Okay, quick note before I let you read
this, I tried my hardest to fit what Sinny and Rem said in
Uncanny X-Men #350 into this story, and when I did, it came
out sounding like crap. So, I figure, if I mess Gambit up
enough to make him older and have a ten year old daughter
... then I could take out some of the stuff he and Sinister
said. Although I did leave the mettle thingie in there. I
should also say right now, that in the next three chaps is
when the Mutant Massacre is supposed to happen, because I
wasn't reading it at the time, and 'cause I can't find the
graphic novel, I won't have any of it in the next three chaps,
so this is just to let you know, that's what's gonna be happening.
Also, I want to thank Shera Crawler 007 for adding a little
bit here and there with Sabretooth and Blink, it now seems
I'll be using Creed a little more before I'm done with this.
Sinister, Gambit, and Sabretooth belong to Marvel. Blink and
Conda (yet again, I haven't put him in it, I will next chap)
belongs to Shera Crawler 007 (thanks for letting me use them,
She). Lizzie, Devin, and Shadow (the man formerly know at
the giant without a name) belong to me, Raven Adams. And Dor,
bless his soul (he's so nice about this) is a real person,
so only his wife owns him.
And, as always, i need some water, so please water me! thanks.
The Sun Will Shine Again
by Raven Adams
July 1998
Chapter 15
Devin jumped over Dor's staff, and brought his own around
to hook behind the older man's feet. Dor fell to the ground
with a crash and a curse. Then Devin's staff was pushed up
under the older man's neck.
"Got'cha." He said, pushing the staff up so Dor's
chin rose with it. Then he smiled down at his fallen Sensei,
and pulled the staff away, and lowered his hand down to help
the man up.
Dor made as if to take the offered hand, but at the last
second, grabbed hold of Devin's wrist and flung him over.
Devin landed on his back and it seemed like every bone in
his body was broken. The next thing he knew, Dor was over
him, a knife at his throat.
"Never offer your enemy your hand. I could
very easily have killed you, and it would be your own stupid
"No, Dor." Lizzie said behind him. "It would
be your mistake."
The old man hid a smile. He hadn't even heard the girl sneak
up behind him, she had thieves' feet for sure, but he could
feel the prick of the knife Lizzie had taken to carrying with
her at his back. Devin was grinning like the Cheshire cat,
obviously they were using their new found ability against
him. Which was good. It meant they were working as a team.
"Enough." He said, making his voice harsh and cold,
covering over his pride of the two. "I have seen enough
for the day, off with you two. If you're not in the pool swimming
laps in five minutes I'll show you just how much you can take
in pain without actually dying." He practically growled.
The blade at his back was gone, he knew Lizzie was putting
it back into her boot. He let Devin up to follow his sister.
They had taken to calling themselves brother and sister,
something the Master wouldn't be too happy about, since he
planned on using them for breeding when they were older. But
they worked together, better then any of them had thought
they would, and the treatments were working, the boy was now
a mutant, and the girl's power level had been charged, making
her more powerful, although she didn't know it. Nether of
them really understood what was happening to them, and neither
really cared so long as they had each other.
They didn't understand what they were being trained for,
and Dor was happy he wasn't the one who would have to tell
them when the day came. He was also happy that the Master
hadn't been around since they had been together, they were
lucky they got to become stronger in spirit, mind, and body
before Sinister did to them what was...inevitable.
As the two silently ran from the room, Shadow walked away
from the wall where he had been standing. Dor just barely
acknowledge him, but when he didn't follow the children, and
just stood there, Dor turned. "Shouldn't you go after
"Thank you." Was all the giant said before following
Lizzie and Devin into the locker room.
He didn't have to ask, he knew why he was being thanked.
He could very well have hurt Devin before Lizzie could have
done something with that knife, the Master would have wanted
him to do that, but he hadn't. "You are welcome my old
friend. What I couldn't do for you, I will do
for them." Dor said softly to himself then walked to
the pool.
He could 'ave done more, Dev. Lizzie sent her thoughts
to him in the other room.
You felt that too, huh? What is this we've got, I don't
understand it. I mean-
'Ow c'n we hear each ot'er in our heads?
