguise. With Juliet gone, Belle wouldn't have anything
to be jealous about, and therefore, Jules and Liz would be
safe from the assassin's wrath.
Red made his way through the crowd of gamblers, picking a
few fat pockets as he went, just for the hell of it. He came
to the stage where a woman was signing Fever and doing
a very bad job at it. Beside the stage was a certain and he
made his way through it, and past closed doors to the one
in the very back. Peri, Owner was written in silver
letters on the door.
Red opened it without knocking, and quickly wished he hadn't.
Staring him right in the face was Fat Peri's half naked butt.
A beautiful blonde with legs up to her neck, shrieked, and
Peri turned around quickly. Then tried pulling his pants back
on. The grossly fat man turned bright red in anger, but before
he could say anything, Red threw all the money he'd pick pocketed
at the girl.
"Get out." He growled at the girl, she quickly
gathered the money and ran. He looked back at Fat Peri, who
was still trying to put on his pants, and growled again. "Get
dressed. Jus' 'cause you got somet'ing smaller den my pinkie
finger doesn' mean I got t' stare at it."
He pulled his pants on. "What do you want, Lagoski?"
He asked, not really wanting to make this man mad, but furious
himself that the girl had gotten away from him so soon.
As soon as his pants were on, Red pushed Peri up against
the wall, hard, knocking the breath out of the fat man. "Where's
Juliet?" He asked calmly.
"I- I don't know."
Red pulled him forward and then pushed him back again, harder.
His eyes glazed over, turning them flame red. "Where?"
He asked again.
Very few people had ever been able to withstand looking into
those eyes and not tell the truth, Remy and Juliet were the
only ones. The proof of this came when Peri burst into tears
and whimpered "I don't know."
Red snarled and let the fat man drop to the floor. He was
angry before, now he was piping hot, literally. "Well,
then, that's just too bad for you." He said, the turned
and walked through the wall. A few seconds later, right where
he had phased through, the wall caught fire.
Within ten minutes, all the people were out of the building,
but it was far beyond saving, so the New Orleans fire department,
just let it burn it's self out and made sure no other building
caught fire.
A huge crowd gathered to watch, among these were priests
of both the Catholic kind and the Voodoo kind. The Voodoo
Queen giving blessing and shouting gris-gris at the hell fire
building. Also among these people was the outcast Gambit.
Belle pushed her hair out of her face as she climbed the
porch leading to the front door of her home. It was opened
before she could ever put her hand out by a servant. She looked
very glad to see her.
"Mizz. Belle, yer father need ta talk ta ya. It 'bout
yer beau."
"My beau?" Belle asked tiredly, all she wanted
to do was go to bed, her wedding was tomorrow.
"Yer Masa Remy, ma'am." The servant leaned closer,
"His father call yers, dey talk, an' yer Masa Remy, ain't
gonna marry ya, mizz. He done an' run off. Leave de guild
behind an-"
Belle reached out with her mind and shut the woman up. The
servant dropped to the floor, dead, and Belle calmly walked
up the flight of stairs to her room. Sometime, she
mused, sometime, revenge a double edge sword, dat cut you
both way.
She walked into her room, and ripped her wedding dress to
Continued in Chapter
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