I guess this is a post and a model with a difference. Where
most custom designs usually involve scads of talent - gee,
I am so much in awe of people who can do custom action figures,
because I find them impossible - this one can be done by anyone
with paper. :) Really, I designed it myself and about the
most difficult technique in it is the stretched bird base.
That’s not to say I’m entirely happy with it - the legs are
a little odd, the chest is ... Flockhart rather than Lopez,
and the body shape is a little simplistic, so I’d be grateful
for suggestions for improvement. The model is based on Ian
Mitchell’s Kneeling
Shepherd, which gives the complete stretched bird base
technique, the traditional Scarlet Carp model and on Patricia
Crawford’s highly complex mermaid from ‘Origami: A Step-by-Step
Guide’ compiled by Robert Harbin and published by Hamlyn.
(ISBN: 0 600 38109 9) I do not recommend this book for beginners,
incidentally, as most of the models are massively difficult.
Mitchell has some nice simple pieces though on his site. I’ve
made most of them and am working on the nativity set at the
moment. I should do diagrams for OriRogue but ... I can’t
diagram to save my life and most of the techniques are very
simple and self-explanatory. If you have problems, do e-mail
and I’ll explain further. I’m writing this on the assumption
that you know the basic techniques - there are pages available
that explain them beautifully.
I recommend you use a fairly large piece of paper. If you
get an A4-sheet and fold one corner to the edge, then cut
along the edge, that’s a decently sized square that makes
a fairly large model.
1) Begin with a stretched bird base - technique at aforementioned
page. (For those who need refreshing, it’s a preliminary base
of which both sides are petal-folded to form a bird base.
You then hold the two ends of the bird base and pull until
it pops open, then flatten it.)
2) You should end up with something that looks a little like
a ship. Rabbit ear both upward pointing triangles - the “sails”
of the ship. You should come up with something that looks
vaguely fish-like. :) Pinch the top edge of its ‘fins’ to
meet the bottom edge, halving the size of the rabbit ears.
3) Inside Reverse-fold one of the sides of the ‘fish’ - it
doesn’t matter which one - at about the point where the crease-triangle
formed by the rabbit-ear fold touches the upper surface until
it forms a right-angle with the upper-surface.
4) Take this flap and fold back the pointed edges formed
by the reverse-fold until they touch the point of intersection
of the upper-surface and the reverse-folded flap. Finally,
take their points and fold them in to round off the face.
5) Now, outside reverse fold the flap you reverse folded,
flattening it partways over the folded-back flaps.
6) Concertina fold the flap formed in 5. It should look a
little like soft-serve icecream. :)
(6b If you are an advanced folder, sink the point of the hair.)
Legs & Feet
7) Narrow the legs by folding the raw edges on the other
side of the fish slightly into the model.
8) Inside reverse-fold the other side of the ‘fish’ slightly,
then outside reverse fold its extreme edge. Fold the tip into
the foot.
9) Fold in the raw edges above the rabbit-ear fold slightly.
10) Crimp in the proximity of the waist - mountain fold,
then valley fold in a tiny area, or in non-origami, pinch
the paper between your fingers. ;)
11) Round off any other sharpish points, especially below
face, because it makes it 3D!
12) Hang Rogue from thread in the wind and admire her!
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