I was t'inking 'bout dat las' nig't. I t'ink it 'as somet'ing
t' do wit de TESTS. Even when she didn't say it
out loud, the word came out sounding like a curse word she
shouldn't ever say. I 'member dem doin' somet'in', I don'
know all wha' dey do, but it hurt.
Yeah. He shook his head, when Lizzie's mind had opened
wide and taken in all the thoughts of the people around her,
Devin's had done the same, only his came in dreams as he slept
sick with fever.
They reluctantly moved apart and into different rooms to
change into their swimming suits. You know, He asked.
I think we can get Shadow to help us get out of here, away
from the TESTS and everything, to find your poppa?
NON! Lizzie's mental word was more harsh then
if she had screamed it in his ear. He winced, but didn't say
anything. I sorry. But...
I know. He sighed. They both talked about it, thought
about it more, but neither really had the courage to try and
escape. Black Thief had told them both of two of her escape
attempts, and the scars she had gotten for her troubles. Both
could sense the scars she'd gotten on the inside even though
she didn't speak of them. She even told Lizzie that the Master
had given her over to Blink for trying to escape, that scared
Lizzie more then any scar could.
Lizzie was afraid that if they tried, Blink would get her,
and do to her what he had tried before. She hadn't fully understood
it, but every time he came near her, he got this look in his
eyes and this smell about him that made her feel sick in the
very pit of her stomach. She'd do anything to get away from
him, so if trying to escape would only bring him closer, she
didn't want to try it.
Devin thought most of the same of the man's brother, Conda
who's snake eyes glistened when Dev came into the same room
with him. But what terrified them the most was the thought
that if they did try to leave, then IT would return. Devin
didn't remember ever seeing IT. The thoughts, and the dreams
Lizzie had of the night her mother was killed, was enough
to scare him without ever having to get near IT.
He sighed and walked out of the room he had changed in. He
leaned against the doorway to the room where Lizzie was, and
said "I'm, sorry." in a mouse like voice.
Lizzie came out, and was going to say something, when Dor's
shout reminded them they were supposed to be swimming. Together
they both sighed and walked out to where the pool was.
Dor took one look at their solemn faces, and decided he wasn't
going to push them as hard today in this leason. "Lizzie,
in the water." He said, pointing to the pool ladder.
"We are going to do something different today. Lizzie,
I want you to close your eyes, and spin around a few times,
don't open them. Devin, when Lizzie counts to one hundred,
I want you in the water, and I want you to shout 'Marko.'
To which Lizzie will reply 'Polo.' Lizzie, I want you to find
Devin and tag him."
Eyes still closed, Lizzie grinned and started to count to
one hundred.
After a while, there was nothing but laughter and splashes
as they tried to get "Marko!" "Polo!"
out of their mouths unsuccessfully.
Remy picked up the telephone, and dialed the number quickly.
He let it ring three times, and hung up. After a while, it
rang, and he picked it back up. "Oui?"
"Have you the people I asked for?"
"Then I have your key. Meet me in the Chapel on St.
Elm Street in a hour." The phone clicked, and the line
went dead. Remy smiled, so the Devil wanted to mean in a church
huh? He could deal with that.
He hung the phone back up, and pulled on his coat. It was
time to go get his daughter back.
Later that night, Lizzie looked into the mirror and frowned.
She pushed her hair up, away from her face so she could see
the roots. Yeah, she wasn't wrong, it was changing color.
"Lizzie, if you keep frowning like that, your face will
freeze that way." Shadow said moving his bishop to take
Devin's last rook. Devin made a sound of triumph and moved
his queen to take the bishop, when Shadow countered by taking
his queen with his own and happy calling out "Check Mate!"
Lizzie glared at him as Devin challenged him to another game
and they set the board up again. Sometimes she wished he'd
go back to being the solemn giant who didn't speak much, but
only sometimes.
"My hair's turnin' blue. See?" He held her bangs
up, "Right 'ere, right in de middle, it go all de way
t' de back o' my head, Dev's is doin' de same!"
Shadow shrugged. "It happens."
Devin laughed, "You mean people start to grow blue hair
all the time? Now that, I'd like to see!"
"I never heard o' it 'appenin'!"
"Well, it does, it's happening to you isn't it?"
