It Takes a Mother's Touch
Some thoughts on Rogue and Mystique
in Uncanny X-Men #359
by Tilman
More than a few readers raised a chorus of approval and praise
for Steve Seagle after UXM #350, which in my honest opinion
had not really been fully merited (and, I rather suspect,
to some extent been at least partly motivated by the widespread
dislike for his predecessor, Scott Lobdell). In particular,
I did not really feel comfortable with Steve Seagle's portrayal
of Rogue, seeing that it did nothing to repair the previous
damage and continued to show her as an insecure whiner.
Well, I guess Steve Seagle (and this issue's plotter Joe
Kelly) worked on the rationale that things have to get worse
before they get better: after nine months, things really are
improving for Rogue, in fact dramatically so.
And whom does Rogue have to thank for this? Why, none other
than her dear (adoptive) momma, Mystique. One of the recurring
sub-plots in recent issues of UXM has been about Rogue consulting
the mysterious Agee Institute with a view to having her genes
changed from mutant to 'normal human'. Obsessed with the idea
of not being able to touch people (in spite of the various
avenues in fact open to her thanks to Shi'ar suits, the possibility
of learning to control her absorption power etc.), she wanted
to get rid of her powers in order to be able live a 'normal'
life with lots of touchy-feely stuff, some sex and maybe even
children. In her mind this took precedence over everything,
including her responsibilities as an X-Man, even to the extent
that she would not discuss the matter of the Agee Institute
with her teammates.
Not surprisingly at all, the Agee Institute is more than
it seems. Professor Agee turns out to be working for the government
(in the familiar shape of Henry P. Gyrich) who want to use
his machine to get rid of mutants once and for all. And Agee,
who sees being a mutant as a disease, willingly cooperated
and performed experiments on mutants (including his own sister)
who were sufficiently ashamed of being mutants that they could
be talked into attempting an untested 'cure'. This process
under development had disastrous consequences for the human
guinea pigs. (One of the weaknesses that prevents me from
calling from calling the story more than merely 'okay' is
the fact that the ethics of these experiments are not explored
at all -- Professor Agee is really only portrayed as misguided,
no one e.g. makes the obvious comparison Agee -- Mengele.
Agee is in effect let off too easily).
Apparently Agee's machine now really works (though we actually
have no proof for this in the story, just Agee's conviction
which apparently was over-optimistic before), but before it
can be used on the misguided Rogue, Mystique intervenes. Rogue
prevents her from killing Agee, but the two then sit down
and talk things out. And though she refuses to acknowledge
it, the end result is that Rogue changes her position that
comes quite close to Mystique's. The only difference is that
Rogue wants nobody killed, so in the end she only destroys
the machine (and, one hopes, the plans etc.) because it could
(and most likely will) be used to 'cure' mutants against their
will. However, even this 'no killing' decision comes with
two caveats. To Mystique she says: "Ah'll destroy the machine.
An' if ah can't, you can come after us both [= Agee and Rogue]."
And to Agee she issues an additional death-threat: "And don't
ever let me catch you doin' nothin' like this again or ah'll
do to you what ah'm doin' to your machine." So Rogue, like
Mystique, does think it can be necessary to kill to eliminate
the threat of Agee's machine, her real disagreement is over
when. (One can also only wonder that if that is what Rogue
did when she believed the machine worked, what would she have
done to Agee if it didn't?)
The strange thing is that in spite of all Rogue's protestations
to the contrary, it is Raven who really emerges as the one
who is ultimately right. Notably during the following exchange:
Mystique (slapping Rogue): "Can you
hear yourself? Has the momentary promise of your forbidden
fruit freed you of your faculties?! If someone had invented
a ray in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement to turn black
skin white, would you have championed its use as well?"
Rogue: "...it's not the same thing..."
Mystique: "It is exactly the same thing. Don't let
your desire for a 'normal' life wit' your beloved Gambit blind
ya to da truth, chere."
