Marvel Writers & Artists
(Marvel writers and artists, past or present,
who have worked on projects related to Rogue)
Fiona Avery
A protege of Babylon 5 scribe JMS, Fiona Avery has been tapped to
write the new Rogue limited series and has expressed interest in
writing an ongoing Rogue series if Marvel chooses to do one. She
has been known to post to the Southern
Comfort (Rogue fan group) club
page at (you must be an SC member to visit the
page). Her official site is,
and she has a section on that site for the Rogue
Jim Balent
Notorious for drawing women with balloon-sized breasts, longtime
Catwoman artist Jim Balent is probably best-known to X-Men fans
for the almost hilarously-T&A X-women cover to Wizard Magazine
#34 in the mid-1990s. His official site is
(note: some of the artwork may not be appropriate for younger visitors).
Julie Bell
An accomplished fantasy painter, Julie Bell, along with her husband,
Boris Vallejo, has done numerous works featuring Rogue and the X-Men,
including several trading cards and the covers for the new Rogue
limited series. Her official site, where you can buy autographed
prints of her work, is
Chris Claremont
Having written X-Men comics for nearly twenty years and created
some of its hallmark characters -- including Rogue -- Chris Claremont
is Mr. X-Men. He currently writes the Marvel title X-Treme X-Men,
in which Rogue, Storm, Bishop, Thunderbird, Psylocke and Sage leave
the X-Men to seek out Destiny's diaries. He has his own messageboard,
hosted by X-Fan, called Cordially
Chris. Claremont can be reached via e-mail at
Bryan Hitch
Although he was only a fill-in artist, Bryan Hitch illustrated a
key Rogue issue: Uncanny X-Men #323, part of the Rogue-Iceman road
trip storyline. He had a more notable run on The Authority. His
official site is
Jim Lee
One of the founders of Image Comics and now one of the head honchos
at DC's Wildstorm Studios, Jim Lee worked on Uncanny X-Men (pencilling
the Rogue/Magneto Savage Land storyline, among others), then pencilled
the first ten issues of X-Men. The drawing style of Lee and some
of his other Image compatriots was imitated (often badly) across
the industry and criticized for emphasizing style and T&A art
over substantive storytelling; however, Lee's distinctive mark is
on some of the definitive renditions of X-Men characters and costumes,
including Gambit and Rogue. There is a Lee bio at the Wildstorm
Studios site.
Scott Lobdell
Fans have had a love-hate relationship with Scott Lobdell and his
run on the X-Men books. While his name is on quite a few stinkers
(let's not forget the infamous Uncanny X-Men #350 and X-Men Unlimited
#4), Lobdell has shown a gift for dialogue and character development
on the quieter, more introspective character-development issues,
such as Uncanny X-Men #303 (death of Illyanna). He has a messageboard,
hosted by X-Fan, called Lobdell-oholics
Anonymous. He can be reached via e-mail at
His soon-to-be-launched official site is
Aaron Lopresti
The artist of the new Rogue limited series, Aaron Lopresti's official
site is
There also is a Lopresti bio at the Wildstorm
Studios site. He can be reached via e-mail at
Joe Madureira
With a distinctive Manga-esque style, Joe Mad's work is unmistakable.
Now the creator of Battle Chasers for DC's Cliffhanger Comics, Madureira
had a notable run as penciller for Uncanny X-Men in the early #300s.
His official site is
Grant Morrison
Best-known for The Invisibles, Grant Morrison is the current writer
for the rechristened New X-Men. His official site is
Fabian Nicieza
A longtime writer on X-Men, and later on the now-defunct Gambit
ongoing series, Fabian Nicieza is responsible for much of the early
developments in the Rogue-Gambit relationship. He can be reached
via e-mail at
Please spell his name right.
Brandon Peterson
Brandon Peterson had a few short stints as artist on the X-Men main
titles and related miniseries. His way-under-construction official
site is
He can be reached via e-mail at
Lienil Francis Yu
With a super-detailed artistic style, Lienil Francis Yu was a longtime
recent artist on Wolverine and the two main X-Men titles (including
the Magneto War and Search for Xavier storylines). His official
site is the Crooked
Sugar Spam Gallery.
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