Devin blinked, his hand in the air with a pawn in it. "What
is happing to us? I mean, look at out ears,
they don't look right. Lizzie and I can hear each other in
our minds, we can see, hear and smell better. Why is this
Shadow shrugged, "Something in the water?" Dev
grinned at him.
Lizzie didn't say anything, just moved away from the mirror
and sat down on the floor in between Shadow and Devin's chairs.
She watched the two play their game, then, "Non. It de
tests isn' it, Shadow? Wha' 'ave you been doin' t' us?"
He didn't say anything, then, after a while, when he realized
both children were staring at him expectantly, he sighed and
leaned back in his chair. "The tests give you things.
They make you stronger mutants. They make you smarter, more
powerful. Everyone here, all the classes you take, all teach
you to use these powers, to harness them to make them work
for you."
After taking a second to think it over, Dev was the first
to grin, "Hey! That's kinda cool!" But the grin
faded when he looked at Lizzie.
"Non, it n't. Why? Why do dis t' us?" Lizzie asked,
not sure that she liked the idea all that much, even though
she could feel Devin's thoughts whirling into her head.
"The Master chose the two of you for these tests, like
he chose me when I was younger."
"He did dese t'in's t' you too?"
"You like it no more den we do! I know it! So why you
lettin' dem do dis t' us? Why change us?" She jumped
up, angry. "My mother was killed, an' my father is responsible,
an' now you tell me I becomin' a monster?"
"It's not-"
"It is! You changin' me! An' I don' wan' t' be changed!
I wan' t' be de way I was 'fore!" A tear came out of
the corner of her eye, and she ran out of the library and
down the hall.
Devin sat there for a second, looking after her then stood
up. "I better go after her."
"No." Shadow said, pushing the boy back down in
his chair. "I'll go get her."
"You sure?" Devin asked.
"Yeah, we'll be right back. And don't move anything
on that board!"
Dev grinned. After Shadow left the room, he frowned, and
reached back, trying to scratch at a place on his back. Unable
to reach it, he walked over to the mirror and lifted the back
of his shirt. Looking over his shoulder he saw that the two
bumps on his back had not only not gone away, but had grown
larger, longer.
"I n't doin' it, Sinister." Remy looked around
the chapel, a card in his hand, the Ace of spades, the card
of death. He flipped in over in his hand, then back again,
nervously. "I got you people, I don' wan' no part o'
wha' you do wit' dem. Dat your decision. You got wha' you
wanted, you know wha' I wan'."
"Yes, your fee..." a round metal thing flipped
out of the air, Gambit caught it in midair, and rattled it,
the key was inside. "Now, you have your key... But you
have no where to use it. You see, Mr. LeBeau, in order for
me to tell you where your daughter is, you will do one more
job for me."
"Dat wasn' part o' de deal, Essex! You say I do dis
f' you, an' I get my daughter back!" Remy practically
exploded, but a warning hiss from Sabretooth kept him from
doing anything more.
"I believe our arrangement was that I give you the key
after you do a job for me, In do not recall saying I would
tell you were your daughter is located. Oh, you will
do one more job for me, Mr.. LeBeau." Red eyes
slowly appeared as dark sunglasses were pulled down. They
glared at him from the darkness. In taking a step forward,
the man's death white face was revealed, and sharp toothed
grin came from it.
Remy took a step back. "I don' your dirty work f' you!
I don' even wan' t' know why you wan' Sabretooth an' de o'hers,
I jus' wan' wha's mine, an' f' you t' get out o' my life!"
The smile got bigger, and Remy had to fight to keep from
charging the card in his hand. "Tsk, Tsk, Mr. LeBeau.
Now I...I am the one who has what you want. See, I dangle
it over your head, you are a fish in water Mr. LeBeau, you've
already taken the bait, and now I'm about to reel you in."
Remy didn't much like the sound of this, and took another
step back.
"You see, Mr. LeBeau, I have what you want, what you
need. Your daughter. A fine young lady she is, I hear she
is taking to my experiments rather well."
"Yes, you see, I have been using her body to see just
how much mutant power I can infuse someone with... from what
I have been told so far, she is doing quite well, other then
a little mishap with one of my men getting too friendly with
Remy yelled a vile name at the man and lunged at him. Half
way to the man, he was caught in mid air by Sabretooth, and
knocked unconscious.
