Sinister belongs to Marvel. Blink and
Arcane belong to Shera Crawler 007 (thanks for letting me
use them, She). Lizzie, Devin, and Shadow (the man formerly
know at the giant without a name) belong to me, Raven Adams.
This is the last chapter. The next story, "Into the Darkness
we Seep," will be out soon. other chapters of this can
be sent to you by mailing me, or by going to
although, at this point, I can't be sure of that. (Someone
got my password and has been erasing things. Which is one
of the reasons my web page still hasn't been updated.
The Sun Will Shine Again
by Raven Adams
Chapter 18
Lizzie pulled her hands away from her uncle's. "I don'
believe you." She whispered hoarsely. "My poppa
n't do dis t' me. My poppa love me! I don' believe
you, and I don' believe dat t'in' standin' outside de door!
He kill my momma, n't Poppa!" Her voice rose steadily
higher, as she waved her hands around with each word. She
took a step back, her eyes flashing brightly a color between
brown and red, disbelief and anger.
"Lizzie." Red said, his voice taking on the tone
a parent would use when trying to reason with their child.
He stood up from the bed, and started toward her slowly, arms
outstretched and hands reaching for her.
She took another step back, and looked around for something
to throw. She found a book on the nightstand, and grabbed
it. "You lie!" She screamed and hurled the heavy
book at him. He dodged it, and it landed on the floor with
a thump. "My poppa's gonna save me! He gonna come, an'
he gonna save me!" She reached for the lamp on the nightstand
to throw as well.
Red sighed heavily. He jumped before she could get the lamp,
and pushed her feet out from under her, pinning her to the
floor. She screamed in frustration at him, and tried to pull
her little hands free of his larger ones. He refused to let
her go. "Lizzie, look at me." She wouldn't, she
turned her head away and screamed "Let me go!" as
loud as she could. "Lizzie-lizard, look at me, 'titie
chere." He held both of her hands in one of his, and
used the other to make her face him. "I wouldn' lie t'
you. You know dat."
He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand, feeling the
warm, wet tears that escaped from her eyes. He sat up, pulling
her with him, her hands came up and she pounded on his chest.
"Non, non, non, non!" She cried, hitting him with
her fists. Red just let her, waiting for her to wear herself
out. She gasped, and let out a loud sob, calling for her mother,
then collapsed on him, crying, her head resting against his
He held her like that, letting her cry, stroking her hair
with one hand, and whispering soothing words to her. She slid
her arms around him, and cried harder, her breath coming out
in great sobs.
"Go 'head. Cry, baby. S'okay." Red kissed the top
of her head, and rocked her back and forth with him. "S'okay."
They stayed like that for the better part of an hour before
the door opened once again, and Sinister walked in, Arcane,
Blink and Devin following close behind.
Red looked up at them over Lizzie's head. She had seemed
to be asleep for a while now, being so still and quiet, but
once they entered, she stiffened and her breath froze. He
couldn't help but wonder what they had done to her to make
her this way.
Blink, whose hand was gripping the boy's, let him go. He
ran over to Lizzie and dropped to his knees beside her. Lizzie
instantly let Red go and tossed her arms around Devin, who
returned her embrace whole-heartedly. They held on to one
and other, cheek to cheek as they looked out with frightened
eyes at Sinister.
Red stood, looking down at them, his face puzzled. They looked
alike, exactly alike in fact. They had the same face even.
He frowned, looking at Sinister, sending a silent question
with his eyes.
Sinister met his gaze and simply smiled, a cold, lifeless
smile that chilled his heart. Red shivered without really
meaning to. The shiver wasn't from cold, but seemed to come
from within as he started at that smile.
Without looking away, Sinister turned his face slightly and
pointed at the children. "Blink. Take them. They will
be returning...home."
Red didn't miss the pause before he said "home,"
but for some reason, he couldn't make himself question it.
Out the corner of his eye he saw Blink reaching out and grabbing
hold of the boy's arm, and pulling him up and away from Lizzie.
Lizzie screamed as Arcane grabbed hold of her, and they started
to drag the two out.
"Wait! Non!" Red yelled, moving to try and get
past Sinister to get to Lizzie. Lizzie cried out, reaching
with her free hand toward Red, but she was quickly dragged
out into the hall and away.
Sinister put a hand on Red and pushed him back. "We
have a deal, Mr. Lagoski. They go home, and you stay."
With that, he walked out, shutting and locking the door behind
Red stared at the door and wondered if Lizzie really was
going to get home.
Tired of dragging a kicking and screaming little brat, Arcane
punched Lizzie and knocked her out, then looked to Devin to
see if he would try to do anything. Devin wisely stayed quiet
and looked at her with solemn eyes. He stared at her for a
moment, then turned his eyes back to the floor. He walked
stiffly, still in pain from the...things that had come from
his back and disappeared just as suddenly last night. Blink's
grip was painful on his arm, but not quite as painful as his
back, for that, he was somewhat grateful.
They walked down the corridor, IT trailing behind them. Of
Shadow, there was no sign, in fact, he saw no one else other
then their small group. It was as if everyone had left once
IT had returned. Dev envied them.
Blink opened the door, and sunlight streamed through, causing
the shadows to run and hide deep in the corridor where the
sun couldn't reach. Devin squinted, putting his hand over
his eyes to fend off the glare. Sinister pushed him out into
the light, and he almost gagged as he took a deep breath of
the fresh air. He coughed, getting the dusty must from his
His eyes watered. So used to being forced to see in fluorescent
lights, his eyes were unaccustomed to the brilliance of the
sun. He finally was able to open them completely, after rubbing
them many times with his fists. And, once he did, he smiled,
reaching out for Lizzie's limp form in Arcane's arms.
"Lizzie." He whispered. "Lizzie, the sun.
I see the sun." He turned and looked toward her. IT blocked
his view, and Blink started dragging him away, Arcane stood
where she was, smirking smugly. "Wait, no!" He cried,
trying to break free, and get back to Lizzie. Blink held fast
to him, pulling him along, and tossed him into the back seat
of a car. "No! Stop!" Devin could see Arcane shoving
Lizzie into another car, and getting into the driver's seat
just as Blink did his.
"Sit back, relax." Blink sneered looking through
the rearview mirror at him. "You don't have to worry
about her anymore."
Devin's eyes widened as thoughts of what those words could
mean rushed through his mind. "No!" He yelled and
grabbed the door handle, trying to open it. He couldn't get
it unlocked, and, as he put his face up against the window,
he could see Arcane's car with Lizzie in the back seat driving
off in the opposite direction.
He yelled, scratched at the window until he couldn't see
the car anymore. He began sobbing as he felt Lizzie's mind
slipping away from his.
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