On the final page, Wolverine reveals that he knew about Rogue
trying to get a 'cure' all along, but that he had not tried
to dissuade her because he "figured that was a lesson you
had to learn by yourself". Considering Rogue's tenuous grip
on reality at the time, this unfortunately means that Logan
had probably acted irresponsibly, for without Mystique's intervention
Rogue would certainly have been rendered "inert" (H.P.Gyrich)
by Agee's machine. All the same, the experience served to
return Rogue to something approaching her previous decisiveness.
She overcomes the angst about using her powers (she uses it
three times to gain information and check its veracity) and
she faces up to the responsibility her great power imposes
on her, even if it means sacrificing her private happiness
(and -- if we look at her aforementioned caveat to Mystique
-- to the extent of letting Mystique punish her should she
In this story we do not get to read Raven's thoughts, but
one can only assume that she must be pleased with what she
achieved -- Rogue at last overcame her passivity and is ready
to take charge fo her own destiny in a responsible fashion.
And as long as she does that, Mystique will ultimately accept
the choices her surrogate daughter makes. One gets the impression
that Mystique was deliberately antagonistic to Rogue here
in order to shake her out of her apathy. And that may explain
some of the otherwise rather strange things she says. For
instance: "But would you betray your race for something as
ultimately meaningless as love? Whether it be from a man or
a child? You disgust me." This from the same woman who once
(UXM #185) seriously considered allowing Rogue to be hit by
Forge's Neutralizer because without her powers she could return
from the X-Men to Mystique and Destiny? Who only refrained
from doing that out of respect for Rogue's right to choose
for herself?
Rogue's words to Mystique are even more off-target. Whether
this is because of her psychological problems or because Seagle
got Rogue and Mystique's relationship wrong or wants to retcon
it is hard to decide. One thing that immediately bothered
me is that Rogue is strangely distant to the woman who raised
her. In other stories she called her 'momma' as a matter of
course, here it is only 'Mystique'. Some of Rogue's resentful
statements are impossible to fathom: "Ah don't even know who
that [the thing that makes Rogue who she is] is, anymore,
Mystique! Ah had a name before you started callin' me Rogue,
but ah ain't had one since! But that's what you're all about,
ain't it? Camouflage. Disguised truths." Utter codswallop
-- according to current canon (XMU #4) Rogue called herself
Rogue before she met Mystique, she was known as Rogue to her
schoolmates, and of course there was absolutely nothing to
prevent her from reassuming her original name after she joined
the X-Men, should she have wanted to, so it is simply idiotic
to blame Mystique for that 'problem'. Another thing that does
not really ring true: "You always wanted me to be a villain
like you". Once Mystique was satisfied that Rogue had joined
the X-Men of her own free will and not under Charles Xavier's
telepathic compulsion, she accepted it, if not exactly gladly.
One must distinguish between Mystique's fervent desire to
have Rogue return to her as her surrogate daughter, and the
plans she used to have about using Rogue for her own designs
[before UXM #171]. Mystique never made any attempt to 'turn
her over to the Dark Side' after Rogue left her. And not dissimilarly,
Mystique here argues with Rogue about what is the right thing
to do, but she does not insist on getting her way 100 percent.
The story makes sense if you interpret it this way: Mystique
administers a sharp medicine to Rogue, returning her to a
state where she can respect herself and is capable of making
her own decisions. The medicine has to be bitter, because
it won't work otherwise (but notice how 'meekly' Mystique
accepts Rogue's final decision once she is sure that she is
thinking with her brain and not with whatever body part she
uses to think about Gambit). It is hard for Rogue to come
to terms with having to give up her wishful fantasies, and
maybe Mystique also wanted Rogue to feel better about herself
by making her feel superior to Mystique? And who knows if
Rogue had been able to overcome her fear of using her absorbing
power if Raven had not goaded her on so much? Mystique had
to arouse Rogue's anger to snap her out of her wimpytude.
It also seems likely that Mystique manipulated the course
of events to a degree with this aim in mind. E.g., Mystique
was never afraid of being touched by Rogue (she touched Rogue
in Marvel Super Heroes Special #2 to show her her feelings),
she must have welcomed it because it saved her the lengthy
explanations it would otherwise have taken to show her she
was right.
7 out of 10
(Finished in August 1998)
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