Yellow-green eyes swept over the still face a moment before
turning their savage gaze reluctantly to Sinister. One claw
pressed against the soft skin of his throat.
"No, not yet." Sinister smiled, and replaced his
sunglasses. "Bring him. He will do as I say now."
The claw stayed in place for a second, mind weighing the
consequences against the pleasure. The skin slowly lost the
redness as the pressure lessened, and Sabretooth hefted the
body turning to follow Sinister. One thought ran through his
mind, He don't own me, I could gut 'em both whenever I
Lizzie blindly ran down the hall, not looking where she was
going or even caring. Tears ran down her cheeks, and she fought
against the thoughts that her Poppa was to blame for all of
this misery.
She was running just to run, just to feel the floor beneath
her feet, and the slight wind she was making, on her face,
drying her tears.
But she was running blind, and didn't realize until an arm
came out and grabbed hold of her that she was in the quarters
of the Malevolent Quartet. She tried to scream when the arm
grabbed her, but her mouth was covered with a hand from behind,
and she was yanked into the shadows, away from the lit hall.
After a few minutes, Shadow came racing by, running right
past her, she tried to let out scream, but the hand muffled
it, and when she tried, it pushed harder against her, scraping
the insides of her lips against her teeth.
When Shadow was long gone down the hall, the hand pushed
her up against the wall in front of them, and she realized
her fear in running away had come true.
Blink grinned at her, the whites of his eyes and teeth, and
the orange of his hair were the only thing she could really
see. He said something to her, but it was too low for her
to hear. He took his hand away, only to replace it with his
own mouth before she could let out a scream.
His breath was worse then it had been the other day, and
when he pushed his tongue into her mouth, he even tasted nasty.
She tried to bite him, but he was too quick for her, and pulled
out before she could. He chuckled at her, a dry sound like
the rubbing to two pieces of sandpaper together. She shuddered.
She tried her hardest to remember Dor's training, but nothing
came to her mind, except for the fact that his hand was touching
her in a place she knew she shouldn't ever be touched, she
remember her momma telling her about men who would do that,
and that she needed to stay as far away from them as possible,
and that, more than anything, turned her stomach queasy.
And then something happened. Her fear dissolved, and she
let pure instinct take over. She lifted her knee and kicked
him in the crotch. He doubled over in pain, surprised, letting
her go. But instead of fleeing, like she had tried to do before,
she stood her ground, and pulled one of her throwing knives
from their hiding place on her back.
Blink looked up at her, hate swirling in his eyes almost
as strong as the desire. Lizzie's eyes had turned red the
minute she kicked him, and they showed no signs of changing
"Pourquoi peux toi pas juste mourir et laisser moi seul?!?"(1)
She yelled, kicking him, again, as hard as she could in the
chin. He was dodging out of the way, and if the pain in his
crotch hadn't slowed his reactions considerably he might have
missed it completely. As it was the blow still made him fall
over on his back, barely conscious. Another swift kick to
the head put him down for the count. That done, she decided
to take care of this fear right then and there. She kneeled
down, and lifted the knife above her head, and would have
brought it down too, if her mother's face hadn't flashed before
her eyes, making her stop.
"Laisser moi seul..." (2) The knife clattered to
the ground noisily. She slowly lowered her hand, sick with
herself for being such a coward and not ending it, and she
put her head in her hands, sobbing.
She felt Shadow come up behind her, and he helped her to
stand up. Blink was still unconscious. That was the only thing
saving him, Shadow did nothing, he would deal with him later.
Lizzie let herself be helped, and led away. But, after only
a few steps, she heard Blink moan behind her. Without thinking,
she whirled, grabbing two of the knives from her back, and
threw them all in one fluid continuous movement.
The knives stuck straight up in the ground, one on either
side of link's head, one actually cutting him. She smiled,
and then let Shadow lead her away.
Continued in Chapter
(1) Pourquoi peux toi pas juste
mourir et laisser moi seul?!? Why can you
not just leave me alone?
(2) Leave me alone...
Okay, so I'm not great with French,
I'm sure I got the sentence structure all wrong (anyone who
ever would like to help me out here, I wouldn't say no), 'sides,
I can speak Cajun French, but for the life of me, I can't
spell it, so I keep a little French/English dictionary by
me at most times. Anyone who speaks French, please forgive?
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