Stories by Northlight
On one bright, beautiful morning, the X-Men awaken to face their deadliest foe ever: bad hair.
A mysterious figure decides to "tell all" about the secret lives of the X-Men in a bestselling book.
"Just in Time for Christmas"
Gambit is rescued in Antarctica -- by Santa Claus?
"Love and Pain"
Stuck in the "waiting room" between appearances in their respective series, Gambit and Angel (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) compare notes on their respective problems.
"Reunions and Other Troubles"
The sequel to "Love and Pain,"
Gambit and Angel escape from Limbo and are reunited with their respective love
"Maybe Just a Little Strange"
The true origin of Wolverine is revealed.
"Nothing More"
In response to Alara Rogers' challenge to kill off one's favorite character, Northlight writes her own version of Rogue's death as a result of Dr. Agee's "cure."
"Of Cooties and Dice"
Rogue, Jean and Storm get a little too involved in their board game.
"One of Those Days"
An evil villain attacks -- and so does Murphy's Law, as the X-Men suffer multiple "insignificant" inconveniences on their way to the battle.
Sitting on the roof, Rogue looks back on what really happened in Antarctica as she tries to avoid the other X-Men.
"Searching for Justice"
A man tries to seek justice for the death of his sister as a result of Dr. Agee's "cure."
A woman named Lindsey, with the unique power of appearing to be whoever someone else wants them to be, meets a frantic woman on the street and walks into another case of mistaken identity.
"Skin Crawl"
A unique take on Rogue's feelings toward her powers.
"Small Problems"
Rogue awakens to the incessantly annoying attempts of a misguided mosquito to get a morning snack.
Realizing the sheer stupidity of fighting in the dead heat of summer, Magneto and the X-Men decide to get slushies together. Since TheAudience still needs to be entertained, the PTB find replacements for the heroes and villain.
"Summer Vacation"
In a follow-up to "Substitutions," the X-Men prepare to go on a real vacation and leave their "replacements" in charge of the Mansion.
"That's What Happens"
Wondering about the practicality of Rogue's skimpy little outfit in UXM 353-4, Northlight writes her version of what could happen if Rogue's not careful...
"The Super Beings Bureau Saga"
A series of short stories about the Super Beings Bureau, someplace all super-powered types have to visit at one point or another.
"The Susan Smith Show"
A series of talk shows in which various super hero-types discuss the issues that affect their lives.
For someone like Rogue, the sense of touch can mean any number of things.
"Untitled Random Mutterings"
A series of vignettes in which Rogue deals with engagement, marriage, parenthood and growing older.
"Watching from a Distance"
We all know how the heroes feel. But how about their parents? This story is from Rogue's mother's perspective, as she watches her daughter grow up through news reports and newspaper headlines.
E-mail: uzenet@videotron.ca
Web site: Northlight's Page |
This story came about because of a conversation
I had with my sister. I was annoyed at Rogue's tiny little
outfit in UXM #353 - 354 and Meghan and I started joking about
all the reasons why that outfit wasn't the best possible choice
for someone with Rogue's power. It's another silly one.
Disclaimer: It's all Marvel's.
That's What Happens
by Northlight
A warm, sunny, Storm-manipulated January day
The pond
"Oh my stars and garters! Rogue!"
Rogue trips and falls -- the large amount of bare skin exposed
by her skimpy shorts coming into contact with Beast's furry,
bathing suit clad body.
"Ooops! Sorry 'bout that, sugah!"
Rogue continues on her way towards the pond, slightly bluer,
furrier, and with bigger feet. Unfortunately, Rogue's enlarged
feet run right into Storm's leg. Seeing as Rogue is wearing
open toed sandals and Storm's bikini doesn't offer much covering,
the usual skin to skin absorption is bound to occur.
"Sorry! Ah'll just shove yoah unconscious body outta
the way an' you'll be up in no time!"
Rogue continues onward. Bobby is balancing a drink on his
hand and moves back a step, straight into Rogue. He is only
wearing his swim trunks, and Rogue has more than enough skin
Sam is tossing the frisbee to Jubilee, who runs to catch
it. Unfortunately, Rogue's bare stomach is in the way of Jubilee's
elbow. Following the pattern of the rest of the X-Men, Jubilee
is momentarily absorbed.
"Sorry 'bout that, Jubilee!"
Sam, not being a fool, decides that it may be in his best
interest to move to safer areas before Rogue and her tiny
outfit come anywhere near him. He is in such a hurry to avoid
being drained, that Sam runs right into Rogue's arm as she
reaches out to snag a chip from the table.
Rogue moves Sam out of the way, but ends up tripping over
his sprawled out body. Maggott, ever the lady's man, moves
to help her. As expected, Maggott gets a handful of bare arm.
And then, the villain of the day arrives. Only Wolverine
and (an insanely powered up) Rogue are still conscious and
able to fight him. It's too bad that Wolverine was tossed
right into Rogue, who hadn't had time to change into her uniform.
The villain, seeing the danger possessed by a Rogue wearing
tiny little shorts and shirt, did the smart thing and ran
~The End~ (To the relief of all < g >)
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